Chapter 441 Kidnapping Cen Xue
A week passed in the blink of an eye.

Cen Yiqing had to be busy with Liu Lian's funeral and manage the company's affairs, so he had a lot of gray hair in just a week.

Cen Qin also rushed back from abroad, and returned to Cen's house with Mu Yuan.

The funeral was very grand, and there was enough room.

Liu Lian's former poker friends also came to attend the funeral. Several old people cried more sadly than Cen Qin, forcibly creating the feeling that they are family members.

Cen Xue sat next to Cen Shu wearing a mask, which was soaked with tears.

"Wipe it off." Cen Shu handed the tissue to Cen Xue.

Cen Xue took it, "Thank you..."

The two of them didn't interact much, and their expressions were as plain as if they were just strangers.

The man who pretended to go to the funeral sat on the guest chair, looked at Cen Shu and Cen Xue who were sitting side by side not far away, and frowned.

Last week, he was the first to get the first-hand information, earning a lot of money, and suddenly made a down payment for a set of second-tier cities. This feeling of quick money made him start to abandon those professional ethics that he originally disdained.

But the funeral was almost over, but the two were still extremely calm, which made the man very anxious. He took out a pack of betel nuts from his bag and chewed them in his mouth. The unique taste stimulated his nerves and made the irritable The mood gradually eased down.

How can we do things?
The man's eyes flicked around, looking around, and when he saw Liu Lian's body placed in the ice coffin, a trace of madness and coldness flashed in his eyes.

With that, he knows how to do things.

'Snapped! '

Someone patted him heavily on the shoulder, and the man's plan was interrupted before it could be carried out. Immediately, that melancholic emotion surged into his heart, making his expression become ferocious.

"Brother, borrow a fire."

It was a young man who looked about 20 years old, wearing a black leather jacket, ripped jeans, and a pair of dusty white shoes. He could tell he was a gangster at first glance. A smirk.

The man brushed away the young man's hand, and his voice was full of impatience: "Don't bother me!"

The young man was not angry when he was rejected, he just chuckled lightly, and embraced the man's shoulder very familiarly, "Brother, I see you keep looking at that chick wearing a mask? Why, have a crush on her?"

Hearing this, the man looked at the young man, rolled his eyes a few times, "Can you get it for me?"

The young man took the man's hand and squeezed his fingers, but there was still a naughty smile on his face.

"How can it be, brother, now is a society ruled by law, and we have serious jobs."

The man felt the young man's movements, and his face darkened instantly. This little gangster looked like a street gangster. He didn't expect the asking price to be so high, and it was 200 million when he asked.

He has been in the circle for so many years, plus the money he has earned recently, it is only less than 300 million.

"Too much." The man was still thinking about bargaining.

Xiaonian laughed softly, "Brother, don't think I don't know, that's Cen Xue, a big star."

The man was shocked, he didn't expect this young man to be so shrewd.

Thinking that if Cen Xue took photos that shouldn't be taken, then he could control Cen Xue, and with the speed of big stars making money, the 200 million would only take a day or two.

Reluctant to let the child not be caught by the wolf, the man felt a little heartbroken, and nodded, "Okay!"

Late at night, an abandoned factory in the suburbs.

Cloudy wind blows.

The factory has two floors. There are no walls on the northwest side. The cold wind blows through the hall, making bursts of noise, as if someone is crying.


The man was taken aback by the sound of the metal plate falling to the ground. He quickly turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone and cursed in a low voice.

I didn't expect that young man to be so dexterous. He had just made an appointment during the day, and tied him up at night. His skills were shocking.

This man is not a habitual offender, is he?

The man thought, feeling a little regretful in his heart, he didn't dare to let people know about this matter, what if the young man took everything?
But... it's all here!
Thinking of the 100 million deposit that had already been transferred, the man felt heartache and walked up to the second floor.

The second floor is very open, at first glance there are only a few pillars, and Cen Xue who is tied to a chair and blindfolded.

The girl was wearing a nightdress, showing her white thighs as she struggled, and the spring was faintly visible under the big neckline.

'gu dong'

The man couldn't hold back and swallowed.

The young man is not there.

At this time, the man's cell phone lit up, and it was a text message from the young man, saying that he had already got it, and remember to pay the final payment.

The man's original heart slowly let go, but he didn't expect this young man to be quite polite.

The man took out the camera from his bag and pointed it at the bound Cen Xue.

After observing in front of the camera for a long time, I feel very dissatisfied.

Night falls, the night is quiet, no one lives around, even if you shout here, you will not be heard.

The man looked at Cen Xue, and a thick fire surged up in his heart. It was so fierce that the man's eyes turned red instantly, and his body walked towards Cen Xue as if he couldn't control it.

'want to!Really want! '

This thought instantly eroded the man's reason, and all the cells in his body were clamoring.

However, just when the man's hand was about to touch the bound Cen Xue, he felt a pain in the back of his head. The severe pain made the man wake up instantly, and he only saw a beautiful figure from the corner of his eye before he passed out.

'Boom! '

The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Hearing the sound, Cen Xue easily broke free from the rope, took off her blindfold, looked at the man lying at her feet, raised her foot and kicked the man's leg, then looked up at Cen Shu, "Sister, this person is secretly taking pictures of me. people?"

When Cen Shu heard the voice of sister, she raised her eyes to look at Cen Xue, responded softly, squatted down, glanced at the man, and then pinched a black line from the back of the man's neck, as if she had noticed Dangerous, wriggling and struggling to escape.

Cen Xue looked curiously at the black line on Cen Shu's fingertips, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, "This is?"

Cen Shu didn't turn a blind eye to Cen Xue.

"It's anger, resentment." Cen Shu explained with a calm expression, "This man's original purpose was to kidnap you and then blackmail you, but just now, he suddenly had other thoughts and took action. The influence of this breath."

But usually this kind of qi will dissipate quickly, let alone turn into substance and affect people.

A person's own yang fire is very strong, and this kind of qi will disappear when it encounters yang fire.

Unless... someone did it on purpose.


Cen Xue was not wearing much, and was shivered by the wind.

"Hey, how about giving the signal after the agreement is settled?" Mu Yuan walked up to the second floor carelessly carrying the steel pipe, took off his coat and handed it to Cen Xue, glanced at the man on the ground, and patted his own narcissistically. Face, "Look at our handsome and young face, many people have been fooled."

Cen Shu glanced at Mu Yuan lightly, "Young guy."

"What's the matter?" Mu Yuan took his seat very consciously.

Cen Shu's lips curled up slightly, and she patted his shoulder, "Please do me a favor."

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes and rewards, cute~
  It will be 2022 soon, little cuties, happy new year~
  In 2022, everyone must be safe and healthy!

(End of this chapter)

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