Chapter 452 The Man in the Basement
Gradually, the light of the reincarnation talisman gradually dimmed, and the figure of the little girl finally disappeared at the end of the road of reincarnation.

Yin Tian hugged his wife tightly, raised his hand to gently wipe away the tears on her face, "An'an, we should be happy."


At the moment when the Dao of Reincarnation disappeared, there was only a soft 'pop' sound, as if the bond was broken.

A black imprint appeared between Yintian's eyebrows, the imprint was complicated and strange.

And this mark was not only seen by Cen Shu, but also by the couple.

Yun An didn't even have time to be overly sad. When she saw the mark on her husband's forehead, she panicked. She had just lost her daughter and could not lose her husband anymore. She looked at Cen Shu for help.

"Miss Cen, God, what happened to him?"

At the moment when the imprint appeared, Yintian's eyes were dull and motionless, looking at the direction where the way of reincarnation disappeared.

Cen Shu took a few steps forward and lightly touched the mark with her fingertips. The black mark seemed to be alive, wrapping around Cen Shu's fingertips. She was about to hide in Cen Shu's body, but was hit by a purple light.

Yun An even heard a scream, and then there was the sound of teeth chewing meat, like a ferocious beast eating.

Looking at Cen Shu's calm face, Yun An only felt an inexplicable chill rushing towards Tianling Gai, and subconsciously moved away from Cen Shu.

"An'an, what happened to me just now?" Yintian regained his clarity. He just suddenly felt that his five senses seemed to be blocked by something, unable to see or hear, isolated and helpless.

Hearing her husband's voice, Yun An threw herself into Yin Tian's arms, "You didn't move and didn't speak just now, I thought..."

Cen Shu glanced at the two embracing each other, and patted Yazi's cat's head.

Yazi immediately stopped chewing, but his mouth was still bulging.

"An'an, don't worry, I'm fine." Not only was she fine, but her body and mind seemed to relax a lot, as if her soul had been released.

Yin Tian comforted his wife, then looked at Cen Shu: "Miss Cen, just now..."

"It's the curse attached to the secretary."

Cen Shu caressed Ya Zi lightly and said softly.

This kind of secretary is crooked, the more he gets, the more he pays.

If you want to take a shortcut, it will never be possible. The cycle of cause and effect, the five generations of the Yin family have lived a long life and can directly enter the Yin Division.

The Yin family, in the line of Yintian, was cut off.

It was impossible for Yinnan to be born in the first place, and even if she was born by chance, it would be like this.

"Curse?" Yin Tian frowned.

Cen Shu gave a soft 'hmm', "It's been resolved."

When he saw Cen Shu, he didn't want to talk more, so Yin Tian didn't ask any more questions.

In the living room, before the dishes and chopsticks were cleared away, the three people who were eating became two people.

Yinnan's body didn't stay behind either, it just disappeared.

In other words, her corpse was not flesh and blood long ago, but something composed of corpse energy and death energy. When the soul body at the core disappeared, the components also dissipated into the air.

The wind blows in through the window, bringing a bleak loneliness.

He has known the pain of parting since he was a child, but now Yintian understands that the time of parting is not the most painful. The real pain is that the people who stay are still there, while the people who leave have already left.

Things are different, that's about it.

"Xuexue, wait here for a while, Young Master Yi should still be busy."

In the capital, in a villa prone to cool breeze.

Wang Minhui instructed Cen Xuesheng to ask the nanny to serve Cen Xue some dessert, and then walked towards the elevator. The hostess looked as if she was Yi Liangfeng's girlfriend.

With a smile on her face, Cen Xue watched Wang Minhui's figure disappear into the elevator, lowered her eyes, and raised her hand to touch the peace talisman on her neck.

"Aunt Liu, what does Liangfeng usually do in the basement?" Cen Xue asked casually while eating the cake.

Aunt Liu is an old man in Yi Liangfeng's villa, and she grew up watching Yi Liangfeng. Cen Xue was the first girlfriend Yi Liangfeng brought back to this villa. Aunt Liu looked at Cen Xue with a loving expression laugh.

"Young master's basement is generally not allowed to go down, and Ms. Wang is always cleaning it on weekdays."

As if afraid of Cen Xue's misunderstanding, Aunt Liu added, "Master and Miss Wang are just ordinary subordinates, Miss Cen, please don't misunderstand."

With this beginning, Aunt Liu seemed to have opened up the chatterbox, and began to tell Cen Xue about the embarrassing things about Yi Liangfeng's childhood.

The Yi family and the Lu family in the capital are evenly matched. Yi Liangfeng's mother died just after Yi Liangfeng was born, and Yi Liangfeng's father is a workaholic. Easy cool breeze.

Most of the time, Aunt Liu is taking care of Yi Liangfeng.

Later, when Yi Liangfeng was about ten years old, Yi Liangfeng's grandfather suddenly fell ill. Even the doctor shook his head. and healed.

Yi Liangfeng was left in the old house for eight years.

"The young master actually looks fierce, but he is actually a very nice person. Miss Cen, I have told you so much today because I hope that Miss Cen can take care of our young master's petty temper. I hope you don't think I am too talkative."

Aunt Liu said with sincere eyes and a soft voice.

"Thank you for telling me this, I will." Cen Xue took a sip of tea, and a trace of struggle flashed in her closed eyes.

Aunt Liu: "That's good, that's good, then I'll go to the kitchen first, and you must stay for dinner later."

"Yeah, good." Cen Xue nodded.

Watching Aunt Liu walk into the kitchen, Cen Xue put down the cup in her hand.

There are not many nannies in the villa, and there is only Aunt Liu in the villa at this time.

Cen Xue got up unhurriedly, and slowly walked towards the elevator leading to the basement.

There are two floors in the basement. Cen Xue recalled the floor that Wang Minhui went down just now, and decisively pressed minus two.

The elevator slowly descended, Cen Xue's heart was pounding, her hands were soaked in cold sweat, and the elevator soon reached the second basement floor.

The door opened to both sides, and there was darkness in front of the eyes, only the small lamp at the foot of the wall exuded a faint green light, which looked very strange.

Cen Xue swallowed subconsciously, walked out of the elevator.

The basement is not big. There is a room on the left and right sides. There are no windows in the room, and even the door is an iron door.


A low and hoarse roar sounded from the left.

Cen Xue was quite frightened, but she still pretended to be brave and walked over.

The iron door was thick, and it was just a solid sticker. Cen Xue put her hand on the door carefully, but felt that the tentacles were cold, even with a slight chill.

And the painful voice became clearer.

Cen Xue felt extremely painful just listening to that voice, and didn't know what kind of torture the people inside were suffering.

(End of this chapter)

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