Chapter 429
"Big, Grandmaster, and...the other three little masters, this room is relatively simple, please forgive me."

Under the shocked and hesitant eyes of the aunt at the front desk, the five of them walked into a relatively simple hourly bed room at the same time.

The room is small, the wallpaper is slightly yellowed, and some moldy walls are exposed in some places that have fallen off.

The sheets on the bed also looked like they hadn't been washed for a long time and were crumpled.

Five people entered the room at once, making the originally small room look more crowded.

Shi Fei was sitting next to Cen Shu by the bed, Jiang Zhi and Gu Huo were also a little embarrassed.

Shen Lang couldn't figure out the situation either, and sat on the only chair in the room.

Cen Shu's expression was calm, causing the faintly charming aura that might have been mixed with it to dissipate in an instant.

"There is something following you..." Cen Shu glanced at Shen Lang, got up and took out a talisman and pasted it on the door of the room, "Prying into your life, watching your every move, sometimes she is far away, sometimes close. "

Every time Cen Shu said a word, the surprise on Shen Lang's face increased.

"Master, you, how do you know?"

Ever since Yu Zhen died, Shen Lang felt like he was being watched by someone. This feeling was terrible, and several times he even felt that it might be a hallucination caused by his being too sad.

But after a long time, he noticed that something was wrong, especially the opposite sex with whom he played better began to alienate him, and even... a little afraid of him.

He always felt very strange, until he stopped a girl, and the girl said that she didn't even know it herself, but she would be subconsciously afraid when she saw him, so she stayed away.

This kind of statement seems to be different from what he thought. He always thought that someone was following him, but... If it was a human being, could it really be possible to alienate so many friends from him?
Or, in fact, not human at all?
As soon as this kind of thought came out, all kinds of unusual things were well explained, and this kind of thought was like a vine spreading infinitely, making him palpitate and frightened.

He started to walk alone and didn't have much contact with the opposite sex. The feeling of being peeped seemed to have weakened a little.

Last year, he took a look at the scarf out of boredom, but was pushed to the scarf for the lottery draw. He reposted it with the mentality of giving it a try, and then put it behind him.

But since these things happened, Shen Lang opened the scarf that he hadn't used for a long time, and saw the system's winning reminder.

He didn't know if that thing would find out, so he just sent a photo and location, and by the way, he wanted to see if this legendary powerful person was really that powerful.

When meeting Cen Shu for the first time, Shen Lang was a little surprised. The master looked young, but he did not expect to find him.

Hearing her say this now, I am even more impressed.

"Now, you can tell us what's going on."

Cen Shu didn't answer him, and sat back beside Shi Fei again.

Shen Lang thought for a while, and didn't know where to start, "Master, I, I want to ask you, that 'thing' who is following me is Yu Zhen?"

Hearing this, Cen Shu slightly raised her eyebrows, "Why do you ask such a question?"

Shen Lang pursed his dry lips, and said in a painful voice, "I don't know, but I hope so."

No matter how much he could pretend to be that sad aura around him, he couldn't pretend it.

Jiang Zhi and Gu Huo looked at each other, and both saw the blazing fire of gossip in each other's eyes.

Is this the legendary Rashomon? !
The version they heard didn't seem to match Shen Lang's expression.

If according to what that fan said, Shen Lang and Tao Wen are a couple, and Yu Zhen should be a third party who stalks, then Shen Lang's sad and affectionate performance now seems a little strange.

"Your girlfriend... is Yu Zhen?" Shi Fei still pinched the corner of Cen Shu's clothes tightly, and asked softly, also a little puzzled.

Shen Lang was taken aback for a moment, as if he didn't quite understand why she would ask such a question, but he still nodded, "Yes, my girlfriend is Yu Zhen."

Cen Shu's apricot eyes narrowed slightly, her tone was unclear, "But, the version we heard from your little fan girl is not like this..."

Shen Lang glanced at the four of them in astonishment, "What... version?"

Cen Shu briefly explained what the fan girl said.

After hearing this, Shen Lang looked confused, and his doubts did not seem to be fake, "What kind of messed up rumors are these? There is nothing at all!"

Therefore, the four people heard the most authentic version from the protagonist Shen Lang.

It turned out that Shen Lang and Tao Wen were childhood sweethearts, but Shen Lang didn't have any interest in Tao Wen, he just treated her like a younger sister.

After graduating from high school, Shen Lang's hobby was photography. At that time, he didn't know that Tao Wen had also applied for the same major as him in the same school. It wasn't until the first meeting of his classmate that he realized that Tao Wen had the same major as him. .

Shen Lang has had a lot of peach blossoms since he was a child, and he has received many love letters, but none of them are tempting, but he fell in love with Zhen Yi at first sight.

Yu Zhen and Tao Wen were roommates, so Shen Lang asked Tao Wen to be his wingman.

Once coming and going, it became a threesome on the Internet.

As for the legend that Tao Wen jumped off the building because of Yu Zhen.

Shen Lang sighed heavily, "That day was Tao Wen's birthday, she, she... oh, it's also my fault, Tao Wen confessed to me."

Although he is more sensitive to emotions, it is probably because Tao Wen hid it too well. Shen Lang has never felt it. He also treats Tao Wen as his younger sister when he gets along with him, and has no intimate behavior. In fact, he has always grasped that degree.

As it should be, he rejected Tao Wen.

However, no one thought that Tao Wen jumped off the building.

This feeling of being suddenly burdened with human life is not good. Sometimes he wonders if he has done something that Tao Wen misunderstood. If he just treated Tao Wen as an ordinary friend, would Tao Wen not commit suicide? up?
However, misfortunes never come singly.

Just when he finally came out of his guilt and was preparing their graduation project together with Yu Zhen, after taking photos of the church, Yu Zhen got into a car accident on the way home during the Chinese New Year and died on the spot.

Until now, he still can't get out.

When Shen Lang spoke at the end, his voice choked up, and he covered his face with his hands, "Master, I just want to know if it's her."

He clearly said that he thought about it day by day and had a dream at night, but he clearly missed it so much, but Yu Zhen never appeared in his dream.

These days, everyone has advised him to look away, move forward, and it will pass.

But he doesn't want to go in the past, others say, what's the relationship in less than three years?
Shen Lang thief wanted to say something, as for ah!
The person whom Qing Cong met when he was a teenager, fell in love at first sight until the two fell in love with each other, Shen Lang thought, this is only once in this life, why not.

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, cute!
  Go to bed early, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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