Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 435 Wu Xuan, You Should Be Sober

Chapter 435 Wu Xuan, You Should Be Sober
"I don't want to lie to you at the last moment of my life, Zhong Tianqi, I like you, I like you!"

On the first floor of the thirteen dormitory buildings, the two southeast gates were locked with iron chains.

The dormitory lay on the bed watching the idol drama played on his mobile phone, crying so hard.


There was a slight knock on the door.

In the dead of night, this sudden knock on the door seemed a little strange.

The dorm manager thought he heard it wrong, until he pressed the pause button, the sound of knocking on the door was still there, subconsciously stuck his head out from under the quilt, wiped his cracked eyes, and looked out the door.

When they saw the girl standing in their mouths, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why did you come back so late?"

The dormitory manager opened the door with the key, "Have you brought the campus card?"

The girl was wearing a cowboy hat, the tip of her nose was red, and her cold almond eyes were mixed with a little helplessness, "Auntie, I'm sorry to bother you. There is a performance in the club, so I came back late. I forgot my campus card. the dormitory..."

Hearing that the girl seemed to be about to cry, the dormitory auntie waved her hands again and again, "Okay, okay, I will open the door for you this time, remember to bring your campus card next time, by the way, what is your name, I have to register here .”

The girl's pupils lit up, "Thank you, auntie, my name is Wu Xuan."

"Okay, Wu Xuan..." the dormitory manager wrote his name on the registration booklet, "Okay, you can go back to the dormitory, don't come back so late in the future, although the security on campus is pretty good, but it's not safe for girls after all. "


The girl responded obediently, and under the loving gaze of the housekeeper's aunt, she carried her satchel and walked upstairs.

Close the door.

The auntie in charge retreated into the bed again, and continued to watch TV dramas.

The dormitory building is I-shaped, and there is a long corridor in the middle, connecting the north and south sides. The girl's footsteps are very light, and there seems to be no sound when walking on the stairs.

The night wind blew, and on the clothesline in the corridor on the roof of the sixth floor, the clothes that had not been taken away were blown and rattled, as if they were about to be blown off at any time.

[Su, host, your acting skills are really good. 】

Sitting on Cen Shu's shoulder, Xiao Hua flattered her.

Cen Shu responded softly, glanced at the surveillance probe not far away in the darkness with red dots, lowered the brim of her hat, and walked towards the dormitory building to the south.

'Tick tock, tick tock...'

Drop by drop, as if the faucet was not tightened, even the air became humid.

Body, unable to move.

In the silent bedroom, He Yi's breathing sound was particularly obvious, rising and falling along with the sound of water droplets.

The wind is howling.

and many more……

Where does the wind come from?
Wu Xuan opened her eyes suddenly, only to find that she was standing on a rooftop, surrounded by pitch black and windy.

Just at the edge of the roof, stood a familiar figure.

"Wen, Wenwen..."

After seeing the man clearly, Wu Xuan shouted in a daze.

The figure was gently swayed by the wind, as if it was about to fall from the sky at any time.

Wu Xuan's eyes were shattered, and her body suddenly became able to move. Wu Xuan took a few steps forward and pulled Tao Wen back from the edge of the roof.

A strong smell of blood rushed towards her face, Wu Xuan lowered her head, and met a pair of black pupils, which were completely black and could not see the slightest whiteness.

This is a bloody face, half of the face can no longer see its original appearance, and the other half is rolled with blood and flesh, and even the maggots that are constantly wriggling can be seen on the face.

Wu Xuan didn't show the slightest fear. She stared blankly at the black pearl necklace on Tao Wen's neck, raised her hand and caressed her cheek, "Wenwen, I miss you so much, I miss you so much."

A tear fell from Wu Xuan's eyes and dripped on Tao Wen's bloody cheek.

Not far away, a thick white mist suddenly blew, completely covering the two of them in an instant.

Wu Xuan suddenly felt that her arms were empty, and Tao Wen was gone!
An unspeakable panic suddenly came to my heart, "Wen Wen! Tao Wen!"

"Aren't you going to say goodbye to her?"

Cen Shu stood outside the white mist and turned to look at Tao Wen beside her.

Tao Wen has returned to his former appearance, with a ball head tied, a smile on his delicate face, eyebrows curved, shaking his head, "No, Xuanxuan has lost weight again, she must not have eaten well, she used to be very fat when she was slightly fat nice."

With tears in his eyes, Tao Wen looked at Wu Xuan who kept looking for him in the white mist, his voice choked slightly:

"You little girl, do you really think I can't see it? She obviously likes her but doesn't confess, she's so conceited! I've hinted so clearly..."

In the white mist, Wu Xuan cried heart-rendingly and kept calling Tao Wen's name.

Tao Wen couldn't control it anymore, and burst into tears, "Tianshi, thank you, and thank you Zhen Zhen for allowing me to see her one last time, I think I should go."

The white mist gradually dissipated, and Wu Xuan vaguely saw the familiar figure outside the white mist, and stepped forward quickly, trying to catch the disappearing figure, but in vain.

"Xuanxuan? Xuanxuan!"

'Clap clap clap'

My face hurts a bit.

Wu Xuan opened her eyes in a daze, and saw He Yi's magnified face, and she lost all sleepiness in an instant.

"Yiyi, why are you on my bed?"

Wu Xuan wanted to move her body, but found that there was a heavy object sitting on her body, which made her chest tight and short of breath, and almost killed half of her old life.

He Yi couldn't hold back, and rolled his eyes, "You have the nerve to talk about me, you sleep and talk in your sleep, you keep calling Tao Wen's name, I know you like her, but you also have to consider my feelings as a solo mother Well, hearing you talking in your sleep in the middle of the night, I was almost scared to death."

Wu Xuan was taken aback for a moment, then looked to the balcony and found that it was dimly lit outside, about four or five o'clock, "I...was talking in my sleep?"

"Yeah, the super loud one."

He Yi was sleeping soundly, but was awakened by Wu Xuan's angry roar, but Wu Xuan was fine, as if nothing had happened, and kept talking in sleep.

She yelled on the bed several times, but she didn't wake her up. She had no choice but to climb onto Wu Xuan's bed.

"Besides, he was crying like a fool." He Yi's tone was not as fierce as before, and he raised his hand and took out a few tissues to wipe Wu Xuan's face, "Xuanxuan, the past is over, we You can’t live in the past forever.”

It was only now that Wu Xuan noticed that half of the pillow was almost soaked by her tears. Thinking of the dream just now, she grasped He Yi's wrist, eagerly looking for some kind of approval, "Yi, I just dreamed Wen Wen."

He Yi angrily picked up a tissue and threw it on Wu Xuan, "Then what? Wu Xuan, Tao Wen is gone, and Yu Zhen is gone. Has your life stopped here?"

"Wu Xuan, you should wake up." After finishing speaking, He Yi got off Wu Xuan's bed, returned to her bed, pulled up the quilt and turned her back to Wu Xuan, ignoring her.

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, cute!
  Go to bed early, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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