Chapter 421 Pandora's Box
"Child, do you think the little rich woman's state is a bit strange recently?"

Gu Huo glanced at Shi Fei who was upright and listening to the class seriously, and touched his chin strangely.

I have seen Shi Fei take it seriously before, but this is the first time he has seen the posture of taking notes and correcting questions in get out of class, and continuing to brush up questions after class.

Cen Shu glanced at Shi Fei, raised her eyebrows lightly, and a little understanding flashed in her eyes.

"Did you know something else?"

Every time he saw Cen Shu's expression that he was in control of everything, Gu Huo felt like he was mentally retarded.

Cen Shu blinked, and made a silent gesture, "Buddha said, don't say it."

Guho: ...

"If you don't say it, don't say it." Gu Huo groaned with his hips on his hips, glanced at Cen Xue who was sitting in the front row with her head bowed in the drawer, sending messages on her mobile phone, and curled her lips, "Child, what is your family doing to that adopted daughter?" What is your attitude?"

The reason why Cen Xue became popular so suddenly was not only because of "Palace Curtain", but also because of her marketing personality.

The group's favorite girl, the proud son of heaven, a kind and beautiful little angel who is simple and ignorant of the world.

The imagination of the human brain is unlimited, as long as you give it a sign, you can make up a universe.

What kind of brother is a sister-in-law.

The father tried his best to promote the company to his daughter.

Even Cen Shu was said to be the one who cooks porridge and soup for Cen Xue every day and asks about her health.

Gu Huo: "...?" Is there something seriously wrong with the brains of this year's netizens?

Is the kid the kind who can cook soup in an apron?
He's obviously a salted fish who stretches out his hands, opens his mouth, and knows how to do mystic arts, okay?
But even so, Gu Huo didn't see any reaction from the Cen family, so he really couldn't understand.

In Gu Huo's view, Cen Xue is a thief who stole the life that should belong to a child and is not satisfied.

Cen Shu looked at Gu Huo strangely, "Why are you so angry?"

"Aren't you angry?" Gu Huo looked at Cen Shu's calm face, and suddenly realized that he seemed to have never seen Cen Shu angry before, as if everything was nothing to Cen Shu.

"Why are you angry? Anger easily increases the chance of sudden death." Cen Shu took out a plate of toffee from the drawer and handed it to Gu Huo, "Calm down, there is no need to be angry about small things."

Gu Huo took it, stuffed several candies into his mouth, his teeth creaked, and his eyes were so terrifying that he seemed to want to eat people.

Well, he is not angry.

"Boss, how do you sell the tomatoes?"

The lively farmers market is bustling with people.

Zhao Lijuan was wearing a jacket, standing in front of the vegetable stall with a vegetable basket on her arm, inquiring about vegetable prices, feeling very good.

"Sister Zhao, you haven't come to buy vegetables for a long time. These are fresh tomatoes from the field. You want me to give you a cheaper one. Others sell them for three yuan a catty. I'll give you fifty cents cheaper, two yuan and five. "

The stall owner obviously knew Zhao Lijuan, so she bagged Zhao Lijuan as soon as she got up.

Zhao Lijuan was about to take it, when she felt two figures approaching her, thinking they were people who came to buy vegetables, Zhao Lijuan stood aside, not wanting to block their position, but she never thought that she moved two steps, and the two figures followed her move.

Zhao Lijuan clenched the handle of the basket in fear and looked at the person coming.

In front of him, stood two men, who looked tall and tall. Among them, the older man had a square face and sharp eyes, as if he wanted to see through people.

She knew him.

In an instant, all the blood on Zhao Lijuan's face faded, and her legs felt slightly weak.

The stall owner also seemed to have noticed the abnormality on Zhao Lijuan's side. He looked at the two men vigilantly, thinking that they were here to collect debts. He took out his mobile phone and was about to call the police. .

"Ms. Zhao Lijuan, you are involved in a child abduction case. I hope you can cooperate and accept our investigation."

Xu Guoqiang looked at Zhao Lijuan expressionlessly, with no emotion in his voice.

Upon hearing this, the stall owner gave Zhao Lijuan a strange look, and silently took the picked tomatoes out of the bag.

It was rare for Cen Shu and Cen Xue to go home in the same car.

After school, the bodyguards hired by Cen Xue dutifully protected Cen Xue from the school gate, blocking the reporters who had been swarming around the school gate.

Cen Xue got into the nanny's car.

But before the car started, the left side of the window was smashed by a stone from nowhere.

Cen Xue's face turned dark. Fortunately, no one was injured, but she couldn't go back in this broken car.

Cen Xue hesitated for a few moments before seeing Cen Shu coming out of the school gate.

Liu Jian was driving the car, and glanced at the eldest lady and the second lady sitting in the back seat through the rearview mirror, and suddenly felt as if they had passed away.

I still remember that when the eldest lady was first taken back to Cen's house, Liu Jian complained a lot about this eldest lady who came from the countryside, and even scolded Cen Shu when Zhao Lijuan couldn't borrow money.

But after picking up Cen Shu in the past six months, Liu Jian found that although this eldest lady seemed not easy to get close to, she was very easy to talk to. Several times he was late because of other things, and she was not angry.

It was very quiet in the car.

Cen Shu kept her eyes closed all the way, resting her mind.

Cen Xue didn't really want to talk to her, so she took out her mobile phone and wore headphones to watch the video.

just reached home.

Cen Xue noticed a strange atmosphere.

Cen Yiqing, who hadn't gotten off work yet, sat on the sofa, and Lin Lan sat beside Cen Yiqing, her face was a little pale, her eyes were slightly red, as if she had just cried.

In the living room, it was eerily quiet.

"Mom and Dad." Cen Shu changed her shoes and sat lazily on the sofa beside her.

Cen Xue sat opposite Cen Shu, her nails were deeply embedded in her flesh, her eyes were closed, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.

Could it be that they found something?
No!Impossible, Liang Feng clearly said, that thing is absolutely impossible to be discovered!

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Cen Xue forced herself to calm down, looked at Lin Lan, trying to find a breakthrough in her.

Lin Lan glanced at Cen Xue, but the usual kindness was gone in her eyes.

Lin Lan didn't know how to face Cen Xue. If she said hate, what was Cen Xue's fault?Everything is Zhao Lijuan's fault.

But if she said she didn't hate, she was sorry for Shushu.

She was able to accept accidents, but she never thought that what she thought was an accident turned out to be planned by someone with a heart. Facing Cen Xue, she couldn't be calm.

Especially after knowing what Cen Xue did to Shu Shu because she was jealous of Shu Shu.

"Cen Xue, you should read this document first."

Cen Yiqing was calmer than his wife, and he also knew the complicated emotions in his wife's heart, so he didn't let her speak, but handed the document to Cen Xue.

Cen... snow?

Even if she was naughty when she was a child and accidentally deleted some of the files in Cen Yiqing's computer, Cen Xue had never heard Cen Yiqing call her by her name like that.

Cen Xue looked at the file bag that Cen Yiqing handed over, and bit her lips tightly.

It seemed to be Pandora's magic box. She had a hunch that if she opened it, the devil would appear...

With a sudden wave of her hand, Cen Xue waved the file bag away and screamed, "No! I don't want to read it!"

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, I love you guys~
  Go to bed early, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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