Chapter 426 Wrong NPC

Gu Huo was about to cry.

Is this snowman's gift so useful?He just thought of that photo, and subconsciously looked at the podium after entering the classroom, and saw the shadow in the middle.

Hearing this, Cen Shu looked over and saw that there was nothing on the podium. She glanced at Gu Huo who jumped onto Jiang Zhi's back again, "There is something on your head."

Gu Huo was taken aback, stopped howling, subconsciously scratched his head with his hands, and touched something dusty, which looked like spider silk that he didn't know where it came from, because his movements came from his hair. Hanging down, covering the eyes.

Guho: ...

"'s all right." Gu Huo blushed a little.

Jiang Zhi's throat was locked again, and he coughed a few times. He became more and more sure that Gu Huo did it on purpose. Gu Ge was just jealous that he was more talented than him!

There is also a lot of dust in the classroom, some are deep and some are shallow, presumably someone has been here before.

The only strange thing is that in the photo, the desks and chairs in the classroom look very new, not like they were taken recently.

Gu Huo experienced several times of self-intimidation and became smarter. He looked at Cen Shu weakly, "Children, is it possible that this photo is a composite?"

The classroom instantly became quiet.

Shi Fei and Jiang Zhi looked at Cen Shu's expressionless face, and looked away in a tacit understanding.

Cen Shu, who had been escaping idealism and materialism all day long, overturned the car for the first time.

They will be silenced by Shushu/Sister Cen/Child, right?


Cen Shu covered her lips and coughed softly, trying her best to control the rhythm. The highest mental awareness is to correct mistakes when they know it, "I will pay attention next time."

"Yeah, the glory of the party still shines on you and me!" Gu Huo and his brother patted Cen Shu on the shoulder nicely.

After this episode, the originally eerie scene seemed less terrifying.

After shopping for more than an hour, even several people in the basement of the church that was once rumored to be haunted went to check, but there was nothing.

When I saw a large group of rats who were disturbed to rest and fled around, how spectacular the scene was.

Jiang Zhi has a wise saying that there is nothing in this world that school bullies can fear.

However, after seeing the mice migrating, Jiang Zhi said that he was still too young.

The four came out of the church in a dusty state without finding anything. When they came out, the old lady knitting sweaters next door was still chatting.

Seeing a few people coming out, the old lady in the red coat greeted them very warmly.

"Why did you come out so soon?" The old lady was very enthusiastic, with a smile on her face, and she looked very amiable. They came out when they were about to pick up their grandson."

The four people are blessed to the heart, probably maybe...they got the NPC wrong?
As a friend of women, Jiang Zhi was the first to react, and greeted the old lady, "Shouldn't we come to investigate first, the teacher's requirements are very strict, if you don't shoot good works, you won't be allowed to graduate."

When Jiang Zhi said this, he sighed in distress.

The red-coated grandma suddenly thought of her grandson who was still in kindergarten, and comforted her lovingly: "Young man, don't be discouraged, you are also a student of Xuan University, right? The group of students a while ago also asked to make a graduation video, everyone There are a lot of things in the hands, and the equipment looks old and rich."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Jiang Zhi quickly responded, "That may be my classmate."

Jiang Zhi took out his mobile phone and handed it to the grandmother, "Grandma, take a look, is there such a person among the students?"

The old lady took it, put on reading glasses and took a closer look, "Ah! This person, I know, is the little girl who came with that group of people. She looks pretty, but she wears too little. I think It's all cold..."

The old lady had a bad memory, but she was very impressed with the little girl who wore no pants but only a short skirt in winter.

"Young people nowadays, when they were young, they didn't know how to take good care of themselves. When they were old, illnesses would come to them."

Jiang Zhi echoed again and again, and finally asked something useful.

Guishan Street is quite a distance from Xuanda University. There is no subway station nearby, and it is difficult to get there by car.

After the four of them came out of Guishan Street, they came to the bus stop.

"Sister Cen, what do you think of this matter?"

After the incident at the resort, several people had a very clear understanding of metaphysics. Jiang Zhi and the others thought that Cen Shu had accepted the job, so they didn't ask any more questions. Information is still guesswork.

Isn't this purely teasing others?
Just in case, a few people found a store and printed out the photos, each with a copy.

Cen Shu leaned against the platform, looked at the photo, and frowned slightly, "This looks like a distress signal."


Jiang Zhi asked in confusion, "If you are asking for help, shouldn't you tell me your information clearly?"

Why go around in circles, in case the grandma is not knitting, in case they didn't talk to the grandma, wouldn't they just miss it?
"do not know."

Metaphysics pays most attention to the word fate. If they don't have fate, they won't know the information about Xuan students.

Cen Shu raised her eyes to look at the catkins flying in the air, "Perhaps everything is destined."

Jiang Zhi: "..." Sister Cen started to talk about strange things that they couldn't understand.

Fortunately, even though it was the weekend, the bus came in time.

There were quite a few people on the bus, and Cen Shu and the others were squeezed into the back door.

Jiang Zhi and Gu Huo acted like gentlemen and surrounded the two girls to prevent them from being squeezed by others.

Cen Shu held Shi Fei in her arms.

Shi Fei's cheeks were flushed, she grabbed Cen Shu's clothes corner with one hand, and the handrail next to the back door with the other hand, and when she turned her head, she met a pair of big gossip-filled eyes full of [-] volts of electricity.

There is a girl sitting next to the window seat next to the back door, wearing a black down jacket and bob hair, she looks very cute and cute, of course, if you ignore her pair of big eyes that cannot be ignored.

Shi Fei met her abruptly, her cheeks became redder, and she turned her head, revealing her red hot ears.

The bob-haired girl couldn't hold back, and chuckled softly, with a wretched smile that could be called an aunt's smile on her face.

"Brother Gu... I suddenly understood why I don't have a girlfriend anymore."

Jiang Zhi tightly gripped the hanging handrail, glanced at Cen Shu, who was her boyfriend Li Max, and wept silently in his heart.

Gu Huo was squeezed to pieces, and with motion sickness, people who were not smart at all seemed even more stupid. He subconsciously continued, "Why?"

"I think back when Xuanxuan was still there, we took the bus together, and I protected her like this, but I forgot that I could actually hold her in my arms."

Gu Huo: "..."


The car drifted and turned, Gu Huo couldn't hold back, he rubbed his chest and retched.

Jiang Zhi: ...

(End of this chapter)

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