Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 427 As expected of a professional

Chapter 427 As expected of a professional
Xuancheng University Station finally arrived.

Gu Huo was the closest to the back door, got out of the car after a few strides, squatted on the side of the road retching, his face became extremely pale.

"Brother Gu, I see that you don't get motion sickness in other cars, why do you get sick on the bus alone?"

Jiang Zhi patted Gu Huo on the back, saying it was comforting, but his tone was gloating.

"Fuck you, be careful that I beat you!" Gu Huo vomited for a long time without vomiting anything, and took out mineral water from his bag to rinse his mouth.

When the bus route was halfway through, there were not many people on the bus, and several people found their seats.

The blush on Shi Fei's face still did not fade away, and she obediently grabbed the corner of Cen Shu's clothes.

"Are you Xuanda students too?"

A hearty female voice sounded.

Shi Fei turned around, and saw the bob-haired girl who was smiling gossipingly at her in the car just now, she didn't know what to say, and looked up at Cen Shu.

Cen Shu looked at the girl and nodded, "Yes."

"What are your majors? I'm Wu Xuan, a fourth-year student in the Department of Photography." Wu Xuan's eyes stayed on Shi Fei and Cen Shu, and she didn't even look at Gu Huo and Jiang Zhi who were standing aside.

"We are freshmen majoring in English. Hello, senior." When Cen Shu said this, the expression on her face did not change at all.

Shi Fei followed Cen Shu and said hello senior sister timidly.

"Sister Cen is indeed a professional." Seeing this, Jiang Zhi whispered to Gu Huo.

Gu Huo was also a little stunned. After all, although he was a former school bully, it didn't prevent him from being socially bullish.

Wu Xuan was elated when she was called, especially when she saw Cen Shu's fair face, she had already written a [-]-word plot in her heart, "Hello girls, I think you got on the bus from Guilin Road, it's weekend Did you go shopping?"

False schoolboys Jiang Zhi & Gu Huo: "...?" After all, they don't deserve to have a name, do they?
"Well, is senior sister too?"

The bus stop was still some distance away from the school gate, and they walked side by side, while Jiang Zhi and Gu Huo followed the three girls silently.

"My home is in Xuancheng. I'm going home on the weekend to get some things. I'm graduating soon, and I'm still preparing to open a thesis report." Wu Xuan is a cheerful girl, and she is also a face control, so good-looking How can the elementary school girls in the school lie to others?
Soon, in Cen Shu's brilliant conversation, Wu Xuan quickly confessed her old background, and told several people that the girl in the photo, named Yu Zhen, was her classmate, who just came out a month ago. Died in a car accident.

When talking about this, the smile on Wu Xuan's face faded a bit, and her tone was also a bit sentimental: "Actually, I haven't spoken a few words to Yu Zhen, she is a very gentle girl with good academic performance, but she doesn't like her." How to play with us."

To enter Xuanda University, you need to swipe your campus card.

Cen Shu glanced at the school gate, and consciously took a step behind. Wu Xuan walked in the front as a matter of course, took out her campus card and swiped it, and the door opened.

"I declare that Sister Cen will be my idol in the future!" Jiang Zhi also noticed Cen Shu's actions, and he admired him even more. Look at this unruffled aura in the face of danger!
"By the way, where did you see this photo?"

Wu Xuan was a little strange.

"My roommate showed it to us. She said that her brother is also from the photography department. I happen to like photography more, so I wanted to ask where it was shot and what lens was used..."

Cen Shu explained.

"So...you're not talking about Shen Lang, are you? He seems to have a younger sister who is also at Xuanda University, but I don't know if it's from the British College."

Cen Shu paused, and said, "My roommate's surname is not Shen. Is Shen Lang also a classmate of Senior Sister?"

"That's right, that guy is a grass of our department, and he seems to be in love with Yu Zhen..." Wu Xuan stopped when she said this, and sighed softly, "Forget it, let's not talk about sad things. "

A few people came to an intersection, and on the right side was a very large playground. On the football field in the middle, there seemed to be two football teams competing, and the people in the stands were cheering.

On the left side are rows of dormitory buildings. Wu Xuan was carrying a relatively large schoolbag, which looked bulging. "Are you going back to the dormitory now?"

Cen Shu shook her head, "Senior, you should go back first, we still want to go shopping in the back streets, after going out for so long, we are a little hungry."

Wu Xuan did not doubt that he was there. After saying goodbye to several people, she carried her schoolbag and walked towards the dormitory building.

Cen Shu looked at Wu Xuan's receding back and looked away.

"Sister Cen, where are we going now?"

It's the first time for several people to come to Xuanda, Xuanda looks very big, if they just walk around like this, they will get lost, right?

Cen Shu glanced at the football field on the right. The red and blue teams looked like they were in a tug-of-war.

"Did you hear that?"

"What?" Jiang Zhi was taken aback.

"It seems that someone is calling Shen Lang..." Shi Fei whispered.

Gu Huo, who had been wandering off and on, finally got back on track, listened carefully, and nodded, "Indeed, he was calling Shen Lang."

"Just... such a coincidence?"

Coincidentally, Jiang Zhi began to doubt life.

"Who knows, maybe someone deliberately arranged it?" Cen Shu glanced at Jiang Zhi lightly, with a playful tone.

The playground is very large, with a large football field in the middle of the 400-meter runway, and the runway is fenced off at this time.

There were many people sitting in the stands.

"Student, you, do you know who is Shen Lang?"

After the four successfully sneaked into the stands, Shi Fei was pushed out, under the pretense of exercising her eloquence.

The person who was asked was a long-haired girl with a loud voice and a horn in her hand, looking very fierce.

The girl was originally concentrating on calling Shen Lang, but she was a little upset when she was interrupted, she turned her head and met a pair of big watery eyes, she was a cute girl wearing Lolita!

Still a very shy cute girl!
The anger in the girl's heart dissipated instantly, and she showed an expression that I understand, "Student, you also like Senior Shen Lang, don't you?" She pointed to the football field, "Look, the boy in the blue No. 9 jersey is Shen Lang Senior, the male god in my heart!"

Obviously, Shen Lang seems to be more than just tying grass.

"But... I heard that Senior Shen Lang's girlfriend is..." Shi Fei hesitated, "Senior Shen Lang must be very sad."

The smile on the girl's face disappeared in an instant, and she snorted coldly, "You are talking about Yu Zhen, right? In fact, senior Shen Lang never fell in love with Yu Zhen at all. It was Yu Zhen who was shameless and kept pestering senior, senior It was just to take into account that girl's face, so I didn't deny it."

"But, but I heard, my classmate, Senior Sister Yu Zhen has passed away. Is it not good for us to say that about her?" Shi Fei frowned slightly, as if she didn't quite understand the reason for the girl's inexplicable hostility.

"She passed away, but after death, can the bad things I did before be wiped out? What about the fact that she killed sister Tao Wen?"

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, I love you guys~
  Go to bed early, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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