Chapter 434 Just Because She Is Her
Cen Shu raised her hand and put the wreath on Zhen's head.

Yu Zhen was taken aback, and slowly raised his head, his pupils were scarlet, but there was confusion and helplessness in them.

Shen Lang was the first to react, and hugged Yu Zhen into his arms.

"Zhen Zhen, in fact, I already knew..."

Once, Tao Wen overheard a call between Yu Zhen and Yu Guohua, and Yu Guohua spoke violently, as if the person on the phone was not his biological daughter, but his enemy.

Tao Wen told Shen Lang about this, and Shen Lang secretly went to her hometown without telling Yu Zhen, and only then heard about Yu Zhen's past from Yu Zhen's former neighbor.

"I'm sorry Zhen Zhen, it's because I didn't do well enough. If I could have noticed your emotions earlier, maybe you and Wenwen would have no trouble..."

Yu Zhen leaned in Shen Lang's arms, tightly pinched the corner of Shen Lang's clothes, bit her lips tightly, and said in a hoarse voice, "Shen Lang, Wen Wen, why are you being so nice to me?"

"Because, you are worth it." Shen Lang lowered his head and placed a light kiss on Yu Zhen's forehead.

Yu Zhen is still Yu Zhen who doesn't understand love, but Yu Zhen doesn't realize that many things are changing quietly.

She would get angry because others said that Tao Wen was not good, she would fight for Tao Wen, and she would work harder to make money and buy Tao Wen's favorite birthday present.

Yu Zhen envied Tao Wen, but she was not jealous of Tao Wen.

Yu Zhen doesn't like Tao Wen, but she also cares about Tao Wen.

"We were born in this world, and we were never perfect. Wenwen is very delicate, and I would grind my teeth and talk in my sleep." Shen Lang gently wiped the blood and tears from the corners of Yu Zhen's eyes, "Zhen Zhen is the best Zhen Zhen, there is no need You don't need to be like anyone, as long as you are Zhen Zhen, that's fine."

From birth to growing up, people are constantly learning and imitating, hoping to be loved and liked by many people, so they start to imitate the character and behavior of those who are liked by many people, but in the end, they are I found that no matter how I imitate, I can't become someone else's child.

Yu Zhen has been stumbling and growing up all her life, no one told her what is right or wrong, no one told her how to get along with her friends, family and lover, the word at a loss occupied most of Yu Zhen's life.

Only now did she know that she didn't have to imitate anyone, as long as she was herself.

It turned out that while she was stumbling and growing up, there was a group of people who were willing to be her friends and lovers only because Yu Zhen was Yu Zhen.

Yu Zhen hugged Shen Lang, crying heartbreakingly, tears transpired to form a light gray mist, lingering around the two of them.

Shi Fei looked at the two embracing each other, her eyes were slightly red.

Jiang Zhi sighed softly, turned his head and wanted to express his feelings to Gu Huo, but he caught a glimpse of the water in Gu Huo's eyes, and was slightly taken aback, "Brother Gu, are you crying?"

Gu Huo wiped his eyes fiercely, "Fart, sir, that's sand in my eyes."

Jiang Zhi: "...Oh."

Jiang Zhi silently took out his phone and opened the playlist, "It's not a crime for a man to cry..."

Gu Huo's temples bulged a few times, and he gritted his teeth: "Wanwan, you're dead."

Ignoring the two funny fights, Cen Shu raised her hand and glanced at her watch, "Yu Zhen, it's time."

Yu Zhen died unexpectedly, and remained in the world due to too much obsession, but gradually lost her memory. She just wanted to be by Shen Lang's side and saw the opposite sex with whom Shen Lang had a lot of contact. Subconsciously, she wanted to separate the two, as if Animals that protect food.

If Cen Shu hadn't found her, Yu Zhen would have completely lost her memories of her life and turned into a ghost until she killed Shen Lang.

Shen Lang's heart tightened, he subconsciously hugged Yu Zhen a little tighter, and looked at Cen Shu pleadingly, "Tianshi..."

Shen Lang didn't say the words behind, his lips were covered by a cold hand.

"Shen Lang, I'm very glad that I didn't kill you." Yu Zhen was obsessed with obsession. If Cen Shu hadn't appeared, she didn't know what irreversible things she would do, "Shen Lang, your Life is still very long, I will meet another girl, marry her and have children.”

Yu Zhen looked at Shen Lang's black eyes with a calm expression, showing a quiet smile, just like that year downstairs in the dormitory, she smiled and agreed to become Shen Lang's girlfriend, "Shen Lang, goodbye."

As soon as the words fell, the blood in Yu Zhen's eyes gradually faded, and her body also began to become transparent.

Shen Lang stretched out his hand, trying to grab Yu Zhen, but to no avail.


The garland fell to the ground with a slight sound.

A gust of wind blows, rustling the willow leaves.

"Tianshi, I want to ask you something." Yu Zhen's voice was ethereal, close to nothingness, and only Cen Shu could hear it.

Cen Shu raised her eyebrows lightly, looked at Shen Lang who was kneeling on the ground blankly, and nodded invisibly.

"Shen Lang, this is her last gift to you."

Cen Shu took out the photo taken in the church from her bag.

Shen Lang took it, but when he saw the person in the photo, he was stunned.

It was still the same dim classroom, the girl had long hair shawl, lips fluttering, a wicker wreath on her head, bright yellow daisies inserted in the girl's hair, adding a touch of bright color to the darker photo.

[Ding, the prestige value has increased by 2000.

Congratulations on being promoted to level 13, prestige value calculation ing
Currently, reputation: 60000/80000
Malicious value: 1009/160000
Once the reputation is reached, it can be upgraded, I hope the host will continue to work hard, chirp~]

"Cen, sister Cen, what should we do now?"

The night was getting darker and the outdoor temperature was getting lower, especially by the lake, Jiang Zhi was chatting with Gu Huo to keep warm with his teeth shaking.

The four declined Shen Lang's kindness to open up to them, seeing Shen Lang leave with the photo in his arms, Jiang Zhi asked tremblingly.

Cen Shu glanced at Shi Fei, who was also trembling from the cold, and put a talisman into Shi Fei's palm, "I called a car, and I will take you to the nearest hotel."

"Sister Cen, won't you come with us?"

It's almost twelve o'clock, Jiang Zhi and the others are worried that Cen Shu is outside alone, what if he encounters some unruly people?
"That's right, kid, what's up with you, you can do it tomorrow."

Cen Shu raised her hand and touched Shi Fei's head, then glanced at the two of them, "Actually, I don't really want to hit you guys."

Gu Huo & Jiang Zhi:?
Two seconds later, only two painful wailings were heard, and the two who were still standing fell to the ground in an instant.

"Ouch, my old waist."

"Sister Cen, a gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands. If you say you are so good at fighting, I will definitely believe you 100% unconditionally."

The two helped each other to get up from the ground, and they glanced at Cen Shu who was standing there calm and breezy.

"Sister Cen waved."

"Don't worry, child, we will take good care of the little rich woman."

Seeing the three leave, Xiao Hua jumped out of the space, a small circle of light was particularly conspicuous in the dark night.

[Host, where are we going now? 】

Cen Shu glanced at the dormitory building not far away, her lips curled up slightly, 【Naturally it's a good place. 】

(End of this chapter)

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