Chapter 472 Pretty Smooth!

"Ang! Try this beef stew with potatoes. This is my aunt's specialty. I guarantee you will like it!"

Huang's mother picked up a piece of beef with her chopsticks and put it in Chen Qi'ang's bowl, with a loving expression on her face.

"Thank you, Auntie." Chen Qi'ang thanked him, glanced at Liang Yue who had not eaten much and was poking rice with chopsticks, and picked a piece of beef for Liang Yue.

Mother Huang watched the interaction between the two and secretly smiled.

After dinner, Huang's mother drove Liang Yue out of the house on the grounds that she had to clean up.

The door was shut with a bang.

Liang Yue looked at the closed anti-theft door with a dazed expression, and suddenly felt the viciousness of this world.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Chen Qiang asked with a suppressed smile.

What can Liang Yue, who was kicked out of the house by her old mother, do, of course, forgive her mother.

As June approaches, the temperature is gradually rising.

At this time, many people were walking in the community. Liang Yue and Chen Qi'ang walked side by side in the community, hardly talking along the way.

Liang Yue looked up at Chen Qiang, "You haven't told me, were you following me before?"

When Chen Qiang was about to answer last time, he was interrupted by the man in the suit.

"I wanted to say it last time, but I don't want to say it this time." Chen Qiang raised his chin, with an indescribable fart.

"Love to talk or not to talk."

Liang Yue pursed her lips, as if thinking of something, she subconsciously looked around.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Liang Yue's expression was different, Chen Qiang asked softly.

Liang Yue shook her head. After that dream, she went to the police station to report. The police officer said that the police force was sent around the community. I don't know if those people are still there.

Now that she has determined that Chen Qiang is not a murderer, it is better not to waste state resources.

But remember that dream.

Liang Yue was a little strange, since this was a dream dreamed with the help of the master, there must be something missing in the dream.

Unfortunately, at that time, all her attention was on Chen Qiang, and she hadn't had time to pay attention to other things.

"Yellow tone?"

Just when Liang Yue was deep in thought, a slightly familiar voice sounded from behind.

The world of the two of them was broken again, and Chen Qiang looked a little cold.

Liang Yue turned around, a little surprised: "Officer Liu? Why are you here?"

Liu Li was wearing a tracksuit and a forehead protector on her forehead, making her look like she was running.

"My family lives here." Liu Li wiped the sweat from her forehead, glanced at Chen Qiang who was exuding low pressure all over her body, her eyes narrowed, "Who are you?"

The little girl said a few days ago that the little boy was a murderer, and today they took a walk together. The progress is really fast.

"Officer Liu..." Liang Yue was a little embarrassed.


The housing prices in this neighborhood don't seem to be cheap. Is Officer Liu so rich?

"You'd better call me Sister Liu, otherwise I'd want to go back to the police station immediately after hearing this address." Liu Li said jokingly.

"Okay, Miss Liu."

Liang Yue is as good as others.

"Sister Liu, that's what I told the police officer last time. Are there any police officers guarding the neighborhood?" Liang Yue approached Liu Li intentionally, and asked in a low voice.

Liu Li glanced at Chen Qi'ang who was following behind them, "Don't worry, it's gone a long time ago."

After investigating Chen Qiang's information, Gu Hui sent several people to guard the community. Later, seeing Liang Yue talking and laughing with Chen Qiang, the crisis was resolved, so he withdrew the police force back.

"Then I'm relieved." Liang Yueqing breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, you guys take a walk slowly, I've just warmed up, so I'm leaving first." She wouldn't be so blind, and ran away after saying hello to the two of them.

"Police officer?" Chen Qi'ang looked at Liu Li's back and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Liang Yue said softly, "By the way, didn't Fushan Plaza held a comic exhibition a week ago? Did you go that day?"

"I know you little girl is testing." Chen Qiang looked at Liang Yue's big eyes full of expectation, couldn't help but raised his hand and rubbed her head, "I went to Fushan Square that day, and saw you enter Public toilets, and I know you were picked up by a police car."

In fact, even Chen Qiang himself didn't quite understand the weird behavior these days.

Obviously his family has several villas in Xuancheng, but he wants to share the rent with others, just to create more opportunities to get along with Huang Yin.

If it was love at first sight.

In fact, Huang Yin is not the type that you will fall in love with at first sight. Chen Qiang has even seen many girls who are prettier than Huang Yin. I felt my heart pounding.

The kind of jump he couldn't control.

Later, finding a house and moving all kinds of things seemed to be decided in an instant.

"Don't ask me, I don't know either." Seeing that Liang Yue seemed to want to ask something, Chen Qi'ang was inexplicably agitated, and said in advance.

He even wondered if he had been bewitched by Liang Yue, otherwise why would he miss him so much after seeing him for a day?
Liang Yue looked at Chen Qiang who suddenly became irritable, and felt a little baffled.

"Also, you'd better stay away from that Zhao Yi, he's not a good guy."

Chen Qi'ang seemed to have thought of something, with a hint of disgust in his tone.

"Zhao Yi?" Liang Yue was taken aback for a moment, and then she understood who Chen Qiang was talking about. "He may have some personality problems, but he should be pretty good."

"Knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing hearts, can you be a little vigilant?" Chen Qiang hated that iron can't make steel.

The rented house has a total of three rooms. He lives in a room with a private bathroom. Apart from Zhao Yi, another roommate seems to have lived here for a long time. Chen Qiang has met that person several times. He is a standard 007 and has little time. Stay indoors.

But even so, Chen Qi'ang had heard that 007 brother seemed to complain about Zhao Yi to his friends on the phone.

It was less than a week since he moved here, and he bumped into him three times, which is evident.

But Chen Qiang didn't really want to tell Liang Yue about such small things.


"But what is it, just remember what I said." Seeing that Liang Yue still wanted to refute, Chen Qiang's peach blossom eyes flashed a trace of helplessness, "Did you hear that, Huang Yin!"

Under the light, the 17-year-old boy looked serious, with a little solemnity in his eyes.

Especially those eyes, when looking at you, as if you are the center of the world.

It was obvious that they were discussing other things, but when Liang Yue fell in love with the boy's eyes, the surroundings became still.

Chen Qi'ang babbled for a long time, and the girl in front of him just stared at him in a daze, unable to speak any more words of advice, his ears felt faintly hot, "What are you doing?"

"Chen Qi'ang, you look quite good-looking."

Liang Yue seemed to be fascinated by a ghost, and even raised her hand to touch Chen Qiang's face.

Mmm, it's smooth!

(End of this chapter)

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