Chapter 414 He... is dead?
A soft and seductive voice sounded beside his ears.

Cen Yiqing knew that he had a fever, but it was a low-grade fever, so he didn't care too much. He stayed up all night to finish the finishing part of the project. He took cold medicine, was so tired that he lay down on the bed and fell asleep before taking a shower.

He had no memory of what happened next, and he could only tell from the smell of disinfectant at the tip of his nose that he seemed to have been sent to the hospital.

The steady "didi" sound of the ventilator sounded every few seconds. Cen Yiqing was just about to fall asleep in a daze when he heard the sound and slowly opened his eyes.

There was a dazzling incandescent lamp above his head, Cen Yiqing narrowed his eyes slightly, and then glanced around.

The door of the emergency room opened again, and the nurses hurriedly pushed a hospital bed in, and slammed into him. Cen Yiqing subconsciously tried to escape, but found that his body was floating uncontrollably to the ceiling.

Cen Yiqing:?
Did he awaken some supernatural ability?He wasn't bitten by a spider either!

When he finally calmed down, he looked down and saw a handsome and familiar face. The man was wearing a white shirt, with an unshaven beard, and his face was pale. Zhiyu Guanyin.

Cen Yiqing hesitated for a second, and then recognized that it was him lying on the bed.

he died?
Is it so hasty?He obviously heard that people will have a reaction when they are about to die, at least give him a time for the revolving lantern to play memories.

Sure enough, the rumors are not credible.

After thinking about it, this is actually the same as selling parachutes with good reviews. Those who have bad reviews should have no chance to pick up their mobile phones to check the bad reviews. Maybe if Meng Po soup drinks less, I can remember that I used to chase The deeds of the heroic sacrifice of the wind boy, there is still this opportunity.

It took Cen Yiqing a few seconds to accept that he was dead. After all, he was dead, so what else could he do if he didn't accept it.

Then, that voice that seemed to come from nowhere, like a ghost scream with an echo, sounded again.

Cen Yiqing walked out of the emergency room following the guidance of the voice.

There were still a lot of people outside the rescue room, and the benches were even full of people. Cen Yiqing glanced at him, but didn't see any familiar faces. He was a little disappointed. He didn't know if his wife could bear the news of his death. Shushu...his daughter.

There was a dark hole at the end of the emergency room corridor.

Cen Yiqing saw a 'person' who was the same as him but different outside the rescue room. One 'person' stretched out his hand and put it on the shoulder of another 'person', like a zombie in a zombie movie 20 years ago, with a dull expression .

Cen Yiqing took a look, and raised his hand in a dignified manner to put it on the shoulder of the 'man' in the last row.

"Why are you so heavy?"

The 'man' was a strong man about 1.8 meters tall, with blood still dripping from his head, his voice was rough, and he turned his head full of disgust.

Cen Yiqing withdrew his hand embarrassingly, "I'm sorry, sorry, I don't know the rules."

"Bah! It's like who is not a ghost for the first time, why don't you know the rules?" The strong man didn't show any face at all.

Cen Yiqing withdrew his hand embarrassingly, glanced at the burly man's muscular flower arms, and wondered why the elder brother was still so irritable after his death.

The voice became louder, and the slightly lively expression of the brawny brother gradually became dull, very similar to the 'people' standing in the first row.

Immediately, he heard a slight ringing, as if something had been turned on.

The team started to move.

The two teams walked into the cave in unison.

Cen Yiqing was stunned for a moment, and followed subconsciously.

The team penetrated into the black hole, like a stone falling into water, causing little ripples. Just when Cen Yiqing wanted to step in together, his foot kicked a hard object, and he couldn't get in!
The black hole seemed to exclude him.

Just when Cen Yiqing was a little at a loss, he saw the water-like barrier of the black hole shake slightly, and two figures appeared.

"Shu, Shushu?!"

Cen Yiqing's expression became serious. It doesn't matter if he died, but why did something happen to Shushu?Could it be that something happened to Shushu and the others in Xuancheng?No wonder his wife and Shushu were not seen outside the emergency room.

"Well, Dad." Cen Shu nodded slightly.

Cen Yiqing has always been a successful businessman, he is unsmiling and rarely expresses the image of an old father who is kind to his children, but the Cen Yiqing in front of him looks a little embarrassed, even... a little naive.

Probably influenced by the Tao of Reincarnation, Cen Shu thought.

"Shu Shu, what happened? How could you..." Cen Yiqing stepped forward to touch Cen Shu's head, but found that his hand went straight through Cen Shu's head.

Cen Yiqing was stunned.

When he obviously touched the strong man just now, he could touch the real thing, but why couldn't he touch Shushu?
Liu Ying also noticed something was wrong with Cen Yiqing.

According to the theory of reincarnation, the dead soul loses all five senses after hearing the call. If there is no resentment, it should go through the reincarnation directly and go through the gate of ghosts, but Shushu's naive father doesn't seem to be accepted by the reincarnation.

"Dad, are you dreaming?" Cen Shu was expressionless, with an expression of 'you must be dreaming'.

Cen Yiqing looked at Cen Shu's almond eyes, his thinking became slow, was he dreaming?

He was just dreaming, otherwise how could he see so many strange things, he probably missed Shushu too much, so he had hallucinations.

Cen Shu looked at Cen Yiqing's bewildered expression, raised her hand and tapped Cen Yiqing's forehead.

Cen Yiqing's soul turned into a cloud of smoke and floated into the emergency room.

"It's... over?"

Liu Ying was taken aback for a while.

Cen Shu glanced at Liu Ying lightly, "What else do you want?"

Liu Ying: "...?" Shouldn't it be a ritual or something, and let Cen Yiqing's soul be recalled?

Anyway, put some glutinous rice, put the broom upside down, and summon the soul!
"After all that is done, my dad probably won't be able to save him." Cen Shu said softly as if she had seen through Liu Ying's thoughts.

"Oh..." Inexplicably felt the halo of the top student.

Liu Ying looked back at the eye wall. Although she couldn't see it, the cold breath did not recede.

"This reincarnation, what should I do?"

The woman's resentment gradually increased with the years, and even rebuilding was useless, but instead became a road connecting the two worlds of Yin and Yang. The key point, those shady masters in the underworld dared to use it.

In case a living soul is suddenly tainted with resentment and suddenly becomes a ghost, then other living souls will become rations.

At that time, I don't know what kind of disaster will happen.

Cen Shu raised her hand and glanced at her watch, "Wait until tomorrow."

Liu Ying nodded.

The door of the emergency room was suddenly pushed open, and the male doctor who was still in the daytime came out, and after a quick glance, he saw two people standing at the end of the corridor.

"Cen Yiqing's family, the patient has woken up."

(End of this chapter)

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