Chapter 461

"Has Yin Hong changed her name?"

Since the rape-murder case and the serial murder case were uncovered one after another, Xu Guoqing did not intervene in the matter of finding Yin Hong's relatives, and left it to other police officers to complete.

Gu Hui didn't know why his master cared so much about Yin Hong, but he still replied respectfully: "It seems to be reform."

Recently, Gu Hui has been very busy with his affairs, so he doesn't pay much attention to such small things.

Xu Guoqing got up to throw away the garbage in the lunch box, and patted Gu Hui on the shoulder, "Master is old, and he will retire in a few years. From now on, you young people will rule the world."

After Gu Hui said that sentence, he immediately understood the meaning of his master, bowed his head, and humbly accepted the master's teaching.

"Master, I will ask Xiao Liu to give you Yin Hong's information."

"it is good."

After finishing speaking, Gu Hui made a phone call, looked at Xu Guoqing who was looking through the file again, and felt a little puzzled, "Master, why do you care about this person so much all of a sudden?"

Xu Guoqing frowned. In fact, he had read this file countless times. The murderer of the rape and murder case committed several cases within three months, with extremely cruel methods and very bad behavior.

Moreover, the murderer specially selected uneducated women who came to Xuancheng to work.

The social circle is relatively simple, and the relationship network is also clear at a glance. Even if it disappears for a while, it will not be discovered.

Among them, the family members of several dead women came to claim the bodies, but Yin Hong was the only one.

She works in a restaurant and rents a youth hostel. The beds change a lot, the people she meets are mixed, and she hardly has a fixed roommate. Therefore, after Yin Hong disappeared for nearly a week, it was the proprietress of the restaurant who noticed something was wrong. police.

Thinking of this, Xu Guoqing sighed lightly, "Did I have a dream yesterday?"

"Dream?" Gu Hui was even more puzzled.

In their profession, they don't believe in ghosts at all.

Gu Hui didn't expect that he could hear such words from his master.

Xu Guoqing sighed deeply. In fact, even he himself didn't believe it, but it was very strange. His dream yesterday was not about ghosts and gods. It was more than ten years ago when he just graduated from the police academy and followed him. A case of child abduction and trafficking handled by my master.

At that time, there was indeed a village called Yinjia Village on the outskirts of Xuancheng.

A child was abducted and trafficked by human traffickers while playing games, and only the little girl's blood was left at the scene.

At that time, the criminal investigation methods were not as developed as they are now, and the scene of the crime was at the entrance of the village, and there were many people coming and going, so it was impossible to extract useful information.

Afterwards, there was no further case of missing children in the nearby villages, and this case became an unsolved case.

"Master, do you suspect that this Yin Hong is the child who disappeared at that time?" If this is the case, this fate is truly amazing.

But as soon as he asked, Gu Hui felt something was wrong. If Yin Hong was the child who was abducted back then, why was that handkerchief on her?

"That little girl has a sister who is five years older than her. She dropped out of school at a young age and works outside to earn money..."

Xu Guoqing sighed lightly. He has been a criminal police officer for so many years, and he has met many people, but sometimes fate seems to really not favor some people, such as the little girl who was abducted, such as Yin Hong.

"You mean, this Yin Hong might be the older sister of the little girl who was trafficked back then?"

Xu Guoqing nodded, "Not sure, if so..."

If so, it is really too miserable!
Hearing this, Gu Hui couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Both parents died, and the two sisters depended on each other. The elder sister dropped out of school to work to support her younger sister, just to raise her younger sister. She never thought that her younger sister was kidnapped. There has been no news for so many years.

And my sister worked so hard, just to survive, but died so miserably.

There was silence in the office.

Just then, there was a knock on the office door.

"Captain Gu, the file you want..." Xiao Liu pushed the door open, "Captain Xu, there is a girl looking for you at the door."

"Looking for me?" Xu Guoqing was a little strange.

Xiao Liu put the file on the desk, and replied softly, "Well, she's still a pretty girl."

Pretty girl?

Gu Hui looked at his master with a hint of ridicule in his eyes.

Xu Guoqing is about to retire, but he hasn't married yet. He lives in the office every day, and the criminal police team is his home.

"What are you thinking, kid?" Xu Guoqing mercilessly stretched out his hand and gave Gu Hui a chestnut.

Gu Hui covered his forehead and laughed, "Since a girl is looking for you, master, then I won't disturb you for now."

After finishing speaking, Gu Hui gave Xiao Liu a wink, and the two walked out of the office with a smile.

"These two kids." Seeing the scene of the two whispering and giggling, Xu Guoqing licked his lips and walked out of the office.

As soon as he walked to the door, Xu Guoqing saw the person waiting not far away, and was slightly taken aback.

Unexpected, but it seems reasonable.

Even Xu Guoqing himself didn't realize that in his subconscious mind, Cen Shu had already been linked with those ghosts.

"Uncle Xu doesn't seem surprised that I will come to you." Cen Shu said with a light smile when she saw Xu Guoqing.

When Xu Guoqing heard Cen Shu's 'Uncle Xu', he raised his eyebrows lightly, "The little girl is so polite, she must be asking for something?"

Cen Shu didn't beat around the bush, "Uncle Xu, I don't know if you recognize this."

Cen Shu took out a handkerchief from her bag and handed it over.

When Xu Guoqing saw the handkerchief, his pupils shrank suddenly.

This handkerchief is a relic of Yin Hong, and it was handed over to the hospital, so it should be put together with the ashes.

"Little girl, where did you get this handkerchief?"

Cen Shu took back the handkerchief, seeing Xu Guoqing's reaction, her eyes flickered slightly, "It seems that Uncle Xu knows him, Uncle Xu, if it's convenient, can you tell me about the owner of this handkerchief?"

Xu Guoqing's contact with Cen Shu is not too small, and he has some vague guesses about many things.

"Okay, but, can I know why you suddenly care about this person?" If he remembered correctly, the little girl should be about to take the college entrance examination soon, and she didn't study hard, so she even took care of these things.

Cen Shu's smile deepened, "If I say that I had a dream, would you believe me, Uncle Xu?"

Xu Guoqing took a deep look at Cen Shu, "Let's go."

Xu Guoqing led Cen Shu into the office.

At the corner of the corridor, two haunting heads poked out.

"Look, I'm right, she's a very pretty little girl."

Xiao Liu said with a smile.

Gu Hui didn't answer, but frowned, as if lost in thought.

"What's wrong with you? What are you thinking? You don't fall in love with the little girl at first sight, do you?"

Xiao Liu joked.

Gu Hui gave Xiao Liu a white look, "What are you talking about, I've seen this girl before."

"have you seen?"

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, I love you guys~
  good night!
(End of this chapter)

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