Chapter 430

Jiang Zhi looked at Shen Lang, put away his indecency, and silently took out a cigarette from his pocket.

"What? Remembered your ex-girlfriend?"

Gu Huo grabbed Jiang Zhi's shoulders and asked softly.

"Hmm..." Jiang Zhi didn't refute. Although he didn't have that deep affection for Xuanxuan, he had liked him before. Seeing Shen Lang who had such a similar experience, he couldn't help but feel a little sentimental.

Shen Lang's eyes were red, and he wiped away the tears that he didn't know when, "I'm sorry, I made you laugh."

Shi Fei was also infected. Thinking of the dialogue box without any reply in the past few days, a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes.

"It's not yet possible to judge who is haunting you, but..." Cen Shu looked at Shen Lang, narrowing her almond eyes, "We can do an experiment."

Shen Lang was taken aback, "What?"

The sun goes down and night falls.

Wu Xuan packed her things, put her schoolbag on her back, and was about to go out, but her roommate stopped her, "Xuanxuan, are you still going to the library on Saturday?"

"Well, the instructor is in a hurry. The day after tomorrow is the deadline for the second draft. I'm afraid I'll have to live in the library for a few days." Wu Xuan paused and joked with a smile.

"Xuanxuan... will you come back today?" The roommate paused the video, glanced at the two beds next to the balcony, with a hint of fear in his eyes, "I, I'm a little scared by myself."

Wu Xuan was taken aback for a moment, subconsciously glanced at the two empty beds, and sighed softly. Since Tao Wen and Yu Zhen passed away one after another, she and the rest of her roommates basically seldom go back to the dormitory. , the two will discuss going back together.

This time the roommate also heard that she would come back early, so she came back with her.

Thinking of this, Wu Xuan suggested: "Why don't you go to the library with me, and we'll come back together later in the evening?"

The roommate struggled for a few seconds, but still shook his head, "Forget it, just come back at night, I'll wait for you with the light on."

Wu Xuan nodded, "Okay." After finishing speaking, she walked out of the dormitory.

In the second semester of the senior year, almost no majors are in the dormitory. Some people find internships and move out directly, and they will not come back until they are defending.

Walking out of the dormitory building, the cool wind blows towards the face with a hint of chill.

Wu Xuan quickened her pace, and since it was meal time, she should be able to find a seat where she could plug in a computer.

The library is not far from the dormitory building, less than 10 minutes away.

In the night, the library on the 21st floor seems to merge with the night.

Since Tao Wen's incident, guardrails have been installed on the top floor of the library, and the reading room upwards on the [-]th floor has not been opened.

After swiping the campus card to enter the library, the large study room on the first floor was basically occupied. Just when Wu Xuan was about to leave and look upstairs, she heard a clear voice, "Wu Xuan?"

Wu Xuan froze for a moment, followed the sound source, and met a pair of smiling eyes, it was Shen Lang.

In fact, although the two were classmates, they hardly spoke to each other. Wu Xuan had heard two other dead roommates discuss Shen Lang.

The seat next to Shen Lang's seat was empty.

Wu Xuan hesitated, but it was impossible to pretend not to see it at this time, took a deep breath, and walked towards Shen Lang, "What a coincidence, are you also writing a thesis in the library?"

Shen Lang's expression seemed a little strange, he was wearing earphones, he looked like he was listening to music, "Yes, yes, I'm looking up some information, originally I didn't want to occupy this position, but others saw my schoolbag put here , I thought it was my seat, do you want to sit here?"

Wu Xuan glanced at the photo book in his hand, nodded, "Thank you." The location of the library is hard to find, and with the midterm exam coming soon, more people come to the library.

"You're welcome." Shen Lang was also a little embarrassed, raised his head and glanced at the opposite side, then lowered his head silently.

Wu Xuan took out the computer from her backpack, put on the earphones and began to write the thesis without distraction.

Shen Lang was a little distracted when he heard the sound of typing on the keyboard.

From the eyes of others, it seemed that Shen Lang was staring at Wu Xuan in a daze.

Wu Xuan seriously corrected the thesis, and the time passed quickly.

Subconsciously picked up the thermos cup next to him and wanted to drink water, but found that the water in the thermos cup had been drunk at some point. After scanning his eyes, he found that there were only less than half of the people left in the classroom. He took another look It was almost ten o'clock.

"Shen Lang, can you please check the computer for me?" Wu Xuan got up, she wanted to get a glass of water.

Shen Lang came back to his senses, "Okay, you can go."

The computer was stolen in the library once, Shen Lang didn't think much about it, and simply agreed.

Wu Xuan thanked her, got up and walked out of the study room.

After coming out of the study room, not far away is the toilet and the place where the hot water is fetched.

Wu Xuan put the thermos cup on the sink in the bathroom, thinking about going to the bathroom first, and then filling it with water.

The bathroom is not big, there are only two pits.

And both are human.

Wu Xuan waited for nearly 5 minutes, but there was no movement in any of the pits. Wu Xuan was a little impatient, picked up the thermos and went outside to fill the water first.

The place where the water was filled was right at the door of the bathroom. When the water was half filled, Wu Xuan heard the sound of the bathroom flushing.

The sound of high-heeled shoes sounded from behind, and then gradually drifted away. There was still a strong smell of perfume in the air. Wu Xuan couldn't help but frowned. Are you coming to the library for a date on the big weekend?
As a single dog who has been solo for 21 years, Wu Xuan didn't understand this kind of interest, and then put this matter behind her.

He walked into the bathroom again with a thermos cup, but saw that both doors were open, he was slightly stunned, and walked into the first cubicle casually.

After solving her physical needs, Wu Xuan put on her pants and was about to flush when she suddenly remembered something.

She obviously only heard one person's footsteps outside just now, and there was only one sound of flushing water. Why are both compartments empty all of a sudden?
An inexplicable chill ran up her spine, causing Wu Xuan to shiver uncontrollably.

'Da da da……'

The sound of high heels sounded again, from far to near.


The door to the next compartment was opened, and a shadow fell under the gap in the partition between the two compartments.

Wu Xuan recited various Amitabha Buddhas silently in her heart, pressed the flush button, turned around and wanted to open the door to leave, but when her hand touched the knob that turned the handle, she felt something even colder.

Wu Xuan withdrew her hand like an electric shock, her eyes widened in fright, she, she seemed to have touched her hands just now.

"Is anyone there? Is anyone there?" Wu Xuan usually doesn't bring her mobile phone when she goes to the toilet, but she really doesn't want to experience the feeling just now.

Wu Xuan yelled several times, but no one responded.

Even, there seemed to be a strange sound coming from the side, the sound seemed to be long nails scratching through the partition, sharp and piercing.

Immediately, a shadow slowly spread from the partition in the middle, covering the dim light overhead.

Wu Xuan raised her head slowly.


(End of this chapter)

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