Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 423 Is this Immortal Ling not a devil? !

Chapter 423 Is this Immortal Ling not a devil? !
#凯雪is not the biological daughter of the Cen family#
#民雪人settings collapse! #
#狼猫 for the crown prince for what! #
Nearly half of the hot searches on the hot search list are related to Cen Xue.

Since Cen Xue left home yesterday, she was photographed by reporters. The reporter has a very keen sense of gossip, and soon discovered that something was wrong with Cen Xue.

After a series of follow-up investigations, the reporter found Zhao Lijuan.

After noon the next day, Cen Xue was not the daughter of the Cen family, and the matter of her biological mother abducting and trafficking children became a hot search topic, and it was very fierce.

"Fuck! It's really cheap for her!"

Gu Huo looked at the trending searches one by one, glanced at the empty seat in front of Cen Xue, and grinned.

"Brother Gu, your vicious look is very reminiscent of the old days." Jiang Zhi straddled the stool, his voice was a little vague because he was eating dried pork.

"Really?" Gu Huo touched his face subconsciously, then froze his hands, and rolled his eyes angrily, "Don't change the subject, kid, why don't you tell us about such a big thing? "

He didn't know until he saw the trending search today that so many things happened in the Cen family.

Cen Shu said 'Oh', "I forgot."

Immediately, he looked up at Gu Huo, a little strangely: "Is this a big deal?"

Gu Huo suddenly thought of a quick-acting heart-saving pill, "This is not a big deal, what else is a big deal?"

Cen Shu glanced at the phone and held it up to Gu Huo, "Do you think this is a big deal?"

"What?" The distance was too close, almost hitting his face, Gu Huo leaned back, and only then did he see the photo on his phone clearly, and almost sat down on the ground, "Take it, take it far away! "

In an instant, he even started to cry.

The fame of the former school bully Huo was ruined once.

Jiang Zhi mercilessly laughed like a duck, but when he glanced at the phone from the corner of his eye, the laughter stopped abruptly, and the smile just froze on his face.

In the photo, a straight black girl was standing on the podium with a pointer in her hand, as if she was giving a lecture.

But the photo is a wide-angle, taken standing in the corner at the end of the classroom, the classroom is empty, no one is there.

Hei Changzhi's skin is very white, which belongs to the kind of paleness that hasn't seen the sun for a long time, his lips are light purple, his eyes are staring straight at the camera, with a bit of aura, as if he wants to look at what he is watching through the camera. The person in the photo makes people feel chills down their spines.

The corner of the photo captured the somewhat gloomy sky outside, and the classroom looked a bit dilapidated, not like the buildings in recent years.

"Sister Cen, what is this, what is this?"

Jiang Zhi's voice trembled slightly.

Cen Shu took a deep look at Jiang Zhi, "It's a big deal."

Jiang Zhi: ...

Things have to start from last night.

After Cen Xue left, the family of three had dinner when they heard Aunt Wang shouting.

Liu Lian passed out in the bedroom.

Another wave of chaos began.

Cen Yiqing and Lin Lan took Liu Lian to the hospital in a hurry, leaving Cen Shu at home alone.

After Cen Shu washed up, she was about to have a good night's sleep. When she was so in love with her little apprentice Si, she called and said that the third lottery winner had contacted him.

Among Immortal Ling's first two winning prizes, Lin Si was so crazy that he couldn't give a bad review, but people panicked and talked a lot, especially businessmen in the same circle as Lin Si faintly regretted participating in the lottery.

The winner of the second lottery heard that he was so sad that he lay in the hospital for several days. Later, he quit his high-paying job and went home to farm.

Everyone began to suspect that being drawn by Immortal Ling...is it really a good thing?

This Immortal Ling is probably not a devil, right? !
Just when all the people who participated in the lottery were anxious about wanting to win but not wanting to win, the third winner finally appeared.

Weibo is a newly registered account, and the information is filled in randomly, and there is no clue at all.

After the announcement of the winning number, Si Shi hadn't waited for that person's initiative to contact him until a few days ago, the Weibo account named 'Teacher Hao' suddenly sent a message.

And at the beginning, he sent a photo to Si Shi, which almost scared Si Shi's little heart to stop.

The other side said that she was the person in the photo.

Then he sent a location to Si Shi, and then there was nothing more.

And it was a coincidence that this conversation happened to be seen by Tang Yun from Chagang, and the face that was still smiling turned gloomy, "Who is this?"

In the middle of the night, women, photos, addresses.

Tang Yun ground her molars.

"I'm not, no, listen to my sophistry!" Si Shi was so angry that he lost control all of a sudden, and turned the explanation into sophistry.

The room was eerily quiet for a few seconds.

Si Shi saw Tang Yun suddenly burst out laughing, the smile was sinister and terrifying.

When Si Shi sent a message to Cen Shu with a bruised nose and a swollen face, it was already half an hour later.

In fact, according to the rules of winning the lottery, there is no time to wait, if it wasn't for the strange behavior on the other side, Cen Shu would not bother.

After a few minutes of adaptation, Gu Huo's heart finally returned to a normal heartbeat.

"Where did this photo come from?"

Gu Huo patted his chest, looking undecided.

"I don't know, can you tell where it was taken?" Cen Shu narrowed her almond eyes slightly, looking at the photo, a flash of thought flashed in her eyes.

The positioning of that person is very strange.

I went there during the day, and it had already become a bustling commercial street, and there was nothing special about it.

Shi Fei was timid and looked at the photos through her fingers. When she saw the photos in the photos, she blinked suspiciously, feeling a little familiar.

"This... seems like a church."

Shi Fei's voice was a little low, but it was enough for the few people in the back row to hear clearly.

Shi Fei's mother is a Christian believer. When Shi Fei was young, she took her to church together, but after her mother passed away, she never went there again.

"Church?" Gu Huo became more courageous, picked up his mobile phone and took a closer look, but still couldn't see the slightest shadow of the church.

Jiang Zhi also leaned forward, and when he caught a glimpse of a dove-like half wing, he silently glanced at Shi Fei, "The little rich woman is amazing!"


Cen Shu glanced at the photo, lowered her eyes, took out her phone and clicked on the location again.

The positioning is very rough, and you can only see the three words Guishan Road when you click in.

This is a clothing street, most of which are engaged in clothing wholesale business, and it is especially popular with old men and women on weekends.

With the rise of the Internet, during the day, you can still see a lot of live broadcasts in the store explaining clothes to the mobile phone.

At the end of Guishan Road, the words "Sam's Church" are crowded next to a certain shop, with a sense of decline.

Young people are running around for their lives, even sleeping time is like water in the sea, how can they have time to believe in a belief.

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, cute~
  good night!
(End of this chapter)

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