Chapter 428
Shi Fei was taken aback.

The conversation between the two did not deliberately lower their voices. When the three people sitting in the back row heard this sentence, they looked at each other very tacitly.

The girl glanced at Shi Fei, saw her confused expression, and realized that she had lost her composure, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you on purpose, you should be Senior Shen's new fan, I'm just annoyed, Sister Tao Wen is so Good people, originally Sister Tao Wen and Senior Shen Lang were a couple that everyone envied..."

It seems that this girl is not only a career fan but also a CP fan.

According to the girls, Shen Lang and Tao Wen, a classmate, are a match made in heaven. The two are childhood sweethearts, and they got together naturally after they went to college, while Yu Zhen is the third person who intervenes between them.

He stalks Shen Lang every day, and because he and Tao Wen are in the same dormitory and are good friends, he stalks Shen Lang every day.

Tao Wen couldn't bear to disturb her, but she was a good friend on the one hand and a boyfriend on the other. She didn't want to destroy the relationship between the two, so she could only maintain a threesome.

Until one day, Tao Wen was suddenly called out by Yu Zhen, and someone saw her returning to the dormitory crying, and then in the early morning of the next day, Tao Wen jumped from the top floor of the library, which shocked the whole school.

When the girl talked about Yu Zhen, her face was ferocious, and this cp fan was really sincere.

"However, Yu Zhen still stalked senior Chen Lang, and sister Tao Wenwen's death gave them more reasons to interact until..." The girl's expression darkened, and she sighed softly.

Although she didn't like this girl who intervened in her boy's relationship, it didn't feel good to hear that someone she knew died.

Shi Fei had an introverted personality, and when she saw a girl lonely, she didn't know how to comfort her, so she could only pat her on the shoulder.

"Ahhhhh! Senior Shen Lang is really handsome!"

"It's a pity that the senior is graduating this year. I really can't bear it."

"Scored another goal! Senior Shen is worthy of being a little white dragon on the court!"

Suddenly there were screams one after another.

The girl froze for a moment, looked at the court, and saw Shen Lang and his teammates clapping hands in celebration, she couldn't help but blush.

When a few people came, the game had already progressed to the second half, less than an hour, the game ended, and Shen Lang's team ended 3-2.

After all, they are not in the entertainment industry, and these elementary school girls are not that crazy. They took pictures, said a few words, and left with a blushing face.

Although the temperature is much higher now, it's only more than ten degrees Celsius. Shen Lang is wearing a football uniform, showing his arms with perfect muscle lines, and his complexion is a healthy wheat color.

"Shen Lang, I heard just now that many school girls are cheering for you below! I'm so envious of you." One of the teammates who played better with Shen Lang handed Shen Lang a bottle of water, and raised his eyebrows. Lightly picked, teased.

Shen Lang raised his head and drank a few sips of water, wiped his sweat with a towel, and smiled cheerfully with a bit of gloom, "Brother Wang, I just want to graduate now, and I don't have the heart to think about anything else."

Brother Wang sighed softly, "Don't worry about Xiao Zhen..."

Shen Lang said 'hmm', but subconsciously squeezed the mineral water bottle tightly.

"Shen Lang, a girl is looking for you!" Another teammate came over, punched Shen Lang lightly on the shoulder, and added: "Super top girl!"

Shen Lang subconsciously followed the line of sight of his teammates, and saw a girl standing by the cordon of the playground, wearing a white T-shirt and black pants, wearing a black jacket, her hair was casually loose, under the sun, her skin was so white that it reflected light, her expression Alienated and indifferent, those clear almond eyes seemed to see through everything.

Shen Lang couldn't help being taken aback, in his impression, he had never seen this girl before.

"Shen Lang?" The jealousy on Brother Wang's face could no longer be concealed, "Aren't you destined to have a peach blossom, kid?"

This girl is obviously more than one degree prettier than Yu Zhen and Tao Wen, he is really sour!
Shen Lang came back to his senses and subconsciously pursed his lips. He has been sensitive to people's emotions since he was a child. Although he only saw her from afar, he didn't see the slightest admiration in this girl's eyes.

The person who can find him recently...

Shen Lang's breath was stagnant, "Brother Wang, you go back first, I won't go back to the team later." After finishing speaking, Shen Lang picked up the coat that was placed on the lawn, and quickly walked towards the girl.

"Huh~ He said he didn't have that kind of thought." Looking at Shen Lang's anxious back, Brother Wang chuckled, "Sure enough, as long as you look good, all problems will be fine."

At this time, Shen Lang's mind was completely occupied by that matter, and he didn't mind what others thought of him.

When he came to the girl's side, Shen Lang's heart beat a little faster for no reason, and he asked cautiously, "Immortal Ling?"

Cen Shu looked at Shen Lang, neither admitting nor denying it.

Shen Lang has a good face and a happy family. Apart from having a lot of peach blossoms, there will be no catastrophe in the future.

But there is a faint resentment lingering on his body, very faint, if you don't look carefully, you can hardly see it.

"I'm her apprentice." After observing, Cen Shu said calmly.

Shen Lang was still very excited, but his face remained calm. Instead, he looked around vigilantly and lowered his voice, "Master, I have something to tell you, but..."

Shen Lang clenched his fists, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, "I dare not tell you."

Cen Shu raised her eyebrows lightly, glanced at Shen Lang's teammate who was standing not far away and was very gossip, "Is there a hotel in Xuanda?"

"Ah?" Shen Lang was a little confused.

Although this master is a master, he looks like a little sister. How can he be so fierce when he speaks?

Cen Shu looked impatient, "Is there any?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Shen Lang quickly responded, "There is that kind of small hotel in the back street, but the environment is not good..."

Cen Shu nodded, "Then let's go."

Shen Lang paused, hesitated for a moment, this master might not be a fake master, but this idea only passed in his mind for a while, before he denied it, such a beautiful girl, how can he lie to him?

Shen Lang's teammate looked at the backs of the two walking one behind the other, with envious expressions on their faces, "How many good deeds did Shen Lang do in his previous life? He unexpectedly met so many beauties in this life!"

"This girl should be from outside the school. I don't think I've seen it before. I haven't seen anyone prettier than this girl in our school!"

"Looking at Shen Lang's nodding and bowing cautiously, I feel that he is really being manipulated."

The cool wind blew slowly, and everyone couldn't help shivering. Brother Wang wanted to smoke a cigarette from his coat, but he was blown out by a gust of wind as soon as he lit the lighter.

Brother Wang: "...?" It's okay to be forced to eat dog food these days, but they are not allowed to smoke?What a world!
"The sun is still hanging in the sky. There was no wind just now. Why did it suddenly become bigger?"

Everyone was puzzled and put on their coats one after another.

Could this be the fabled late spring cold?
(End of this chapter)

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