Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 453 The Mysterious Big Client

Chapter 453 The Mysterious Big Client
However, the iron gate is not perfectly connected to the ground, there is a small gap between the iron gate and the ground.

Cen Xue knelt down and looked over curiously.

The room was pitch black, and she couldn't see anything clearly, but she could vaguely see something like fog.

In order to make sure that this was not her illusion, Cen Xue's whole body almost fell to the ground, and when she looked again, she suddenly met a pair of bloodshot eyes full of hostility.

Cen Xue was shocked.

"Xue'er, what are you doing here?"

A low and gloomy voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Cen Xue dropped the talisman in her hand on the ground, but luckily the room was very dark, so the visitor didn't notice it.

Cen Xue pretended to be frightened, got up from the ground, and quietly kicked the talisman into the crack of the door.

At some point, Yi Liangfeng quietly appeared behind her, and behind him, Wang Minhui was also there.

Cen Xue pursed her lips: "She can come down, why can't I?"

After this year of training, Cen Xue's acting skills have improved a lot, and she has an expression of being jealous of her spoiled girlfriend.

Hearing this, Wang Minhui subconsciously looked at Yi Liangfeng. In the darkness, her eyes were full of undisguised expectation.

Yi Liangfeng frowned slightly: "Xue'er, Min Hui and I are not what you think. If you really want to talk, she should be my senior sister."

Wang Minhui's eyes dimmed instantly, and a trace of strong resentment and jealousy flashed in the bottom of the eyes.

He even told this Cen Xue such a secret thing!
"Then what happened to the man in this room, are you illegally imprisoning him?" Cen Xue asked unreasonably.

Yi Liangfeng took a few steps forward, held Cen Xue in his arms, glanced at the iron gate, and explained: "The people inside have offended me, so I'll just lock him up for a few days, and no one will be killed. You don’t worry."

Cen Xue leaned against Yi Liangfeng's arms, lowered her head, as if moved by his words, "Really?"

"Can I still lie to you, Xue'er, Auntie Liu must have told you that you are the first girlfriend I brought home after so many years..." Yi Liangfeng fell gently on the top of Cen Xue's hair A kiss, "Even if I lie to the whole world, I won't lie to you, Xue'er."

Listening to Yi Liangfeng's gentle tone, Wang Minhui pinched her fingertips into her palm.

"Yi Shao and Xuexue, let's go up and talk."

Wang Minhui interrupted the conversation between the two.

Yi Liangfeng responded, held Cen Xue's shoulders, and walked towards the elevator, comforting him softly as he walked.

"Little rich woman? Little rich woman?!"

The next day, big break.

Recently, Shi Fei didn't come to class, and the school's supervision was not so strict. The stalls selling pancakes started to fight guerrilla warfare with the school.

During the break, I honestly stayed in the snack street, and when the students of No. [-] Middle School were about to finish class, I took the time to go to the fence on the left side of the school gate.

The pancakes came back again, and Guhuo’s happiness also came back. Not only did he want to take Shi Fei to buy pancakes just after class, but after shouting for a long time, Shi Fei kept staring at the box in the drawer as if he didn’t hear it. cell phone.

Cen Shu was sleeping soundly and was woken up by Gu Huo, but Shi Fei still didn't move at all.

"Feifei." Cen Shu raised her hand and rubbed Shi Fei's head, but met her confused eyes.

Shi Fei's eyes were slightly red, "Shu Shu, did something happen to Lu Miao?"

Cen Shu was taken aback.

Seeing that Shi Fei was crying, Gu Huo didn't dare to call her any more, and sneaked out against the wall. The little girls like every family, so let the girls solve it by themselves.

Shi Fei wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and handed the phone to Cen Shu.

What is displayed on the phone is her chat with Lu Miao in the past few days.

There are back and forth, but it is very simple. They are all greetings of good morning and good night, and there is nothing else.

It can be regarded as a very normal, very Lu Miao style dialogue.

"Shu Shu, you turn forward."

Cen Shu flipped through the longer chat records according to her words. When she saw that most of Shi Fei's questions were asked, while Lu Miao's responses were only a few, she instantly understood Shi Fei's meaning.

"Don't worry, I'll ask first." Cen Shu could tell from the fireworks display during the Chinese New Year that this little girl seemed to be interested in Lu Miao.

Regarding people close to her, Cen Shu never calculates. First, the calculation may not be accurate, and second, if she calculates something bad, if she changes it forcibly, the result will be bad. It's better to let it go with the flow. One or two points at critical moments.

Shi Fei nodded obediently, "Shu Shu, no matter what happens to him, you must tell me."

The little girl has never been rebellious, but since she fell in love with Lu Miao secretly, she has her own persistence and little secret.

Cen Shu sighed softly, "Okay."

Beijing, the headquarters of Huanyu Group.

"Hey, you little brat, you're not very old, and your temper looks really bad. I'm afraid you scared a lot of people along the way."

At the door of the conference room, Lu Mu stopped Lu Miao, raised his hand to grab Lu Miao's shoulder, but he dodged sideways.

Lu Mu didn't mind either, after all, this kid never liked being touched by others.

"Boss is still in a meeting?"

With a cold face, Lu Miao glanced at the conference room, frowning slightly.

"It's just a few old guys doing things, it's a trivial matter." Lu Mu curled his lips, it was time-consuming, and the boss's patience was almost at the end.

Thinking about it, the phone in his pocket vibrated. It was the phone that the boss left with him before the meeting.

The caller ID has only one word 'mountain'.

Lu Mu panicked for a moment. Normally, Miss Cen would not call at this time.

"What's wrong?" Lu Miao glanced at the caller ID and asked strangely.

Lu Mu felt that the mobile phone in his hand was not a mobile phone, but a bomb, but the boss in the conference room had already started to clean up those old guys, wouldn't it be good to knock on the door and go in now?
Lu Mu thought about it, and felt that with great ability comes great responsibility. This saying is very good.

"Come on, answer the phone, this is a big customer." Lu Mu quickly threw the phone to Lu Miao.

Lu Miao wrote down the phone number and pressed the answer button, "Hello, Mr. Lu is in a meeting right now, and it's not convenient to answer the phone for now. If you have anything, I can help you."

Hearing this, Lu Mu looked at Lu Miao strangely, feeling that this kid seemed to have talked a lot since he came back from the mission.

And he can talk to Miss Cen so calmly...

Did this kid join some MLM organization?

Lu Miao waited for the other party to answer, but after waiting for a long time, only some noisy and playful voices could be heard.

"Lu Miao."

A cold female voice came from the opposite side.

Lu Miao was taken aback, but before he could speak, the other party hung up the phone.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Lu Miao's strange expression, Lu Mu asked anxiously, "What did the big client tell you?"

Lu Miao returned the phone to Lu Mu, also looking confused.

"She... called my name."

Lu Mu:?
After resolutely dealing with the old guy, Lu Si who just came out of the meeting room:? ? ?
 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, I love you guys~
  good night!
(End of this chapter)

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