Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 422 I grew up after experiencing severe beatings

Chapter 422 I grew up after experiencing severe beatings
The file bag slid on the ground and fell to Cen Shu's feet.

Cen Shu bent down and picked up the file bag and put it on the tea table without saying a word.

Seeing Cen Xue's resistance, Cen Yiqing pinched the center of his brows, as if he couldn't bear it, but it was only a little.

"Cen Xue, I have always loved you as my own daughter, but I never thought that a lack of heart would happen to you..."

Cen Yiqing said sadly that he believed that the Cen family did not treat her badly at all, and he couldn't understand why Cen Xue could do something that killed him.

Can evil also be inherited through genes?
Cen Yiqing has been in business for many years and has received help from many people, so although he values ​​profits, he still has room for it.

He didn't want to think of people so badly, especially Cen Xue, who had been his father for nearly 18 years.

Cen Xue's face was snow-white, and she hugged her knees tightly, looking very pitiful, as if she was the innocent victim.

"About your biological mother, Zhao Lijuan... We have already reported to the police, and I believe the police will give us a fair answer. As for you..." Cen Yiqing sighed softly, "You are now self-reliant, and I will transfer your household registration to the police. go out."

Her biological mother...was Zhao Lijuan?The babysitter?

Cen Xue's nails dug hard into her flesh, what a joke!How does she resemble her?
This must be an excuse!

Yes, an excuse, the Cen family just threw dirty water on her because they were bored with her.

"You can take everything in your room with you. I will ask Lao Liu to take you to the hotel later. From now on, we will have nothing to do with each other."

Even if you call the police, the police will not believe those ghosts and monsters such as cursing Duoqi Luck.

This was Cen Yiqing's last tenderness towards Cen Xue's role as a father.

"Are you pitying me? Are you hypocritically sending me away with those worthless things?" Cen Xue finally couldn't hold back, her expression became ferocious due to anger, and she stood up from the sofa.

"You keep saying that you treat me like your own daughter, but you can't even do the small request of helping me promote the TV series. If Cen Shu begged you, you might take the initiative to promote it without waiting for her to ask, right? A biological daughter? How ridiculous!"

Hearing this, Cen Yiqing frowned, and a trace of sadness flashed in his deep eyes, "So, because I didn't promise you, you gave me that jade pendant?"

"It's just a small thing that steals people's fortune. Dad, if you really treat me as your own daughter, why would you have such a big reaction?" Cen Xue's eyes showed a grievance that seemed to be able to form a substance, "After all, for you As far as I am concerned, no matter how hard I try, I can't compare to your real biological daughter!"

Lin Lan looked at Cen Xue, as if she really recognized her for the first time.

Cen Yiqing was afraid that his wife would be worried, so he didn't tell Lin Lan about the jade pendant at all. Hearing Cen Xue's nonchalant tone at this time, his face was very ugly.

His life was almost lost.

"Cen Xue." Cen Shu, who had been silent all this time, said.

Cen Xue looked at Cen Shu, her voice was cold, and her tone was undisguised disgust, "What's the matter?"

"You believe everything Yi Liangfeng says?" Cen Shu's voice was very flat, her tone was teaching, as if she was teaching a junior who had made a mistake.

【Host, why are you still speaking for her? ] In her mind, Xiaohua's angry voice sounded.

[Young people, it's normal to make mistakes, vanity and so on, everyone has it, I've always treated people... oh no, right things and not people. 】Cen Shu said lightly.

Xiao Hua: "..." It seems to know something important.

Cen Xue's face turned pale, and the originally crazy expression seemed to become clear in an instant.

That's right, what if Yi Liangfeng lied to her?
She never seems to have doubted Yi Liangfeng's motives for approaching her, how could Yi Liangfeng deceive people?

Cen Xue's thoughts were a little confused, and she didn't even have time to think about why Cen Shu knew about Yi Liangfeng.

Ever since Cen Yiqing received the phone call from the Lu family and found out about his relationship with Cen Shu, Cen Yiqing had been in awe of Cen Shu, and even in his heart, Cen Shu was not only his daughter, but also a floor-sweeping monk. exist.

Probably similar to 'my daughter is a sweeping monk'.

Therefore, when he heard Yi Liangfeng, the well-known name of Yi Shao in the capital, from Cen Shu's mouth, Cen Yiqing was also very calm, and added in his heart 'Shu Shu awesome 666'.

【Does the word Yi Liangfeng sound familiar to you? ] Just when Cen Xue was caught in the battle between heaven and man, Cen Shu sat down on the sofa again, with her fingertips slightly bent, she tapped her knees without haste, and asked softly.

Xiao Hua rolled in the space, propped her round head up, [I don’t know, I haven’t heard of it. 】

[Oh, he is the male lead, don't you know? 】Cen Shu's face remained calm, but there was a gloomy look in the bottom of her eyes, 【Your system seems incompetent. 】

The tone was faint, making the system shudder.

[Ho, host, please don't do this, I'm afraid...] Xiao Hua trembled.

【yes? 】

Cen Shu's lips curled slightly, ignoring Xiao Hua's brainstorming.

"That jade pendant..." Cen Xue was silent for a while, then looked at Cen Yiqing's recovering face, "What's the use?"

"Take people's lives and devour their souls."

Youyou's eight words made Cen Xue's face turn completely white.

She wasn't, she didn't, she didn't want to kill Cen Yiqing, she just wanted to teach him a lesson... She...

Forget it, even if you say it, they will definitely not believe it.

Cen Xue clenched her hands into fists and said in a deep voice, "I see."

Turn around to leave.

"Wait..." Cen Shu stopped Cen Xue, looked at Cen Xue's back and said, "Do you remember what I told you? You are already 18 years old."

Adults should be responsible for their own affairs, no matter right or wrong, even if Cen Xue didn't know about Cen Yiqing's affairs, if she had no ill intentions towards Cen Yiqing, Yi Liangfeng wouldn't be able to take advantage of it, there was a reason for it fruit.

"Yi Liangfeng's identity is complicated, so please take care of yourself."

Cen Xue's eyes turned red suddenly, she turned her head to look at Cen Shu, and said viciously, "I want you to take care of it!"

After speaking, strode away.

Cen Shu lowered her head and crossed her hands, tsk, young man.

[Just... this is the end? 】Xiaohua watched the development of the matter with a dazed expression, what about the script for slapping the face of the fake daughter? 【Host, why did you let her go so easily? 】

[Let it go?Did she offend me? 】

How did you not offend me? !

Xiaohua thought about the evil deeds that Cen Xue had done to Cen Shu in her mind, only to realize that except for some disgusting things, it seemed that none of them had caused any substantial harm to Cen Shu.

Cen Shu pulled Xiao Hua out of the space, put it in the palm of her hand and gave a rua, and said with emotion: 【Young man, he grew up after experiencing some severe beatings. 】

(End of this chapter)

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