Chapter 424 I will guard you
"Cen Xue, do you want to terminate the contract with the company? Have you really thought it through? You signed the contract for five years, and the liquidated damages are [-] million. Can you pay it now?"

On the phone, Wang Huihui's voice was cold and heartless.

A hotel room.

Cen Xue was sitting on the sofa wearing a mask, and heard that her fingertips were firmly embedded in her flesh, a hundred million...

Of course she knew, but she was fed up with paparazzi life no matter where she went.

Even when she was in school recently, some girls secretly took pictures of her with their mobile phones under the partition of the bathroom.

Before the hot search was on the hot search, she received a call from Wang Huimin, saying that they couldn't hold back about her biological mother, and asked her to be prepared. Before the company thought of a solution, she had better not publish anything. Opinion.

But she couldn't control it at all. As soon as she got on the scarf, she could see all kinds of words that scolded her, even under the scarf she used to scold her.

"Sister Wang..." Cen Xue's voice was choked up, she didn't understand why it became like this, she just wanted to prove to Cen's family that she was better than Cen Shu, and she was also their pride!

"Xuexue, I know what you said was angry. I pretended I hadn't heard these words today. The company is trying to find a way to publicize this matter. Just stay in the hotel obediently." Wang Minhui also softened, Comforting: "Don't worry, this matter will pass soon, and it will not affect your college entrance examination."

"Okay, thank you, Sister Wang." Cen Xue thanked her and hung up the phone expressionlessly.

"Sister Xue'er..." The little assistant came from the takeaway meeting outside and saw Cen Xue's unusually calm expression, hesitantly said: "You must be hungry, come and eat something."

The little assistant is someone who has been by her side since she first entered the circle.

Cen Xue looked at the little assistant's cautious face, and her eyes were inexplicably sore, "Sister Li, do you think that Sister Wang treats me sincerely?"

Li Lin is also a student who just graduated from university and doesn't understand anything. Although she is older than Cen Xue, in this circle, they all serve sisters. This is the first time Li Lin heard Cen Xue call her sister Li. .

"I, I don't know, but Sister Wang is very experienced, so she should be able to solve it quickly, Xue'er, don't worry too much."

Cen Xue took a deep breath, Wang Minhui used to be Hu Lili's manager, and took care of Hu Lili for seven or eight years.

Ever since she agreed to associate with Yi Liangfeng, Yi Liangfeng appointed Wang Minhui to be her manager, and took her alone.

Cen Xue thinks that she is different from the woman close to Yi Liangfeng who is close to him, and Yi Liangfeng also showed absolute preference for her, but...

"Do you believe everything Yi Liangfeng says?"

Cen Shu's cold voice suddenly appeared in his mind.


The phone rang again, and the caller ID only had one word 'wind'.

Cen Xue tidied up Li Lin, and saw that she put down the takeaway and walked out, so she pressed the answer button.

"Xue'er, I'm sorry, I just finished the meeting." Yi Liangfeng's slightly magnetic voice sounded with pity and distress, "Xue'er, don't worry, this matter will be resolved soon."

"Cool breeze..." Cen Xue bit her lip.

Yi Liangfeng seems to be outside, and occasionally the car horn can be heard, "Huh? What's the matter?"

"That jade it really just for luck?" Cen Xue looked at the black TV opposite, a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes.

Yi Liangfeng was taken aback for a moment, without hesitation, "Well, why did you ask this suddenly?"

"But I gave it to Dad... Cen Yiqing was hospitalized not long after..."

Yi Liangfeng chuckled softly, "So it's this, Xue'er, don't worry, he is your adoptive father anyway, how could I let you do such a cruel thing, his illness may be a coincidence."

"Take people's lives and devour their souls." The calm voice reappeared.

Cen Xue only felt a stabbing pain in her head, and couldn't help but groan.

"What's wrong with you, Xue'er?" Yi Liangfeng's concerned voice came.

"No, it's okay, Cool Breeze, I'm a little sleepy."

"After these things happened, you must not have had a good rest. You should rest well first, and then call me when you wake up." Yi Liangfeng's voice was very gentle, and he instructed carefully.

"Okay, good afternoon."

Cen Xue said obediently, and hung up the phone after hearing the other party say good afternoon.

The room fell silent again.

Yi Liangfeng and Cen Shu must be lying.

Cen Xue seemed to have suddenly remembered something, took out the wallet from the bag on the sofa, and found a coin in the change bag.

The front is Cen Shu, and the back is Yi Liangfeng.

Cen Xue clasped her hands together, and then tossed the coin high.

The coin drew an arc in the air and landed firmly in her palm...

The cool breeze is blowing, and there are faint white catkins floating in the air.


Jiang Zhi couldn't help but sneezed again.

"Wanwan, can you still do it?" Gu Huo glanced at Jiang Zhi who was fully armed and still couldn't stop sneezing, and frowned, "Your allergic rhinitis is a bit serious."

Jiang Zhi was wearing a mask, his nose was red under the mask, and some physical tears came out of his eyes due to continuous sneezing, looking very pitiful.

"It's okay, it's just a small problem, it'll be fine when it's fully into the summer."

Jiang Zhi waved his hands, even his voice was weak.

Fan Ke also wanted to come after hearing about the photo, but was taken by his old father to help in the factory, and the expected five-person party finally became a four-person party.

Shi Fei didn't have any friends before, and she was basically at home on weekends. She had never gone shopping before, and looked around curiously while walking on the street.

It was the weekend, even though it was afternoon, there were still many old men and women on the street.

The four of them walked through the bustling street, turned a corner and walked forward for about ten meters. The surroundings gradually became cold.

Next door to Sam's Church is a shop selling wool, and many old ladies are sitting on small horses, knitting sweaters and chatting.

The door of Sam's Church was closed and looked a little dilapidated.

"Grandma, is this church closed?" Jiang Zhi quickly lit up the skills of women's friends, and approached to inquire.

One of them, wearing a red flower jacket and smiling like a Maitreya Buddha, glanced at them and said with a smile, "You are also students who came to take pictures. This church was closed ten years ago."

"Also?" Jiang Zhi grasped the word sensitively, but remained calm, still smiling, and nodded, "Yes, yes, grandma, do you know how we can get in?"

"The church guard has moved a long time ago, and I haven't seen him coming a few times. It's okay, you just climb in through the iron gate, grandma, keep it secret for you!"

Huayaozi grandma waved her hand boldly, with a look of "you don't worry, I'll watch for you", she looked very skilled, it didn't seem like the first time someone did this.

(End of this chapter)

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