Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 443 We Will Have Retribution

Chapter 443 We Will Have Retribution
Cen Shu recalled the two thousand merit points, lowered her eyes, "She is a good person."

Cen Yanyu: "..." Didn't he ask where he went?

"Good people will naturally be rewarded with good rewards." Cen Shu simply packed her backpack. This time, she will stay in Liujia Village for at least two days.

Okay, it seems that there is nothing to ask, but Cen Yanyu still let out a sigh of relief, since Shushu said this, maybe Ding Yan is still living well somewhere in this world.

Cen Yanyu very naturally carried Cen Shu's small suitcase for clothes in his hands and went downstairs.

Downstairs in the living room, Cen Yiqing was wearing a black suit and sitting at the head of the sofa. Lin Lan was beside him, and an old man was sitting on the sofa beside him. He was wearing black cloth and had dark skin. He vaguely resembled Liu Lian in appearance.

Seeing the two, the old man raised his head, his eyes were cloudy, but there was a loving light in his eyes, "This is Cen's son and daughter, okay, okay!"

"Yan Yu, Shu Shu, this is grandma's elder brother, you should call him uncle."

Cen Yiqing stood up and introduced.

The two yelled obediently.

"Okay, okay! They're all good kids." Liuhe was nearly eighty years old, worked all year round when he was young, suffered from a lot of illnesses, and when he got older, his legs and feet became weak. With Cen Yiqing's honor, he became the village head.

As he said that, he actually shed tears, which shocked Cen Yanyu.

Cen Shu noticed Xia Liuhe's face, and vaguely guessed something.

Three people came to Liujia Village, the only one was young named Liu Zheng, who had not studied for a few years, was about the same age as Cen Yanyu, and had dark skin.

It seemed that he was frightened by the decoration of the Cen's villa, and almost kept his head down, looking a little introverted.

There are two cars, and Cen Yiqing specially gave the two elderly nanny cars, driven by the driver.

Cen Yiqing drove behind.

In the car, Cen Yiqing told a few people about Liu He.

Liu Lian has a hot temper, part of which is what Liu He and the others are used to. Liu Lian is the youngest in the family, and Liu He is the eldest brother. The main worker in the family is honest, hardworking, and not afraid of hardship.

Liu Lian has one older brother and two older sisters. Liu He loves the youngest sister very much, and gives Liu Lian a lot of delicious food.

Later, when Liu He got married, he still had to support a family, making life even more difficult.

Liuhe's wife was married from another village. She was pretty and was a famous village flower nearby.

The family lived fairly happily.

Later, Liu Lian's two elder sisters got married one after another, leaving Liu Lian, her parents and wife in the family, and with the dowry money from the two older sisters, life was quite ample.

Soon after, Liuhe's wife became pregnant.

But it just happened that there was a drought, and there was no harvest in the field. All the hard work in the past year was in vain.

It takes money to have a child and raise a child, but where does the money come from.

For the sake of their grandson, Liu Lian's parents gritted their teeth and married Liu Lian to another villager who lived at the entrance of the village, surnamed Cen.

At that time, people with foreign surnames could not get land, so they could only move bricks, but they still had some money.

Liuhe is rich, but he still feels guilty towards Liulian.

From time to time, he took money from his family to supplement Liu Lian.

In less than ten months, Liuhe had a fat boy, which made the whole family very happy.

But not long after, Liuhe's parents passed away one after another, and his wife was injured after that childbirth, and she was never able to conceive a second child.

Life on Liu Lian's side was also difficult. Cen Yiqing and Cen Qin were born one after another, and they had to go to work even on the day of delivery.

The days went on reluctantly like this, and Cen Yiqing's father passed away, which to Liu Lian was like a bolt from the blue.

So far, Liu He's guilt towards Liu Lian has reached its peak, and he takes Liu Lian back to Liu's house.

Liu He's wife didn't want to, and started all kinds of small quarrels, until one day, in a panic, she said that the son was not Liu He's.

"Your uncle got divorced, and he never remarried after the divorce. If it wasn't for your uncle's help these years, your father and I might not be what we are now." Cen Yiqing respected Liu He from the bottom of his heart, and already regarded Liu He as his half-father .

After he started the company, he wanted to take Liuhe over to live with him, but Liuhe refused, saying that he had lived in Liujia Village all his life, and he was not used to living outside, so Cen Yiqing gave up.

"Uncle likes children very much. You can chat with Uncle more, he will be happy."

The two nodded in unison and said hello.

Liujia Village was not in Xuancheng, so the car drove on the highway for about two hours before turning into a small road.

The path is not bumpy, it is a long cement road, it looks very clean,

Camphor trees are planted on both sides of the road, and there are fields not far away, and even the air is a bit fresh.

At the end of the path is Liujia Village, where at a glance there are two-story small bungalows.

After Cen Yiqing made his fortune, he did not forget his roots and made contributions to his hometown as much as possible.

Everyone in the village knew that Cen Yiqing was coming back today, so they all came out to look around.

The car stopped at the gate of Liu He's house.

In a small three-story bungalow, there is a field in the yard where garlic sprouts are planted. A few chickens are strolling leisurely in the yard. When they see a car, they run around in fright.

Liuhe had said hello beforehand, knowing that Cen Yiqing and the others didn't like to be lively, so he told the people in the village not to bring their children to visit.

With the progress of the times, although there is Cen Yiqing's help in Liujia Village, young people are still unwilling to stay in their hometown. Most of them are old people living in the village with their children, and young people go out to work.

Get out of the car and walk into the yard, looking a little cold.

Liu Zheng is a child adopted by Liu He, and his movements are very capable. As soon as he entered the door, he walked into the kitchen very consciously to work.

Several people moved benches and sat in the yard chatting.

The other old man who accompanied Liuhe had a little cousin relationship with Liuhe's family, but it was not very deep, so he went home after chatting a few words.

The sun is not harsh, but it is warm when it shines on the person. Cen Shu leaned on the chair, listening to the chatting of several people, feeling drowsy.

'Da da da'

The marbles rolled to the ground, making a loud noise.

She was dreaming again.

This time Cen Shu didn't rush to open her eyes, because she felt that there seemed to be someone beside the bed.

"Is it really possible to do this?" It was a woman's voice, with some hesitation.

With a rustling sound, Cen Shu felt her body being lifted up.

The chin was pinched, and then a thick bloody smell rushed to the face.

Cen Shu did not resist, but swallowed obediently following the man's movements.

Not human blood.

After drinking a bowl, someone gently placed her body on the bed, and wiped the corner of her mouth with a soft silk handkerchief. The man moved carefully, as if she was a fragile doll at this time.

"If we do this... there will be retribution." The woman's voice sounded again, crying.

'Patta' a tear fell on Cen Shu's cheek.

"Chen Jia, where's your grandma?"

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, cute!
  Go to bed early, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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