Chapter 420
"Feifei? Miss!"

When Shi Fei came back to her senses, she saw the butler standing beside her holding milk, bit her lips subconsciously, "Uncle, I didn't hear what you just said."

The butler watched Shi Fei grow up, and sighed softly in his heart when he saw the girl's shy and youthful appearance, and suddenly felt a little sad that his daughter had finally grown up. The butler put the milk on the table and glanced at the test paper on the desk , "Feifei, it's getting late, it's fine if you can't finish your homework, go to bed early."

"Uncle, I still have a little left to finish writing, so you should go to bed earlier." Shi Fei took a few sips of milk and said obediently.

Since Mr. Shi and Mrs. Shi passed away, the housekeeper has been playing the role of Shi Fei's father and mother. Hearing this, he felt a little irritated, and tried to ask, "Feifei, do you have someone you like?"

After the start of this semester, Feifei was in a daze more and more often, as if she was thinking about someone.

Hearing this, Shi Fei blushed even more, wishing she could bury her whole face in the cup, shook her head, and murmured, "Uncle, what are you talking about?"

Seeing Shi Fei's expression, the butler confirmed that idea even more, but which brat is it?
Feifei's circle of friends is very small, just the two boys from the Jiang family of the Gu family and Miss Cen Shu. Since she made friends with Miss Cen Shu, her aesthetics has improved by more than one level. She definitely doesn't like those two bullies. Miss Cen Shu's friend.

Shi Fei didn't know that her little thoughts had already been guessed to the point that she couldn't get away with it. After finally persuading the housekeeper to go to bed, Shi Fei took out her mobile phone from under the textbook, looked at the dialog box on it, and tapped Too red cheeks.

The name of the friend's note is a word 'Miao'.

There are not many conversations in the dialogue box, most of the time Shi Fei is talking, "Good morning", "Good afternoon", "Have you eaten yet?" "Are you in the capital now?" "You are the bodyguard of Shu Shu's boyfriend Is it?" A series of seemingly boring questions.

The person on the other side seemed to be very busy, so he only replied with simple words like um, ah, oh.

But Shi Fei was still very happy.

Looking at the test paper that was almost finished, Shi Fei drank the milk in one gulp and started typing.

Shi Fei: I have a lot of homework recently, so I really want to take the college entrance examination as soon as possible! (tearful cat head)
Shi Fei: I'm so sleepy, I'm going to sleep, good night~
After the message was sent, Shi Fei stared at the dialog box anxiously, until she subconsciously shed some sour tears due to excessive use of her eyes, the dialog box still remained silent.

Maybe the milk he drank had an effect. Shi Fei yawned several times in a row, and she pursed her mouth in disappointment, but she also knew that he must be very busy, so she found an excuse to comfort herself. go to bed.

The moonlight is bright and clean, and everything is quiet.

Beijing, a suburban villa area.

The wind was cold and the leaves were rustling.

A spot of light suddenly lit up in the corner shadow of a luxurious villa.

Lu Miao was hidden in the darkness. If it weren't for the sudden light, no one would have noticed that there was someone here.

Looking at the unread messages from three hours ago, Lu Miao pursed her lips, and her dark eyes seemed to be caught in some kind of entanglement.

After thinking about it, he awkwardly typed two words and pressed the send button.

At this time, there was a sudden movement in the quiet villa. Lu Miao quickly turned off the phone, put the phone in his pocket, and calm was restored in the corner, as if the boy who hesitated just now had never appeared.

The roar of the engine came from the garage of the villa. Not long after, a car came out of the villa and disappeared into the night in an instant.

Lu Miao glanced coldly at the direction the car was leaving, then slowly turned her head and looked at the villa in front of her.

Cen Xue was furious.

Taking advantage of Hu Lili's death, "Palace Curtain" suddenly became a must-see TV series at the beginning of this year.

Chen Yu is a director who is very good at marketing, and every time he posts a few short essays just right, they will become popular searches.

And Cen Xue, as the second female lead with a lot of shots, is also often listed on the trending searches.

In just over a month, Cen Xue's scarf attention has also risen from hundreds of thousands to 2000 million.

The Cen family was also greatly affected by this.

Cen Yanyu can often hear the appreciation of Cen Xue from his partners, and they are also talking about Cen Xue in the office.

Holding the folder with a pale face, Zhu Li hurriedly walked through the corridor to the innermost office.

Pushing open the door, Cen Yiqing had just finished the meeting, pinching his brows, looking a little tired.

Seeing that Zhu Li stood at the door without moving after closing the door, Cen Yiqing put down his hands, glanced at the document Zhu Li was holding with his deep eyes, "Have you found it?"

Zhu Li nodded, his expression was tangled for a moment, not knowing how to speak.

As Cen Yiqing's life and work secretary, Zhu Li naturally knew that Cen Xue was not Mr. Cen's biological daughter, but he didn't expect that there would be so many things involved, it was bloody!

Seeing Zhu Li's expression, Cen Yiqing's guess of five points became eight points, and he took the file bag and looked at it.

18 years ago, Zhao Lijuan came to Cen’s family to apply for a nanny. At that time, Lin Lan was pregnant. Something happened to Aunt Wang’s family. Zhao Lijuan and Aunt Wang were from the same village, so she was recommended. Cen Yiqing was busy setting up a subsidiary company at that time. I was overwhelmed every day, so I didn't think much about it.

With so many coincidences, the two gave birth at the same time.

At that time, only Zhao Lijuan knew about her pregnancy and childbirth.

And in the same hospital again.

Zhao Lijuan is in good health, and after the normal delivery, she took care of Lin Lan who had a difficult delivery as if nothing happened.

And when he saw that Lin Lan's remaining child was being cared for so intimately, evil thoughts arose in his heart.

Why, her child can only live a hard life with her, without even a household registration, and Lin Lan's child won at the starting line as soon as it was born?

So, Zhao Lijuan thought of a way to cheat.

At that time, the management system of the hospital was not as strict as it is now, and it is not like every corridor is monitored now.

Zhao Lijuan's son-changing plan went very smoothly, so smoothly that when Zhao Lijuan lied to her cousin Zhu Rui that this was her sister's leftover child who was accidentally slept with, and asked him to help dispose of it, no one found out.

After leaving the hospital, the fate of the two children took a big turn, and then developed in different directions.

If Cen Xue hadn't had a small car accident, the blood bank in the hospital was not enough blood, and Cen Yiqing and the others rushed to donate blood and found that the blood types did not match, they would not have discovered that the daughter they loved for nearly 18 years was not their own. daughter.

The script that this TV series dare not act like this actually happened in his house.

Cen Yiqing looked at the file and didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment.

At the same time, the guilt towards Shushu deepened in her heart. Originally, she should be held in their hands, but she never thought that she would suffer so much because of their negligence as parents...

(End of this chapter)

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