Chapter 442
Looking at Cen Shu's smile, Mu Yuan always felt that she was harboring malicious intentions, and subconsciously shuddered.

Cen Xue was on the side, watching the black thread crawl into Mu Yuan's neck like a wriggling maggot, and suddenly felt a little sick.

Mu Yuan glanced at the two of them, feeling something was wrong, "What's wrong?"

The night wind was bitter, and the light of the flashlight could only illuminate a limited area. Mu Yuan always felt that there was something sinister hidden in Cen Shu's smile.

"What do you most want to do now?" Cen Shu asked.

What do you most want to do?
Mu Yuan thought about it, and thought that although the rich woman was on the list, but the rich woman didn't seem to like her, she instantly felt sad.

Cen Xue focused all the time on the black line on the back of Mu Yuan's neck, and saw that Mu Yuan, who was quite normal before, suddenly had red eyes, ah...

This feeling of sadness and unwillingness spread like a plague, Mu Yuan took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and dialed the number that was so familiar that he could no longer be familiar with it.

Cen Qin didn't know their plans, but thought that Mu Yuan had gone out to meet friends, "Are you coming back?"

Hearing Cen Qin's voice, Mu Yuan's eyes turned red again, "Xiao Qin..." There was a tear in his voice.

"What's wrong?" Cen Qin was surprised, "What happened?"

"Xiao Qin, I want to have sex with you!"

Mu Yuan almost roared out these words.

The night wind was bleak, but Mu Yuan's heart was hot.

Cen Xue couldn't hold back, "Pfft!"

The other side was silent for a few seconds, then hung up the phone decisively.

Cen Shu quickly took out the black thread from the back of Mu Yuan's neck.

Mu Yuan calmed down, recalling what he said just now, his neck turned red in an instant, he was in a panic for a few seconds, then raised his head to look at the culprit, "Little fox, what strange thing did you put on me again?"

Mu Yuan is very self-conscious, and even changes the name of Cen Shu.

Cen Shuyun crushed the black air lightly, spreading her hands innocently, "I don't know what you're talking about?"

He couldn't beat him, and he didn't dare to scold him. Mu Yuan could only suffer from being dumb, but his body was very honest and he moved silently, cherishing life and staying away from Cen Shu.

"What should I do with this person?"

Mu Yuan kicked the man and changed the subject.

Cen Shu glanced lightly. Although this person was also affected by resentment, he broke the law under the instigation of others, "This person is entangled in resentment, his soul is unstable, and his luck is reduced. It can be regarded as punishment."

That is to say, let him fend for himself.

Cen Shu looked at Cen Xue, and took out a puppet from her bag, which was tied with a red string.

When Cen Xue saw the puppet, she was stunned, because the puppet looked [-]% like her.

Cen Shu hung the puppet around Cen Xue's neck. The moment the puppet came into contact with Cen Xue, it seemed to be hidden and disappeared immediately.

"Sister... this is?"

Cen Xue stroked her neck subconsciously, but she didn't feel anything there.

"Naturally, I will know the use when the time comes." Cen Shu did not say clearly.

Mu Principle was a little surprised, he took a deep look at Cen Shu, but didn't speak.

'Da da da'

The marbles rolled to the ground.


The baby's whispers rang in his ears.

Cen Shu suddenly opened her eyes, she is not in the room now, but in a crib.

A woman sat on the edge of the crib and looked at herself with soft and complicated eyes.

The woman held a rattle in her hand and teased her to play.

She became a baby, but her body was uncontrollable, and she stretched out her hand to catch the rattle.

The crib was very high, at least for her now, it was out of reach.


A man walked in, grabbed the woman's shoulders very naturally, and looked at her with loving eyes.

The woman is well maintained, her skin is smooth and delicate, but there is a bit of sadness between her eyebrows and eyes, leaning on her husband, "What did the doctor say?"

The man plucked the wind chimes on the crib, and the colorful bells, such as ponies and flowers, made sounds, which were pleasant and not harsh.

Cen Shu felt drowsy when she heard the ringtone, but she tried her best not to fall asleep.

"The baby will fall asleep every time he hears this ringtone, and he looks very energetic today." Cen Shu couldn't see the man's appearance clearly, but felt that the voice seemed familiar.

The woman responded softly, seemingly absent-minded, with anxiety flashing in her eyes.

"The doctor said that the baby has hereditary gastric cancer and may...not live to be ten years old."

The man seemed unable to hold on, and his voice sank.

The woman was taken aback, looked at Cen Shu, covered her lips and began to sob softly.

Cen Shu could no longer control herself and fell into a deep sleep.

The feeling of weightlessness came.

Cen Shu opened her eyes, and met Xiao Lihua's big round eyes.


Cen Shu stood up, pinched the center of her brows, and felt an unspeakable sense of fatigue.

Yazi jumped onto the bed, "What's wrong?"

Cen Shu glanced around the room, but didn't notice the strange phenomenon.

"I had a dream." A chill flashed in Cen Shu's eyes.

Yazi's eyes widened a little, "Who can pull you into a dream?"

Cen Shu has a strong soul and body, so she usually doesn't dream, unless someone close to Cen Shu asks for help in a dream.

Cen Shu carefully recalled the scene in the dream, the woman looked familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

"do not know……"

This kind of feeling of being pulled into a dream is very bad, as if staying up all night, Cen Shu's brows and eyes are a little dry.


The door was knocked.

Cen Shu glanced at the clock on the wall, it was eight o'clock in the morning.

Liu Lian was a very traditional person who believed in returning fallen leaves to their roots.

Cen Yiqing's father passed away early, and Liu Lian took a son and a daughter back to her natal family, and they were brought up by relying on the land of her natal family.

Today, they will send Liu Lian's ashes to the cemetery in Liujia Village, and put the tablet in the Liujia Ancestral Hall.

Originally, the ancestral hall was not allowed to place female relatives in the rankings, but Cen Yiqing was the pride of Liujia Village, and the roads in Liujia Village were all built by Cen Yiqing.

Liu Lian, as the mother who raised Cen Yiqing, made an exception to be able to enter the Liu Family Ancestral Hall.

Cen Shu opened the door, and Cen Yanyu stood at the door yawning.

Cen Yanyu looked at the dark circles under Cen Shu's eyes, feeling better for no reason, and joked, "Did you become a thief last night?"

Cen Shu glanced at Cen Yanyu lightly, then turned and walked into the bathroom.

Cen Yanyu didn't care too much, he patted Yazi's hair, and fished the little raccoon into his arms, "Don't worry, parents are still preparing, and grandma has a few people here."

Cen Yanyu has been in Xuancheng since he was a child, and rarely goes to Liujia Village, and has hardly seen Liu Lian's relatives.

Even if I saw it, it was something I did when I was a child, so I don't have a deep impression.

Cen Shu moved quickly, and walked out of the bathroom rubbing lotion, "When are you going to country M?"

"The second half of the year, the project is not in a hurry. By the way, do you still remember Ding Yan? She dropped out of school a few days ago, and her mobile phone number was cancelled. No one can contact her. Shushu, you have great powers, and you can figure out where she is going." Yet?"

At any rate, she was a classmate of the same major and had dinner several times. Although Cen Yanyu had no feelings for her, Ding Yan's sudden disappearance made everyone else quite worried.

(End of this chapter)

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