Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 471 The Male Version of White Lotus

Chapter 471 The Male Version of White Lotus

Cen Shu frowned slightly as she watched the news.

"What's the matter? Kid, do you know this person?" Gu Huo looked at Cen Shu cautiously. Every time the child showed such an expression, Gu Huo always had a chill down his spine.

Cen Shu shook her head.

"Then why do you have this expression?" Gu Huo was even more surprised.

There is not much news, only a few hundred words, and it takes less than 5 minutes to read it.

"It doesn't feel right." Cen Shu pinched the center of her brows.

According to the news, the suspect was reported by well-meaning citizens, saying that while walking in the park, he unzipped his trousers and molested pedestrians. Then the police rushed to the scene and controlled the suspect. Unexpectedly, the suspect blew himself up It's a serial killer fact.

This news was not released on the official police account, but a local newspaper in Xuancheng.

In fact, Gu Huo just glanced at it hastily just now, and didn't read the specific content. When he looked again, he also felt that this kind of news was very fake.

This news is exaggerated at first glance. It is very likely that a reporter from the newspaper happened to catch it and then fabricated a news casually.

"Child, you seem to be very concerned about this news..."

In the past, Cen Shu would never have cared about such useless rubbish news, but Gu Huo discovered that children seem to be quite concerned about this kind of criminal cases recently.

"Well, I've accepted a job." Cen Shu didn't hide anything.

Yin Yin was abducted, and she didn't know what happened to her. Since her death is already a fact, only by finding the murderer can we find some clues.

Gu Huo nodded, expressing his understanding.

"By the way, is your grandfather getting better?" Cen Shu asked.

Gu Huo sighed lightly, "It's still the same, the little old man is very stubborn, he just insists on living in a nursing home."

Cen Shu nodded, "It's okay, you must be more troublesome than your grandfather when you are old."

Guho: ...

Did not feel comforted.

"Zhao Yi, you wrote the news today well, and now the reading volume has exceeded [-]."

Xuancheng Daily Criminal Essay Studio.

A man patted Zhao Yi on the shoulder and said congratulatoryly with a smile.

Zhao Yi was sitting at the work station, dressed in a suit turned west, with a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, looking very shy. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "Where is it? It's my luck. Arrived."

"Luck is also a part of strength." The man grabbed Zhao Yi's shoulders and raised his brows lightly, "However, there are many people who scold you on the Internet now, so be careful when the editor scolds you."

Zhao Yi reached out to support the mirror frame, and said weakly: "But, the serial murderer is also said by that person himself, and there is no fabrication in my news."

Hearing this, the man seemed to be meeting Zhao Yi for the first time, with an expression of 'you are still tall'.

"Brother, is there anything else you can do? I'm going to start writing the next manuscript."

Zhao Yi smiled shyly and asked softly.

"You still have materials?" Li Wang was surprised.

From the name of their studio, it can be seen that the articles they post in the official account every day are very limited.

It has only been a hundred years since the founding of Huaguo, and the criminal law has not been amended many times, and there are not many extraordinarily serious criminal cases, and the materials for writing are all used one and one less.

And if it's just an ordinary homicide case, it's actually worthless to them. On the contrary, it's the kind of homicide or serial homicide caused by emotional disputes that is more explosive.

Play volume will go up.

Zhao Yi was lucky enough to have a piece of freshly released news. He didn't expect that he would have another material just after he finished writing it?

"Well, it's just a very old case, so there shouldn't be much broadcast volume." Zhao Yi opened the file very generously, and shared the materials he had collected with Li Wang.

Li Wang looked at it, and found that it was indeed a very old case, almost 20 years old, and it was a trafficking case. Although it was local in Xuancheng, the completion rate of unsolved cases like this was very low.

After all, Zhao Yi is still a novice and only writes about cases he is interested in.

"Then I won't bother you anymore, let's try to reach new heights!" After speaking, Li Wang returned to his desk in high spirits.

Zhao Yi sat on a chair, looked at the document in front of him, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

"What? Did you become a thief yesterday?"

In the evening, when Liang Yue came back from school, just as she stepped into the elevator, Chen Qiang also followed her in.

Seeing the dark circles under Chen Qiang's eyes, Liang Yue couldn't help but choke.

"Who knows, I went to bed after ten o'clock yesterday, and I'm still sleepy." The man in the suit wasn't there, and apart from being more ruffian than the others, Chen Qi'ang was fine and spoke quite normally.

Liang Yue was a little strange, "You have a bad relationship with your roommate?"

Chen Qiang seemed to hate the man in the suit very much. Thinking of this, Liang Yue realized that she didn't seem to know the man's name in the suit, and she didn't seem to have told the man in the suit her name, so how did he know her name?

"It's okay, I just can't stand his shrinking behavior." Chen Qi'ang curled his lips, "Don't you think that every time you look at him, he has a weak look, as if someone is bullying him. Like a little white lotus."

"You put it this way..." Liang Yue thought about it carefully, and it seemed that she really felt this way, although Chen Qiang's mouth was really stinky sometimes.

"It's still a girl, so I haven't identified it yet." Chen Qiang looked at Liang Yue with disgust.

The elevator went upstairs in no time.

Liang Yue stepped out of the elevator and was about to go home, but was stopped by Chen Qiang.

"What's wrong?" Liang Yue paused.

Chen Qiang's ear tips were slightly red, "Would you like to sit with me?"

Liang Yue raised her head and looked at Chen Qiang.

Chen Qi'ang turned his head away, avoiding her gaze.

"Yinyin, is this your classmate?" At some point, the elevator door reached the floor again, and the elevator door opened. Mother Huang looked at the two standing in front of the elevator door and asked with a smile.

Chen Qiang put away his ruffian attitude, and instantly became well-behaved, "Hello, Auntie."

Huang's mother looked at Chen Qi'ang with a smile, "Okay, good, I'm going to cook soon, do you want to come to my house for dinner?"

"Mom!" Liang Yue stopped, "He himself..."

"Okay, thank you Auntie, if it wasn't for you, I might have ordered takeaway again today." Chen Qiang was tall and big, but he had an excellent skin, showing a pitiful expression at this time, It made Huang Mu's heart melt instantly.

"Takeaway is so unhygienic. If you like it, Auntie welcomes you to our house for dinner at any time. Yinyin doesn't have any friends at our house. It's just right for you to eat together."

Mother Huang stepped forward and hugged Chen Qiang's arm, no matter how satisfied she looked, she didn't care about Liang Yue who was still standing there, and pulled Chen Qiang into the room.

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes and rewards, I love you guys~
  good night!
(End of this chapter)

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