Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 417 You Are Much Like Me Back then

Chapter 417 You Are Much Like Me Back then

Listening to the discussions around her, Liu Ying's complexion became a little ugly. When she didn't know anything just now, she was still complaining about the old man just now!

"Look, this is the legendary "I don't know the whole picture and don't comment."

Cen Shu glanced at Liu Ying lightly, and said calmly, "Actually, you don't have to scold yourself in your heart, because you are the only human being..." It is easy to be moved by emotions, and will subconsciously favor the weak.

Listening to Cen Shu's words, Liu Ying always felt that she spoke in the same tone as her dead master, as if she was teaching a junior, obviously this little brat was no more than a talent!
"You are so young, why are you so old?"

Liu Ying bit the flesh hard.

Cen Shu smiled lightly, her past life and present life combined must be almost forty, half of her life has passed.

"But..." Liu Ying looked at Cen Shu suspiciously, "How did you know?"

Maybe Cen Shu could tell when she saw the old man, but is she really so magical?

Liu Ying has no doubts about Cen Shu's ability now, but Cen Shu seems to be more powerful than she imagined.

"His husband and wife are dead, and there is resentment on his body."

Hearing this, Liu Ying was stunned for a moment, and then remembered the dark face of that man just now, "It's so dark, can you see it clearly?"

Cen Shu raised her hand and gave Liu Ying a shudder, "I don't know how to use your eyes, but more importantly your heart."

Liu Ying touched the forehead that was reddened by Cen Shu, and looked at Cen Shu strangely, "Why do I think the way you look at me is so strange?"

It's as if the elders are looking at the younger generation, full of love...

Depend on!
Liu Ying shivered subconsciously, touched the goose bumps on her body, "Cen Shu, don't do this, I, I'm scared."

Cen Shu laughed softly, and a deep smile flashed in her almond eyes, "You are very much like me back then."

Liu Ying: ...

The more you say it, the more outrageous it is. This girl hasn't had any beer yet, so why is she drunk?

Cen Shu looked at Liu Ying's expression of 'I know you're joking, and I want you to fake smile', and couldn't hold back, she laughed out loud.

Zhu Li graduated from a prestigious school, and worked next to Cen Yiqing as soon as he graduated. He has outstanding abilities and is highly appreciated by Cen Yiqing.

At the same time, Zhu Li respected and loved Cen Yiqing very much.

He still remembers that in the second year after he graduated, his mother was seriously ill. At that time, he was in urgent need of money for surgery, but not long after he graduated, all the family money was used for his education. He finally worked, but Before I had time to return home, I was shocked to hear the news that my mother was ill, and I was in a state of confusion for a while.

It was Mr. Cen who saw that his expression was wrong, asked the reason, and then lent him the money without saying a word.

Fortunately, my mother recovered from her illness.

From then on, Zhu Li swore in his heart that he must work harder and repay Mr. Cen.

These days when Mr. Cen was ill, Zhu Li only slept for three or four hours a day. Apart from handling the finishing of local projects, he also helped Mr. Cen with various documents from the head office, and also took care of the hospital.

Just today, when he heard the news that Mr. Cen had woken up, his heart was finally relieved, and he happily ate an extra bowl of rice tonight.

After taking a shower, Zhu Li was about to take a good rest when the mobile phone placed by the bed rang.

It's Mr. Cen's call.

Zhu Li's eyes lit up, and he pressed the answer button.

"Boss Cen!"

Cen Yiqing managed to lull Lin Lan to sleep, hid in the toilet to make a phone call, and had to flush the water from time to time so as not to be heard by his wife.

Thinking of the conversation with Shushu today, a cold light flashed in Cen Yiqing's eyes. He has a good temper and loves Cen Xue very much, but this is all based on the fact that Cen Xue is still a kind and gentle daughter in his heart.

He never thought that the daughter he loved for 18 years, although not related by blood, wanted him to die.

"Ali, please do me a favor."

"Boss Cen, just give orders."

It must be a big project for Mr. Cen to call him as soon as he wakes up!

"Help me investigate my nanny, Zhao Lijuan."

Cen Yiqing's voice was slightly cold.

Zhu Li was stunned for a moment, and then realized, "Yes!"

Cen Yiqing ordered some more things, then hung up the phone, and just opened the door, he met a pair of cloudy eyes.

"Young man, it's impossible to be constipated at such a young age!"

The old man on the second hospital bed stood at the door at some point, and when he saw Cen Yiqing coming out, he showed a look of 'the young man needs to make up his body'.

Cen Yiqing was silent for a moment, nodded, without refuting, and returned to his hospital bed under the old man's loving eyes.

The night is getting darker.

The emergency center is still the busiest place in the city.

Cen Shu and Liu Ying walked into the emergency room smelling like grilled skewers.

An ambulance was parked at the entrance of the emergency department, and the indicator light on it was still on. A group of people hurriedly pushed the patients out of the car and rushed to the emergency room.

Cen Shu glanced, there was a teenager lying on the hospital bed, he looked only twelve or thirteen years old, his lips were bruised and his face was flushed, but his eyes were very calm, and he even glanced at Cen Shu from the corner of his eye, looking at Cen Shu Show a faint smile.

Liu Ying obviously saw it too, and sighed: "He is a very well-behaved child."

The child was followed by the parents. The parents watched the boy being pushed into the emergency room, and the two were blocked from the door. The mother seemed to have red eyes, and a sad breath lingered around her.

Cen Shu pursed her lips, glanced at the opened Samsara Road, and walked in first.

Liu Ying only glanced, and then looked away. There are too many poor people in this world, and they can't interfere with other people's lives.

The path of reincarnation is still the same as yesterday.

Except, Ward 503.

When the two entered, the woman was not lying on the bed like yesterday, but sitting on the bed.

The old lady on the No. [-] hospital bed also disappeared.

The woman looked calm, and she was not surprised to see the two of them, but her gaze finally fell on Cen Shu, with a pensive look on her face, "You doll... I smell a familiar aura."

"Are you also a errand?" The woman thought for a long time before she remembered what kind of breath it was, and jumped out of bed and floated to Cen Shu's side, sizing it up carefully.

The smile on Cen Shu's face remained unchanged, "Why do you say that?"

"You have a faint breath of death. I've smelled a similar smell from those bad people." The woman reached out and poked Cen Shu, only to find that her hand had passed through Cen Shu's arm, "Aren't you It's bad, but it's contaminated with a similar dead air, which is strange."

Cen Shu lowered her eyes, and there was some darkness in the bottom of her eyes, but her face remained calm, "I saw your son today."

The woman was taken aback for a moment, then chuckled, her expression didn't change much, as if the person Cen Shu said had nothing to do with her.

"Poor that child."

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, cute~
  Go to bed early, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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