Chapter 433

He Yi was taken aback.

"I still miss Yu Zhen."

The balcony didn't turn on the lights, Wu Xuan stood in the darkness, raised her hand and wiped her face, "I really, really miss them."

Three years ago, Wu Xuan was not the current Wu Xuan.

When she was a freshman, Wu Xuan was just a fat guy with low self-esteem who was less than 1.6 meters tall and weighed more than 160 catties.

There are too many handsome men and women in the photography department, and the mediocre Wu Xuan is not impressive at all.

Wu Xuan is used to walking with her head down, used to being alone when eating, and used to life without friends.

But fate is so miraculous, God let her and Tao Wen share the same dormitory.

Tao Wen likes to pinch her face and say to himself with a smile, Wu Xuan, you are really cute, if you are a little thinner, you must be a great beauty.

Tao Wen said, I like that you are fat, but you only need to be a little fatter, so cutie Xuanxuan should lose weight quickly for the sake of her health.

Tao Wen checked a lot of information, called many friends, and then made a weight loss plan for her that only belonged to Wu Xuan.

Tao Wen took her to run every day and told her that Wu Xuan was not so ordinary.

In three years, Wu Xuan dropped from 160 catties to 110 catties.

Wu Xuan's personality has also become much more cheerful, and she is no longer that low self-esteem girl who only cares about walking with her head down.

However, Tao Wen, who urged her every day, stayed at the age of 20 forever.

"Xuanxuan, don't cry, if you cry again, I won't be able to bear it anymore." He Yi got out of bed at some point, came behind Wu Xuan, and hugged her gently.

Wu Xuan came back to her senses, and then she realized that at some point, she had burst into tears.

"Yiyi, we are about to graduate."

Wu Xuan raised her head and looked at the two empty beds.

Here, new students will live in and start their new stories.

He Yi sighed softly, "Yeah, time flies so fast."

Wu Xuan raised her hand to wipe away her tears, and smiled ugly while crying, "Yi Yi, I'm fine, you go to bed, I'll wash up and go to bed."

He Yi didn't speak any more, and raised his hand to wipe away the remaining tears from the corners of Wu Xuan's eyes, "Okay, Your Majesty, my concubine is waiting for you on the bed~"

Wu Xuan laughed, "Okay."

Yu Zhen actually doesn't like Tao Wen, but she doesn't hate him either.

She didn't know how to describe this feeling.

Tao Wen's personality is completely opposite to hers. Tao Wen is like a little sun that can warm everyone, while she is more like some kind of insect that avoids light. Once it gets close to the sun, it will die.

Yu Zhen grew up with her grandmother, her parents divorced, and she was awarded to her father by the court.

The father soon took a new interest and married another woman.

Soon the father and the woman had a daughter, they lived in the city, and she seemed to be the one that had been forgotten.

Every time my father called, what he asked the most was about grandma's health and her studies. After hearing that her grades were very good, my father would praise her a little more, saying that she was worthy of being his Yu Guohua's child.

So, Yu Zhen studied harder, she thought, in this way, will her father care more about her?

Later, grandma passed away, and my father brought the woman back to finish the funeral in a hurry, and then brought her to live in the city.

Women don't like her, Yu Zhen has always known.

The woman's daughter doesn't like her either, and Yu Zhen knows it too.

However, what does this have to do with her, as long as her father still likes her.

Until one day, she overheard the conversation between her father and the woman. Yu Guohua said that Yu Zhen is a fool. If she had known earlier, she would have let the court award her mother. It was really troublesome.

It turned out that Yu Zhen was a trouble from the beginning to the end.

After Yu Zhen went to college, he moved out of that so-called family and has been working and studying.

Are she and Tao Wen friends?

Yu Zhen didn't know, she had never made friends, and she didn't know how to be a friend.

Tao Wen was really warm and kind, so kind that Yu Zhen felt ashamed in front of her.

Shen Lang is very similar to Tao Wen.

Both of them are such kind and sunny people.

Yu Zhen knew that Shen Lang liked her, but why would someone like her be liked?

Therefore, when faced with Shen Lang's pursuit, Yu Zhen was at a loss, but she knew that she actually liked Shen Lang too.

Like a moth to a flame, Yu Zhen desperately wanted to catch Shen Lang's light.

From the mouths of Tao Wen and Shen Lang, she began to know the story of their childhood sweethearts, Tao Wen's happy family, and the parents of the two who wanted to match them up. planted.

Tao Wen's birthday was very grand. Almost everyone in the class gave her gifts, wished her well from the bottom of their hearts, and wished her happiness.

Yu Zhen looked at Tao Wen who was surrounded by the crowd like a princess. For the first time, she was so jealous of someone.

Later, the truth or dare, Tao Wen's big adventure is to choose to confess to Shen Lang who just came back from the internship company.

Shen Lang didn't know the situation, so he rejected Tao Wen.

Looking at Tao Wen's dim eyes, Yu Zhen suddenly understood, maybe Tao Wen actually likes Shen Lang, right?

Due to the low mood behind Tao Wen, the party ended early.

Yu Zhen remembered that she seemed to have forgotten her iPad with the librarian, and after the show ended, she thought about going to get it.

As soon as I arrived at the library, I received a call.

On the phone, the woman cried her heart out and told her to come back quickly, saying that Yu Guohua had a sudden heart attack, got into a car accident and died on the spot.

Later, Tao Wen couldn't remember clearly what happened. She only remembered that her mind went blank at that time, and she hid in the bathroom in a daze, so much so that she missed the closing of the library and was locked in the huge library.

It was dark all around, and she didn't know why she called Tao Wen.

Later, as shown in the surveillance, in the early morning, Tao Wen climbed through the small door, entered the library, and found her standing on the roof of the top floor.

The wind was very cold that day, icy cold.

Yu Zhen still remembers it.

Tao Wen looked at her worriedly, his eyes were clear and bright.

She said that there is no hurdle in this world that cannot be overcome, so let yourself not be overwhelmed.

In the end, Tao Wen held her back, but he accidentally fell off the roof of the library.

"Do you believe it?"

Gu Huo bumped Jiang Zhi with his elbow, and after hearing what Yu Zhen said, he asked softly.

"Sister Cen didn't do anything to her." Jiang Zhi glanced at Cen Shu, who was starting to weave wreaths again, "If she really pushed that Tao Wen down, do you think Sister Cen can still have such a good temper?"

Cen Shu seemed to have heard the whispers of the two, and raised her head to glance at them.

The two fell silent for a moment.

"Zhen's not your fault, I don't think Wen Wen will blame you."

Shen Lang looked at Yu Zhen, "Actually, Wen Wen told me everything."

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, cuties, I love you guys, okay~
  good night!
(End of this chapter)

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