Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 416 Almost Believed in Your Evil

Chapter 416 Almost Believed in Your Evil

"Shushu, what did you tell your dad?"

Liu Ying is not stupid, she immediately saw that Cen Shu had something to say to her father alone, and took Lin Lan to a place far away to eat, and then slipped around before returning to the hospital, and saw Cen Yiqing's face turned livid .

Cen Shu glanced at Cen Yiqing who was smiling reluctantly at Lin Lan, "Just get used to this kind of thing."

Liu Ying: "...?" So what did you tell your dad?

Cen Shu ate the rice bowl brought back by Lin Lan, silently refusing to talk.

There was a rule in the ward that only one family member could stay with the bed, so Lin Lan drove Cen Shu to the hotel, saying that she would not affect the night life of the old couple.

It's only nine o'clock, so it's still early.

There is a square not far from the hospital, and the grandpas and aunts twist their bodies and dance cheerfully to the music.

Liu Ying wrapped her black leather jacket tightly, "Do you want to go to the square?"

She doesn't like the hospital very much, and she doesn't remember why.

Cen Shu nodded.

The music of the square dance is not loud. Apart from the square dance, there are also some stalls selling small toys and candied haws. Many nearby residents bring their children out to play, which is very lively.

The two turned around and found a bench to sit down.

Cen Shu took out the jade pendant carved with little ghosts from her bag, "It's a little thing, I don't have any evil spirits anymore, do you want it?"

Liu Ying glanced at it, and her eyes straightened instantly, "Your family has money, so you can't waste it like this?"

Originally, she didn't know about Cen Shu's family background, but when she saw Cen Yiqing, she felt familiar. Out of curiosity, she searched the Internet, only to find that Cen Shu's family was quite rich.

Fearing that Cen Shu would regret it, Liu Ying took it without hesitation, feeling a cold touch, that is...

Liu Ying saw the pattern carved on it clearly by the light, but regretfully said: "Little ghost? What a waste of such a good piece of jade." Liu Ying touched the jade, only to feel that the tentacles are extremely delicate. It is really a good piece of jade. Such a thing.

"Where did you come from?" Liu Ying asked strangely as she put the jade into her pocket.

Cen Shu lazily leaned on the reclining chair, looking at the old man dancing ballroom dancing with his arms around the old lady's waist not far away, she was in a good mood, "It was taken off my father's neck."

"Your dad?!" Liu Ying was startled, "Then your dad's ghost last night was also because of this jade pendant?"

Liu Ying traveled all over the years, met many people, and saw a lot of twists and turns, especially after knowing Cen Yiqing's identity as a real estate tycoon, the dog-blood ethics family drama has been played in her mind hundreds of times up.

"Hmm..." Cen Shu's voice was extremely calm.

Liu Ying glanced at her and knew that Cen Shu didn't want to say it. Thinking of Cen Yiqing's expression that was turning black into carbon, she consciously put away her curiosity.

At about ten o'clock, the old men and women all went back, and the square gradually became deserted.

The mobile stalls also started packing up.

Not far from the snack street, the smell of barbecue is blown by the wind.

Liu Ying sniffed and rubbed her stomach that started to growl, "I want to eat..."

As soon as the words fell, Cen Shu stood up and went straight to the barbecue shop.

"Shu Shu! You wait for me!"

Liu Ying hurriedly followed.

The barbecue restaurant in the snack street is directly opposite the square, and there are still many people.

Cen Shu and the two found a table outside the shop and sat down.

The owner of the barbecue restaurant is a couple. The husband is very skillful in his movements. He grills the meat over charcoal fire. The oil on the meat condenses into droplets and falls on the charcoal fire, causing "crackling" sparks to pop out. It dripped from the corner of his mouth in a fit of anger.

"Shushu, what are you looking at?"

Liu Ying wiped the small table with a napkin several times before it finally felt less greasy. When she looked up, she saw Cen Shu's gaze fell on the square.

Following her line of sight, Liu Ying only saw an old man dressed in rags, like a homeless man, picking up plastic bottles in a worn snakeskin bag.

The spring breeze was still mixed with a little chill, the old man didn't wear much, and he looked very pitiful.

However, there are too many poor people in this world. Liu Ying only took one look and then looked away. She and Yongqiang were only in their teens when the old man died. I lived on the street for several days, and then I survived by my own ability.

"Is there anything special about that man?"

Liu Ying always felt that Cen Shu would not go to see someone for no reason, so although this was a question, it was in an affirmative tone.

"Uglier..." Cen Shu raised her eyes and asked seriously, "Is it special?"

Liu Ying: ...

"This black light is blind, you can see what that person looks like?" It's a waste of this vision not to be a soldier.

"I can't see clearly."

Several dishes were served on the barbecue one after another, and Cen Shu rolled up her sleeves and said something lightly, and then began to shovel the skewers.

"I almost believed in your evil." Liu Ying couldn't hold back, rolled her eyes, and began to eat mutton skewers.

There were two couples sitting at the table behind Cen Shu. They looked about 30 years old. The man was a bit fat, with a bald head and a shiny top. He looked a bit fierce.

The woman was wearing home pajamas, eating melon seeds, and speaking a dialect. The two of them spoke in a rather aggressive tone, as if they were about to quarrel at any time.

Liu Ying didn't pay much attention at first, but when she saw a figure not far away slowly approaching and walking towards the couple at the table, she cast a curious look.

Under the light, Liu Ying could now see clearly the appearance of the old man. His face was wrinkled, and he didn't know what was stained on his face. It was very dirty, and he couldn't see clearly except for a pair of eyes.

The woman seemed a little disgusted, stretched out her hand and pulled the stool away from the old man.

The man was even more impolite, and pushed the old man straight away, pointing his fat finger at the old man and began to speak.

Although Liu Ying didn't understand, but from the tone of voice, she felt that it was not a good word.

Apart from Liu Ying's table at the door, there were three or four tables of people eating barbecue, but those people didn't seem to see it, or they were used to it for a long time.

Liu Ying glanced at Cen Shu, seeing that she looked very calm, she raised her eyebrows strangely.

The yelling continued, and the old man seemed unable to make a sound, but kept trying to hold the man's hand.

"Enough! Don't you feel ashamed enough?"

The woman slapped the table angrily and hurriedly spoke Mandarin.

The man stopped talking. After eating the skewers, the two of them packed a lot, and it seemed that they were going to take them home for the children at home. From the beginning to the end, the old man stood silently aside, seeing the two leave , and then followed behind the two of them.

Seeing the backs of the three walking further and further away, Liu Ying heard other tables start to discuss.

"Whose family is this? Do you treat your elderly father like this?"

"You forgot! That's Lao Guo's house!"

"Oh, oh, you reminded me of it. Is it Guo Linqun whose wife died for more than 20 years? I heard that he used his wife's compensation to find a mistress. No wonder Xiao Guo doesn't want to see him. Really retribution!"

"Isn't that right? I've heard that Xiao Guo was short of money back then and failed to go to college. Old Guo spent all his money on Xiao San. If it were me, I might not even recognize this father."

(End of this chapter)

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