Chapter 474

"President Li, why did you come out?"

Cen Yiqing took the phone away, looked at Li Cheng who was clearly drunk, and frowned calmly.

Li Cheng smelled of alcohol all over his body, his eyes were red, and he grabbed Cen Yiqing's shoulders, "Stop chatting, let's go, Xiao Cen, let's sing again, and I will introduce you to Immortal Ling tomorrow."

Cen Yiqing thought for a while, and said to the phone: "Xiao Lan, I have something to do here, so let's not talk about it."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

in the room.

Listening to the mechanical 'beep' sound, the two fell into silence.

It was the first time that Lin Lan was hung up by her husband, and she was a little confused.

Cen Shu narrowed her almond eyes slightly when she heard the word 'Lingxianren'.

"Mom, don't you still have to go shopping with Aunt Zhong tomorrow? You should also take a rest quickly. Dad should have no time to socialize now." Cen Shu opened her mouth to ease the awkward atmosphere in the room.

Lin Lan didn't think much about it, but she was a little worried. The forces in the capital were complex. Although the Cen family was okay in Xuancheng, they were still not good enough in front of some forces in the capital, and she called her husband Xiao Cen?

"Shushu, your dad doesn't know what's going on when he went to the capital this time, so nothing will happen to him, right?" Lin Lan unconsciously tightened her grip while holding the phone.

Cen Shu just thought for a moment before recovering, stood up and patted Lin Lan's shoulder reassuringly, "Mom, Dad must be doing it for the company's affairs, don't worry, there is Uncle Zhu with him, nothing will happen .”

"Yes, with Zhu Li here, there should be nothing wrong." Zhu Li's professional ability was beyond doubt, and Lin Lan relaxed a little.

Under Cen Shu's comfort, Lin Lan finally relaxed and went back to her room to sleep.

When Cen Shu returned to her room, Xiao Hua couldn't wait to jump out of the space, 【Host, someone pretended to be you to trick you! 】

"Yeah." Cen Shu was very calm. It was actually not the first time this kind of thing happened.

When Ling Xianren became famous, various immortals such as "present immortal", "mountain immortal" and "ling immortal" appeared all over the country.

Cen Shu has long been used to it.

But when Si Shi found out, he was very angry, and that's why Ling Xianren's Weibo appeared. This account was almost always managed by Si Shi, and Cen Shu only occasionally logged in to check it out.

But this time...

Cen Shu combed Yazi's hair slowly, her lips curled up slightly.


'woo woo woo woo'

The cool wind made a small sound through the cracks in the windows, like a baby crying.

Liang Yue turned over and suddenly felt a chill all over her body.

She clearly remembered to close the window.

Liang Yue opened her eyes in a daze, and saw a white shadow standing beside her bed, and she woke up instantly.

"You, who are you?"

Bai Ying didn't move, and couldn't see clearly, but Liang Yue could feel that Bai Ying was looking at her.

Liang Yue quickly regained her composure. After all, as a ghost, she has seen many such small fights.

What's more, she didn't feel any malice from Bai Ying.

"What do you want to do?" Liang Yue even stood up from the bed, reaching out to touch Bai Ying.

Bai Ying took several steps back, then took a deep look at Liang Yue, and disappeared into the night.

"Hey!" Liang Yue ran to the window.

It's a pity that the night was so thick that Bai Ying could not be seen for a long time.

Liang Yue frowned, this white shadow gave her a very strange feeling.


Just as Liang Yue was leaning against the window in a daze, she heard a familiar voice coming from the next door.

Liang Yue looked up subconsciously, and met a pair of deep peach blossom eyes.

Only then did Liang Yue realize that the window of her room happened to be next to Chen Qiang's balcony.

"Why are you up so late?" Chen Qiang asked.

Liang Yue yawned, "Isn't this a sudden urgency to urinate, I got up to go to the bathroom, and went to sleep right away."

After all, Chen Qiang is just an ordinary person, it's better not to let him know about the things just now.

"Liar, why did you walk to the window when you went to the bathroom?"

"Isn't it just right to see the moon, and I want to see the scenery." Liang Yue glanced at Chen Qiang who was wearing pajamas, "Why don't you sleep?"

The hour hand on the wall is already pointing to three, don't you sleep at this point, are you a night owl?

"I woke up after having a nightmare." Chen Qiang leaned against the window, his face hidden in the darkness, making it difficult to see his emotions at this time.

Liang Yue noticed that Chen Qiang seemed a little depressed, and subconsciously pursed her lips: "Chen Qiang, where are your parents?"

We have known each other for almost a week, but Liang Yue only knows Chen Qiang's name and the school he attended, and she knows nothing about the rest.

"Parents?" Chen Qiang tried to put his hands in his pockets, but found that the pajamas he was wearing today had no pockets. He paused for a few seconds in the air, and then lightly placed them on the balcony railing.

"My parents are dead."

Liang Yue was taken aback.

When Chen Qi'ang said this, his tone was filled with hatred, which made Liang Yue not sure whether he said words of resentment or the truth.

"I'm sorry..." After thinking for a while, Liang Yue didn't know how to comfort her, so she apologized.

"It's okay." Chen Qiang's peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, "Actually, it's good for them to die."

Chen Qiang's parents were not actually together because of love, and Chen Qiang was not the crystallization of so-called love.

His parents are more like a family marriage, both of them had someone they liked before they got married.

However, their families didn't allow it, so they were forced to abandon their lovers and get married together to have Chen Qi'ang, a child with the blood of the two patriarchs.

After the child was born, the two discussed divorce. They died in a car accident on the way to the Civil Affairs Bureau for divorce.

Chen Qiang has never met his parents since he was a child, and he still heard about them from others.

To his parents, Chen Qi'ang was like a burden, what's more, it was a shame, the shame left by them because they couldn't resist their fate.

Chen Qiang possessed an inheritance unimaginable in a generation, but he never had a home.

The night breeze was gentle, and Chen Qi'ang recovered from the past.

"It's getting late, go to bed." Chen Qi'ang looked at Liang Yue who was lying on the window sill with her head pointing, and said with a chuckle.

Liang Yue glanced at Chen Qiang, tilted her head, "Chen Qiang, no matter what your parents are, they are no longer alive, so don't be unhappy because of them."

Liang Yue, who had died once and wandered in this world for nearly a hundred years, was actually very open-minded.

In other words, Liang Yue in the period of the Republic of China had such a personality, otherwise she would not have hanged herself to death after marrying chickens and dogs after knowing that she was bought to celebrate the wedding.

"Life is so long, live every day and be happy every day, why bother thinking about those unhappy things?"

(End of this chapter)

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