Chapter 462 Sister Handkerchief
"You sit."

Xu Guoqing took Cen Shu a glass of water.

Cen Shu took it and thanked her.

Xu Guoqing glanced at the household registration file bag on the desk, and thought to himself, it was a coincidence that this little girl came, he didn't even have time to read the file.

"This is Yin Hong's household registration file." Xu Guoqing handed the file to Cen Shu.

Cen Shu glanced at her and sealed her mouth, a smile flashed in her almond eyes, "Thank you, Uncle Xu!"

"Come on, you little girl." Xu Guoqing laughed.

At the window outside the office, the two of them were lying on the glass furtively. When Xu Guoqing handed the unopened file bag to Cen Shu very naturally, Xiao Liu was instantly surprised, especially when he saw the unsmiling Xu Guoqing When he actually smiled, the way Xiao Liu looked at Cen Shu changed instantly.

Could this pretty little girl be Xu Dui's biological daughter?

"Master has never treated me so well." Gu Hui curled his lips, his tone sour.

Xiao Liu couldn't help but rolled his eyes at Gu Hui, "You can get it, there are so many excellent police officers in the team, why did Team Xu choose you as an apprentice?"

Gu Hui thought for a while, this is true, he was just a new recruit back then, if he hadn't been transferred from the police station to the criminal police team with Xu Guoqing, he wouldn't have been able to join the deputy team on his own.

Gu Hui glanced at the office. Xu Guoqing was sitting next to Cen Shu. The picture of a very loving father and daughter was still a bit sour.
in the office.

Cen Shu looked at the file in her hand and frowned slightly.

Yin Hong, formerly known as Yin Fang, lives in Yinjia Village. She has a younger sister named Yin Yin, but she was abducted 18 years ago and has not been found so far.

And she went around to work in various places by herself, and only returned to Xuancheng in recent years.

It's just that she didn't expect that fate would play tricks on others. Not long after Yin Hong returned to Xuancheng, she met the murderer in a rape and murder case, so that she died tragically, and no one has collected her body yet.

"The case is actually over. I also had a sudden dream yesterday that reminded me of this incident. I didn't expect you to come. When I saw you, little girl, I knew that Yin Hong was Yin Yin's older sister."

Xu Guoqing stared at Cen Shu, not letting go of the slightest expression on her face, trying to find something from it.

Cen Shu caught Xu Guoqing's scrutiny from the corner of her eye, but didn't care.

This handkerchief was a gift from Yin Hong to her younger sister many years ago, and in the dream, Yin Yin was also abducted while playing the game of throwing the handkerchief. The handkerchief should be sealed as evidence, why did she come back again? Yin Hong's hands?
Cen Shu raised her own question.

Xu Guoqing took a deep look at Cen Shu, and didn't delve into how she knew that Yin Yin was just playing games when she was kidnapped. He sighed softly and said, "Actually, this handkerchief was originally a pair."

The elder sister who dropped out of school to work worked hard to earn money to support her younger sister, so she boarded her with someone else's house. Finally, she had enough money to buy a handkerchief for herself and her younger sister.

Yin Hong was young at the time, and when she saw parent-child outfits in the shop window, she wondered why she couldn't have sister outfits. She didn't earn much money at that time, so she first bought two identical handkerchiefs...

"Uncle Xu..." Cen Shu closed the portfolio and looked at Xu Guoqing, "Can I see the other handkerchief?"

Xu Guoqing showed an expression of 'I knew you would say that', "The documents of the unsolved cases more than ten years ago are all in the archives, come to me on Saturday."

"Okay, thank you."

Even Cen Shu herself did not expect that things would go so smoothly.

"No thanks, if you really have this ability, little girl, I also hope that there will be one less unsolved case in the archives." Xu Guoqing looked a little lonely. Now, with the advancement of technology, many old cases have been solved one by one. But there are still many cases.

These cases are all due to the fact that there were too few traces left at the beginning. No matter how advanced the technology is now, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Hearing this, Cen Shu looked up at Xu Guoqing, nodded emphatically, "Yes."

"What do you want Master's contact information for?"

It was another familiar night. After taking a shower, Cen Yiqing just lay down when he was pulled up by his wife.

After hearing Lin Lan's request, Cen Yiqing's head grew dizzy. Give Shushu's contact information to his wife?


Cen Yiqing swore to the death to defend his daughter's little vest!

So even to his wife, Cen Yiqing had to seriously refuse.

After being rejected, Lin Lan looked at her husband, tears were about to come out, "Do you dislike me because I am old?"

Cen Yi's green head is even bigger, why is this brought up here again?

Lin Lan glanced at Cen Yiqing's cell phone hidden behind her, "If anything happens to Shushu, let me tell you, I will definitely hate you!"

"Shu Shu?" What does this have to do with Shu Shu?
Because of guilty conscience, Cen Yiqing was a little dazed when he heard his daughter's name. When he didn't pay attention, someone snatched the phone from his hand.

Face unlock one-stop.

But when he opened Cen Yiqing's WeChat, Lin Lan searched for a long time but couldn't find a master-style avatar, and there was no "master" note in his contacts.

Just when Lin Lan was unwilling to give up and tried to enter keywords such as 'handkerchief', Cen Yi snatched the phone back quickly with blue eyes.

"Wife, tell me first, what does this matter have to do with Shushu?"

Cen Yiqing turned off the screen with a serious face.

Lin Lan was just joking with her husband before, but now when asked, she told the whole story about Cen Shu holding the handkerchief, with obvious worry in her expression.

"It's okay, I'll talk to the master." Cen Yiqing heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this, the master is Shu Shu, if Shu Shu has any difficulties...

Cen Yiqing was stunned for a moment, he never seemed to think about it, what should he do if even Shushu can't solve it?
When he was on a business trip to the capital before, he had vaguely heard about a master named 'Ling Xianren' from the wealthy children who cooperated with him.

At that time, Cen Yiqing was doing business well, and didn't believe in these crooked ways, so he didn't care. Now that he thought about it, if something happened to Shushu, he couldn't help him.

Just thinking about it, Cen Yiqing couldn't help becoming nervous. While comforting his wife, he wondered whether the Wechat account of the rich second generation a few years ago was still there, and he must ask when he has a chance.


The sound of howling sirens struck, from far to near.

As soon as Cen Shu walked to the door of the criminal police brigade according to the agreed time, she saw a police car roaring into the brigade building and stopped at the door.

A girl in a school uniform with short hair got out of the car.

The girl looked timid, looking around blankly, and even subconsciously put her hands in front of her, looking very at a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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