Chapter 431 I Caught You

Shen Lang didn't have much interest in reading at first, propped his head on his hands, and fell asleep without knowing it.

Her hands were numb, her head almost hit the table, and then she woke up, and subconsciously glanced at Wu Xuan's seat. Her computer was still on the table, but she hadn't come back yet.

Shen Lang glanced at the wall clock in the classroom, it was already 10:30.

He knew that girls were slow to go to the bathroom, but half an hour had passed, so nothing would happen, right?
Shen Lang looked up at the people at the opposite table, but saw that Cen Shu had disappeared, and frowned, did something really happen?
"Little Celestial Master Shi."

Shen Lang called.

Shi Fei froze for a moment, as if she realized that Shen Lang was calling her, and turned her head, "What's wrong?"

"Where's the little celestial master?"

Shen Lang was inexplicably nervous.

"She went to the toilet."

"So..." Shen Lang's expectant eyes dimmed instantly, he thanked him, and then lowered his head to continue reading.

Shi Fei looked at Shen Lang strangely, as if she didn't quite understand why his expression could change so quickly.


Wu Xuan stared at the bloody head that suddenly appeared on the partition and couldn't help screaming.

At this time, under the light, the silver reflective thing on the head and neck caught Wu Xuan's sight. It was a silver necklace made of black pearls. It was Tao Wen's birthday gift she gave Tao Wen on his birthday last year.

A strong smell of blood filled the compartment. After recognizing that it was the dead Tao Wen, Wu Xuan's fear dissipated for some reason, "Wenwen, is that you?"

Wu Xuan's eyes were filled with tears, and she even raised her hand to touch Tao Wen's face.

Looking at Wu Xuan with his head, a trace of doubt flashed across his originally ferocious and terrifying face, and he stopped moving.

Wu Xuan was not tall, and she couldn't touch Tao Wen when she raised her hand, tears streaming down her face, "Wen Wen, I miss you so much."

"Wenwen, why are you so stupid? What's so good about that Shen Lang? He's not worth what you're doing."

Her head was still motionless, she just stared blankly at the crying Wu Xuan.

At this moment, the originally quiet head suddenly became irritable, making a 'ho ho' sound.

"Wenwen, what's wrong with you?"

Not only was Wu Xuan not afraid, she even wanted to appease Tao Wen.

Suddenly, a pale hand appeared on the door of Wu Xuan's cubicle. That hand was bloodless, and the red nail polish on it made the floor even more weird.

Turning his head again, the head disappeared.

At the door, the sound of fingernails scraping against the partition sounded again, sharper and harsher than last time.

Wu Xuan's eyes lit up, "Wenwen, is that you?"

As he said that, he was about to open the door, but when he was about to open it, a hand protruding from the next partition grabbed his ankle.

Her hands were icy cold, and Wu Xuan woke up instantly.

'Da da……'

A footstep sounded again.

In an instant, all the phantoms disappeared.


There was a knock on the compartment door.

Wu Xuan was stunned for a moment, but still opened the door. When she saw the person standing at the door, she froze in place, "Primary school girl?"

Cen Shu showed a gentle smile, "Sister, good evening, what a coincidence!"

Wu Xuan came out of the cubicle, and subconsciously glanced at the next cubicle. The door next door was ajar, and it seemed that no one was there.

"That cubicle..." Cen Shu paused, "Someone didn't rush."

Wu Xuan understood instantly, "No wonder."

Coming out of the cubicle, Wu Xuan glanced at the thermos cup. She couldn't remember clearly. Did she put the thermos cup in this position just now?

After washing her hands, Wu Xuan glanced at the quiet cubicle, "Sister, I'm done, I'll go first."

"Okay, senior."

Cen Shu's calm voice sounded, accompanied by an extremely subtle sticky sound.

Wu Xuan didn't think too much, and breathed a sigh of relief. Thinking of the hallucination just now, it must be because she missed Tao Wen too much. Thinking, Wu Xuan walked out of the bathroom with a thermos.

Cen Shu stood in the cubicle, looked up at the bloody handprint on the top side of the door, curled her lips, and said in a playful voice, "I caught you."

Return to the study room.

There are hardly many people left in the study room.

In order not to attract Wu Xuan's attention, Shi Fei and the others also went out and sat in the reading room in the hall, pretending to be reading.

"Why did you come back?"

Seeing Wu Xuan's return, Shen Lang breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked a little strangely.

Wu Xuan seemed to have thought of something, her expression could be regarded as indifferent, "I'm sorry, I just fell asleep in the toilet."

Shen Lang: "...?" If he remembered correctly, the women's bathroom should be a pit, right?How do you sleep here?
After the episode just now, Wu Xuan no longer had the motivation to revise the thesis, and she didn't even want to see Shen Lang's face.

Thinking about it, Wu Xuan started to pack her things, "Do you still want to study by yourself? It's getting late, so I'll go back first."

Shen Lang heard Wu Xuan's voice-over, a little strange, why did he feel that Wu Xuan seemed to hate him?
"I have to watch it for a while, you go back first, be careful on the road."

Shen Lang said.

Wu Xuan answered, but didn't answer again, put on her bag, and left in a hurry.

Coming out of the self-study room, when passing the bathroom, Wu Xuan subconsciously glanced in the direction of the bathroom, and happened to see Cen Shu coming out of the bathroom.

"Sister, are you going back to the dormitory?" Cen Shu asked politely, wiping her hands with a tissue.

Wu Xuan nodded, but caught a glimpse of a dark red patch on the corner of Cen Shu's clothes, hesitated a few times, and reminded: "Your clothes..."

Cen Shu lowered her eyes, glanced at the hem of her clothes, and said 'oh', "Thank you for reminding me, senior."

"It's okay, if you're not feeling well, go back to the dormitory to rest early, and you don't care about this day for studying." Wu Xuan reminded subconsciously.

"Okay, the homework is almost done, and I'm about to leave, senior sister, be careful on the way."

The smile in Cen Shu's eyes was even bigger.

Wu Xuan nodded, turned and left with her schoolbag on her back.

Cen Shu watched Wu Xuan walk out of the library, his back gradually disappearing into the darkness, she withdrew her gaze, and returned to the study room expressionlessly.

"Little Heavenly Master, you are back!"

Seeing Cen Shu coming back, Shen Lang's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to ask: "Any clues?"

Cen Shu took a deep look at Shen Lang, did not answer, and asked, "Where is the place where you and Yu Zhen often date?"

Shen Lang blushed inexplicably.

"Love, lover lake."

There is an artificial lake in Xuandali, named Lake of Lovers. Every night, under the weeping willows, many lovers will come here in pairs for a date.

Cen Shu nodded, "Then let's go."

"Ah? Where are you going?" Shen Lang was confused, why did this little celestial master think that every time he came out, he would come out once?

"Lover Lake." Cen Shu didn't talk to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang was even more confused, "Little Heavenly Master, what are you doing there at night?"

Cen Shu looked at Shen Lang, a hint of deep meaning flashed in her eyes, and said two words expressionlessly, "A date."

Shen Lang:?
 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, cuties, I love you guys, okay~
  Go to bed early, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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