Chapter 425 Sam Church
So, under the loving and tolerant eyes of several old ladies, the four climbed up the iron gate with hands and feet, and got into the church.

Entering through the iron gate is a small path, the road is covered with cobblestones, but it is old and neglected, and weeds grow wildly. If you don't lower your head and look carefully, it is difficult to see that this was once a small path.

"The Buddha said that there is no way in this world, and if you walk too much, you will become a way."

Just when Jiang Zhi was hesitating which way to go, Gu Huo said these words very deeply.

Jiang Zhi couldn't hold back, and rolled his eyes, "Brother Gu, that's what Mr. Lu said."

"Oh? Really? It's not bad anyway!" Gu Huo walked aside and fiddled with the weeds, "Look, this is the way those people walked out."

In front of Gu Huo, the weeds were brushed away, revealing a slightly muddy land with disorderly footsteps, and the footprints looked very fresh.

The reason why Gu Huo made such a conclusion was because there was a light rain in Xuancheng a few days ago, if the footprints before were supposed to be sunken, there might even be water, but now the footprints are very chaotic, mixed with mud.

Thinking back to the words of those old ladies, Gu Huo began to brainstorm.

Cen Shu glanced lightly at Gu Huo, who was resting his chin on his hand, and walked into the church first.

Shi Fei and Jiang Zhi hurriedly followed.

"Ah! I know!" Gu Huo had a flash of inspiration, turned his head to look at the place where Cen Shu was before, but found that the left hand side was empty, and there were still a few people there. Turning his head again, he found that the three of Cen Shu had pushed Open the wooden door of the church and walk into the building!

"I'll go! When did you go in? You don't call me young master!" Gu Huo hurriedly brushed aside the weeds, stepped on the soft soil, and followed quickly.

The church is a classic western-style building. It doesn't look big from the outside. The first floor is a very large church. There are several large stained glass windows on the second floor. The windows are covered by red curtains. When a gust of wind blows, a certain window's "Ah!" It opened with a sound, and the red curtains fluttered with the wind, rising and falling together.

Gently pushing open the main door of the church, the wooden door was thick and made a dull sound.

The roof of the building is made of glass, and the faint sunlight falls, forming beams of light, and the fine dust is flying in the light and shadow, with a little light and shadow-like dreaminess.

In the church, facing several people is a huge cross. After entering, it is divided into three roads.

There are benches on both sides, covered with dust, and it looks like no one has been in for a long time.

Choked by the dust, Jiang Zhi sneezed several times, his face flushed.

"Okay, you guys, don't even tell me when you come in." It made him stand there like an idiot.

Gu Huo grabbed Jiang Zhi's neck from behind and pulled him back.

Jiang Zhi staggered back a few steps and almost lost his footing.

Shi Fei looked at the dilapidated church, and sighed softly in her heart, a flash of nostalgia flashed in her eyes.

When she was young, her mother would bring her here to worship every Sunday. At that time, she was very curious about everything, and she didn't feel bored when she fumbled around.

However, the god her mother believed in did not bless her, and she and her father still died in a car accident.

Shi Fei let out a foul breath, and looked up at Cen Shu.

"Shushu, where should we investigate now?"

Cen Shu has been standing there since she opened the door, looking at the church. The church is very empty, the door is not locked, and there are a few footprints on the ground.

"Let's find that classroom first."

Cen Shu took out her mobile phone, looked at the photo again, raised her head and glanced at the church, and finally landed on the wooden door next to the cross in the center.

"Follow me." Cen Shu turned off her phone and walked straight to the wooden door.

Shi Fei nodded obediently, and followed closely behind Cen Shu.

Jiang Zhi and Gu Huo also stopped fighting and hurriedly followed.

The wooden door was not locked, and the handle was only covered with a thin layer of dust. Someone must have been here not long ago.

Opening the door, a dark corridor greeted several people.

The corridor is not wide, only about enough for two people to walk in parallel.

In this claustrophobic environment, any sign of trouble is very obvious.


Suddenly, a black shadow jumped from under the feet of several people.


Gu Huo was scared out of his wits in an instant, jumped onto Jiang Zhi's back with a brisk step, crossed his feet, tied Jiang Zhi's waist, and wrapped his arms around Jiang Zhi's neck tightly, "What is it?"

Jiang Zhi's throat was stuck, and his face flushed instantly.

Cen Shu sighed softly in her heart, silently raised her head to look at Gu Huo, "It's just a mouse."

"Really?" Gu Huo's voice trembled slightly. After experiencing the gift of Naluo Shizi's snowman several times, Gu Huo is now in a panic.

"I don't know if it's true, but I know that if you don't let go, Wan Wan may die in the church." Cen Shu glanced at Jiang Zhi who had started to roll his eyes and said.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Gu Huo subconsciously lowered his head, met Jiang Zhi's eyes that were about to roll into the sky, and let go of his hand silently.

Jiang Zhi took off his mask and gasped for breath, "I'm going, Brother Gu, tell the truth, don't you think I've taken away your school bully title for a long time?"

Gu Huo hesitated for a few seconds, then shook his head, "No."

Jiang Zhi: ...

"You hesitated just now."

Gu Huo had a stern face, very serious, "Where, you must have a problem with your eyes."

After all, he lost his courage in an instant, and walked forward quickly.

After the tumult of the two, the atmosphere was not as scary as before.

There are several wooden doors on the left and right sides of the corridor. Several people have tried, but none of them can be opened.

At the end of the corridor is a staircase leading to the second floor.

Judging from the photos, the classroom should be on the second floor.

When I looked from the outside, I couldn't see the appearance of the second floor clearly through the large colored glass. Compared with the first floor, the corridor on the second floor was darker.

There are only a few windows on the left side of the corridor, and the windows are covered with a thick layer of dust, and the light can hardly penetrate.

On the right hand is a room similar to a classroom.

"I remember my mother told me that during the war, this church was used as a classroom, and the priest taught the children to read..."

Shi Fei tightly grasped the corner of Cen Shu's clothes, looked at the classroom in front of her, and recalled.

Cen Shu responded softly, and walked straight to the classroom in the middle.

The door of the classroom in the middle was not closed, and opened with a light push.

The classrooms are arranged in a mess, but you can vaguely see the shadow of the classroom in the photo.

Every table and chair was covered with dust, and no one had touched it at all. The window facing the outside of the classroom was opened at some point, and the red curtains were blown out, making a rattling sound.

Gu Huo's voice trembled slightly, and he pointed to the middle of the classroom, "Little, child, then, is there a figure in that?"

 The update is complete~

  It’s a little late these days, thanks for the cute vote~
  Tomorrow is the postgraduate entrance examination. I hope that the cuties who take the postgraduate entrance examination will pass every exam. Come on!

  Good night!

(End of this chapter)

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