Chapter 419 I Was Born For You

From the first time she saw Lu Si in this world, Cen Shu knew what Lu Si seemed to have experienced, but he didn't want to say it, and she didn't want to force her to ask.

She has always been easygoing in dealing with things, let alone doing things that expose people's scars.

"Little Lotus, are you afraid of death?"

Cen Shu lay on her back on the bed, looking at the curtain above her head, and asked softly.

Hearing the girl's gentle breathing, the tyrannical mood gradually calmed down, "Don't be afraid."

He was very indifferent to matters of life and death, except for her.

"So it doesn't matter, we are all going to die, it's just sooner or later." In life, after throwing away all those responsibilities and obligations, what they want is contentment and happiness. Enjoying the present is the only thing they can do.

Cen Shu stretched out her hand and touched the little raccoon who came to the bedside at some time, "Little Lianhua, I'm graduating in three months."

"Well, there are still 90 days."

Lu Si glanced at the countdown timer placed at the corner of the desk.

"I heard that Hangzhou is a very interesting city." Hangzhou is the city where Cen Yiqing is on a business trip.

"Then after you finish the exam, we'll go play."

Lu Si responded to Cen Shu's every request.

"I still want to eat hot pot, and I want to go to Harbin to see ice sculptures..."

Cen Shu babbled a lot, but she was not as cold as usual.

Lu Si is also very doting, answering one by one, obviously the company still has a lot of things to deal with, but he just wants to listen to the girl's voice more, and he can even describe that the girl is lying lazily on the bed at this time, whether there is a relationship or not. talking picture.

At the end of Cen Shu's talk, her mouth was a little dry, she took a sip from the water glass next to the bed, and asked, "Little Lotus, why do you like me?"

Why was it Cen Shu, why was it Cen Shu?

Lu Si never thought about this problem, or in other words, this is not a problem at all, Lu Si did not hesitate.

"I was born for you."

Such a natural answer in the second grade.

Cen Shu froze for a moment, then chuckled, feeling inexplicably happy.

The two chatted for a while, until Cen Shu's phone ran out of battery, and Lu Si reluctantly hung up the phone.

After tidying up briefly, Cen Shu walked out of the room.

Seeing her coming down, Aunt Wang went to the kitchen to heat up the food.

After Cen Yiqing got well, he quickly went to work, while Lin Lan was dragged by Zhong Yi to go shopping.

On the contrary, Cen Shu, the young man, was lazily leaning on the back of the chair, like a salted fish without dreams.

When Cen Xue walked into the living room, seeing Cen Shu's appearance, she snorted coldly with disdain in her heart, but there was no expression on her face, she showed a polite smile and asked, "Sister, haven't you eaten yet?"

"Well, do you want some?" Cen Shu asked politely after taking a sip of soup.

"I've already eaten outside, and my body smells a little oily. I'm going upstairs to take a shower first." Cen Xue said, and was about to go upstairs.

Cen Shu looked at Cen Xue, narrowed her eyes slightly, curled her index finger slightly, and casually tapped on the table, "Cen Xue." Her voice was cold, but not in a hurry.

Cen Xue paused, with the same smile on her face, "Sister, what's wrong?"

"You are already 18 years old."

This seemed like nonsense, the two of them had their birthdays on the same day, and it was so grand, how could Cen Shu not remember it.

When Cen Xue met Cen Shu's apricot eyes, for some reason, she was inexplicably flustered. Those eyes seemed to be able to see through her...

"Sister, have you forgotten? We celebrated our birthday together."

Cen Shu nodded, "Go and take a shower."

Cen Xue looked at Cen Shu strangely, always felt that there was something in Cen Shu's words, but she didn't dare to ask any more questions, so she answered softly and went upstairs.

"Tell me, what's the matter with you? If it's a leave of absence, I will definitely not approve it."

During the big break, Xia Qing was correcting the test papers for this weekly exam, when she felt a shadow covering her, she was almost scared to death, and met Cen Shu's smiling eyes as soon as she looked up.

Every time Cen Shu came to ask for leave, she always had this expression. Thinking of this, Xia Qing's voice became colder, with an expression of 'sworn to death'.

Cen Shu didn't care at all, as if she didn't see Xia Qing's cold face, she took out a portfolio from her back.

"Mr. Xia, I would like to ask you to do me a favor."

Xia Qing didn't answer, and looked at Cen Shu vigilantly. Could it be a trivial matter for Cen Shu to come to her door?
Cen Shu tilted her head, and her smile deepened, "Mr. Xia, don't be so nervous. It's really just a small favor. I have a distant relative. She is also going to take the college entrance examination this year, but something happened. Her school closed down. So, teacher, you can help me sign up, or let her transfer to our class directly."

Is it okay if the school is closed?

This nonsense comes out of her mouth, do you really think she is a fool?
Xia Qing's head was full of black lines, but she still took the file bag and took out the information inside, but when she saw the photo on the resume, she was stunned.

The photo is a color photo with a red background. In the photo, the girl is wearing ponytails, with clear eyes and a sweet smile.

On the resume, in the name column, there is a common but special name: Rong Meng.

It was exactly the same name as the girl who had a car accident two years ago and could no longer take the last college entrance examination.

"Teacher?" Cen Shu's smile remained unchanged, she stretched out her hand in front of Xia Qing, and asked suspiciously, "Teacher, what's wrong with you?"

As if thinking of something, Xia Qing held the file in her hand, trembling slightly, "Cen Shu, is this her..."

Xia Qing didn't say the following words, and had a very absurd idea in her heart, but, how is this possible?

People cannot be resurrected from the dead.

Xia Qing's impression of Rong Meng still stays in Rong Meng's freshman year of high school, she looks like a very well-behaved and sensible girl, she is quiet and doesn't like to talk.

Later, she learned that Rong Meng's mother passed away when she was very young, and she has been living with her father all these years.

Rather than living together, it would be better to say that Rong Meng was taking care of her father.

Rongmeng's father was a gangster when he was young and had been in prison.

After marrying Rongmeng's mother, his temper has been restrained, but after drinking too much, he will be violent to the two mothers and daughters.

For this reason, the Women's Federation intervened many times, but all failed.

After Rong Meng's mother died, the victim of domestic violence became Rong Meng. Not only that, but Rong Meng was also responsible for his father's food and laundry.

When Xia Qing knew about it, she felt pity for the child, and she helped as much as she could. Not only Rong Meng, she also hoped that after the college entrance examination, Rong Meng could live the life she wanted. Rong Meng was only locked up. The eagle in the cage is tenacious and neither humble nor overbearing. When the time comes, it can spread its wings and fly.

But, no one thought that Rong Meng would be in a car accident.

Cen Shu looked at Xia Qing's eyes lost in memory, sighed softly, patted her on the shoulder, and pulled her back from the memory, "Teacher..."

Xia Qing squeezed the file bag tightly, her eyes were slightly red, and she nodded heavily, "Okay."

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, cute~
  Go to bed early, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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