Chapter 415 Dreaming of Shushu

In the ward.

Cen Yiqing was half lying on the hospital bed, looking at the black eyes under his wife's eyes, a hint of distress flashed in his deep eyes, he raised his hand to caress his wife's face, "Alan, I'm fine, don't worry."

Lin Lan covered Cen Yiqing's hand and put her face in his palm, "I'm very worried, and Mom and Shushu Yanyu are also very worried..."

Cen Yiqing's health has always been very good. Except for social occasions, Lin Lan never let him drink too much, and except for the occasional cold, he was never serious enough to enter the emergency room.

Thinking of this, Lin Lan's eyes turned red again.

Cen Yiqing sighed softly, his body was still a little weak, but he still straightened up and gently embraced his wife's shoulders, "Don't cry, too much crying is bad for your eyes."

The hospital's wards are always in short supply, and they are in other places. Cen Yiqing lives in a three-person ward, with an old grandfather lying on the second bed, and a young couple in the third bed.

Lin Lan met the young couple's eyes and blushed.

Turning his head in the other direction, he buried his head in Cen Yiqing's chest.

"Look at that auntie, how gentle she is to her husband..." The boy in the couple's mouth was sitting on the sick bed, his right arm was bandaged, and his left hand was tremblingly holding a spoon to drink the soup. Shaking, half a spoonful of soup was gone in my mouth, and I felt lonely after drinking it.

The girl snorted coldly, "Why didn't you say gentle when you played basketball and pretended to be aggressive?"

The boy fell silent, glanced at the scar on the back of the girl's hand from being splashed with oil, put down the spoon and kissed it distressedly, "It's okay, I just like you to be fierce to me."

"Okay, let's drink the soup quickly, it's gross, you haven't wiped your mouth yet." The girl withdrew her hand and took out a few tissues to wipe her face, but her cheeks were a little red.

The old man who had eaten dog food on the left and right sides silently pulled up the bed curtain.

"Alan, I seem to have a dream..."

Cen Yiqing raised his forehead, he woke up in a daze last night, and then gradually fell asleep, until today when he woke up again, he found that he had left the emergency room and entered the ward.

Lin Lan calmed down, "What dream?"

Cen Yiqing frowned slightly, and could only recall a few fragments.

"I seem to be... dreaming of Shushu."

And in the dream he seemed a little silly.

Well, no wonder it was a dream.

"Mom and Dad."

Cen Shu walked in carrying the lunch box from the hospital cafeteria, and when she heard what Cen Yiqing said, her expression was very calm.

"Shushu, why are you here? Why don't you take a good rest?"

Lin Lan hurriedly got up to take the lunch box, and gave the only chair to Cen Shu, while she sat at the foot of Cen Yiqing's bed.

"I couldn't sleep well, so I woke up."

Cen Shu looked at Cen Yiqing, looked at the red rope around Cen Yiqing's neck, a chill flashed in his eyes, but his face was still calm: "Dad, when did you wear such a gadget?"

Cen Yiqing was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that Shushu was talking about the jade pendant, took out the jade pendant from the collar, and said with a smile: "This is a gift from Xueer to Dad, does Shushu think it looks good?"

Cen Shu pursed her lips and answered.

"Mom and Dad, let's eat first."

The topic was thus changed.

【Ding!Host!I'm back! 】

Cen Shu was sitting on a chair playing a small game, and a cheerful voice sounded in her mind.

The little flower rolled around on Cen Shu's shoulder and landed in Cen Shu's palm. Its shape was even bigger. If it was the size of a Wenwan walnut before falling asleep, it would be as big as Cen Shu's slap this time when it woke up.

【Host, so many things happened during my absence! 】Xiaohua flipped through the record and felt that it fell into a deep sleep for a long time.

Cen Shu touched Xiao Hua's bare head, 【Is there anything uncomfortable? 】

Xiaohua: I am most afraid of the sudden concern of the host.

【No!I'm in great shape now! 】Xiaohua is afraid that her host will make an excuse, and it will become the rations of a little paper man.

Cen Shu looked at the ball of light in her palm and chuckled lightly.

Cen Yiqing hadn't recovered yet, and fell asleep again after eating.

Lin Lan lay on her side in Cen Yiqing's arms, and also fell asleep.

But Cen Yiqing was not sleeping soundly, his brows were tightly frowned, as if he had fallen into some kind of nightmare.

Cen Shu raised her head, narrowed her almond eyes, raised her hand to hook the jade pendant around Cen Yiqing's neck, and took it off easily.

Suet jade is delicate and round, and the carved Guanyin is also lifelike, with compassion in his eyebrows and eyes.

Xiaohua felt the low air pressure emanating from her host, and dared not speak.

Cen Shu exerted a little force with her hands, only to hear a slight 'click' sound, and the carving floating on the surface was broken.

Xiao Hua looked at it from the side and felt a little distressed. This jade looked like a good jade, but her own host actually destroyed the flower.

Cen Shu casually brushed off the fine jade shavings on the surface, revealing the carved statue inside.

A ferocious little ghost came into view. The little ghost had a stern expression, with a sense of eerie terror, which made people subconsciously feel displeased.

Xiaohua was stunned, can she still do this operation?

The little ghost looked lifelike, as if he was about to come back to life, even his eyes were full of sternness.

"very good."

Cen Shu looked at the little ghost on the jade pendant, and said these two words lightly.

Xiaohua shuddered subconsciously, inexplicably feeling that her host seemed to be more terrifying than that little ghost.


Cen Yiqing enjoyed the treatment of a sick patient, ate the noodles fed to his mouth by his wife, and looked at the girl talking to his daughter from time to time, always feeling a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

"Your dad looks much more normal this way."

Liu Ying bent down and whispered to Cen Shu who was sitting on the chair.

Cen Shu glanced at Liu Ying lightly and did not speak.

Although Liu Ying has only been with Cen Shu for less than two days, she has almost figured out Cen Shu's quiet temperament and doesn't mind.

Cen Yiqing finished his noodles and wiped his mouth, only then did he feel that something was missing, and touched his neck subconsciously, only then did he realize that the jade pendant that was originally hanging around his neck had disappeared.

"Alan, have you seen my jade pendant?"

Lin Lan glanced at Cen Yiqing's neck, shook her head, and frowned, "What's wrong? Did you drop your jade pendant?"

It's still there tomorrow morning...

"Mom, I suddenly want to eat rice bowls outside."

Cen Shu took Lin Lan's hand and glanced at Liu Ying, "My friend didn't eat either. Mom, you can eat with her and bring it to me."

Cen Yiqing ate the sick meal, and it was posted after five o'clock, and Lin Lan and the others hadn't eaten yet.

It was the first time Lin Lan saw Cen Shu acting like a baby, and she forgot about the jade pendant in a blink of an eye, "Okay, okay, mom will bring it for you!"

Liu Ying received the signal very smoothly, and walked out of the ward with Lin Lan on her arm.

Cen Shu heard the sound of the two walking away, turned her head, met Cen Yiqing's deep eyes, and took a deep breath.

"Dad, I have something I want to talk to you about."

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, cute~
  Go to bed early, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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