Chapter 475 How to open an altar

It has to be said that Liang Yue is not actually a comforting ghost.

It's just that she thinks it's better to be a human than to be a ghost!
When she was a ghost, she couldn't touch anything, and she could only look at the delicious things she encountered, because what she ate had no taste.

But now, as a human being, she can do whatever she wants and eat whatever she wants.

"So be happy, Chen Qiang!" Liang Yue looked at Chen Qiang and said in a deep voice.

Chen Qi'ang looked at Liang Yue's clear eyes without any impurities, and chuckled, the peach blossom eyes were shining beautifully, "Idiot."

Liang Yue: "..." The dog can't spit out ivory.

"I'm going to bed." After finishing speaking, Liang Yue turned and walked into the room.

Chen Qiang leaned against the wall, looking at the moon outside the window, his eyes were slightly bright.

Liang Yue tossed and turned back on the bed, but couldn't sleep well.

Zhan Huangyin's body has been in existence for more than half a year, and it has always been normal, but since seeing the female corpse in the public toilet, all kinds of weird things have come to him.

Especially today's Bai Ying, although she didn't feel any malice towards her, Liang Yue was still a little uneasy.

She didn't like this unknown feeling very much. After thinking about it, Liang Yue took out her mobile phone and clicked on someone's wechat avatar.

The next day.

Inside a dilapidated low house on the outskirts of the capital.

"Mani Mani Boom!"

A man in a yellow Taoist robe held a mahogany sword and a few talisman seals in his hand, chanting words.


In front of the man, there was a table with a cauldron on it, three incense sticks, and white smoke curled up.

The flames of the two red candles flickered, and as the man chanted the spell faster and faster, the flames jumped up like a snake, instantly swallowing up all the talismans that the man threw in the air.

The man flicked the whisk, his fingertips kept moving, his eyes were closed, and his brows were furrowed.

Suddenly, the man seemed to have sensed something, and opened his eyes suddenly, 'Pfft! 'He spit out a mouthful of blood.

Cen Yiqing stood in the corner of the room, seeing this scene, his heart couldn't help but pounding.

In fact, Cen Yiqing had only heard of Immortal Ling's name, and this was the first time he had seen Immortal Ling. This time, Cen Yiqing wanted to ask about Shu Shu's fortune and ask for a peace talisman.

Immortal Ling opened the altar immediately after listening to his request, and lived for an hour. Unexpectedly, Immortal Ling vomited blood!
Cen Yiqing panicked for a moment, could it be that Shushu will encounter some catastrophe in the future?

Otherwise, why did the Immortal Ling vomit blood?

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Cen Yiqing was nervous and even started to stammer.

The Taoist took the tissue from Li Cheng and wiped the blood from the corner of his lips, "It's not easy."

Cen Yiqing's heart skipped a beat: "Master, could it be that my daughter will encounter some danger in the future?"

"According to the birthday horoscope you gave, your daughter will die a year later!" The Taoist glanced at the nervous Cen Yiqing and shook his head, "I just wanted to open the altar and change the fortune for your daughter. However..."

Seeing the Taoist hesitate to speak, Cen Yiqing immediately reacted: "Master, as long as you can save my daughter, money is not a problem."

Ever since he knew that Shu Shu was a mysterious master, Cen Yiqing had made a lot of progress in metaphysics, and he also knew the principle of making money and eliminating disasters, so he said it very politely.

The Taoist stroked his beard, "Well, actually, it's not impossible, but it's best that you bring your daughter to see me."

"This..." Cen Yiqing was a little embarrassed, "Master, my daughter is about to take the college entrance examination, can you go back to Xuancheng with me?"

"Don't worry, all the expenses will be paid by me, and Mr. Li..." Cen Yiqing turned to look at Li Cheng who was standing aside, "Mr. Li, what do you think?"

Li Chengcheng didn't have anything to do, and he had seen Cen Yiqing's daughter, she was so upright, her eyes rolled around, Li Cheng said with a smile: "Mr. Cen's warm invitation, then I will be disrespectful."

"Master, what exactly is that white shadow?"

It happened to be the weekend, Liang Yue immediately approached Cen Shu, and briefly described what happened the night before yesterday.

The two sat on the subway. In the morning, there were not many people, Liang Yue asked in a low voice.

"I don't know." Cen Shu leaned on her seat and replied very confidently.

"You don't even know Master?!" Liang Yue showed a very exaggerated expression of surprise.

"I'm not a god."

The subway passed through the tunnel rapidly, making a lot of noise, and then slowly stopped.

Cen Shu got up: "Let's go."

"Hey, wait for my master!" Liang Yue hurriedly followed behind with her bag in her hand.

The two walked out of the subway station.

Because it is a weekend, there are many people in the playground.

Liang Yue stood at the gate of the amusement park and glanced around, but she didn't see the little girl that day.

Some time ago, Liang Yue called the Women's Federation, and the Women's Federation sent someone to look for the little girl the next day, but Liang Yue only provided a rough address, and the Women's Federation didn't find the little girl.

After a few days, the little girl did not come to the playground.

Liang Yue was a little worried, so she just invited Cen Shu to take a look.

Fortunately, the grandfather who sold balloons was there that day.

Liang Yue's eyes lit up, and she pulled Cen Shu to the old grandpa, "Grandpa, do you still remember me?"

A customer just walked by the old man's stall, seeing Liang Yue, the old man smiled: "It's you, of course I remember, you came with a young man that day, why didn't he come with you today?" ?”

Liang Yue subconsciously glanced at Cen Shu: "Grandpa, he and I are friends. We came today to ask that little girl, has she not been here for a long time?"

"You're talking about Fangfang, right? That little girl hasn't been here since that night." The grandfather sighed softly, "I'm used to it, it must be her mother's boyfriend who hit her again .”

Every time Fangfang makes money and goes home, she can relax for a while, but there is an exception, that is, Fangfang's mother's boyfriend has been drinking.

"That man is just a gangster. I don't know what Fangfang's mother is interested in him. He eats, drinks, prostitutes, and gambles. He also drinks heavily and beats people when he is drunk." The grandfather's words are full of love for Fangfang.

"Every time that little girl was beaten, she would disappear for a few days, and then bring flowers to sell."

The family conditions of these people are not very good, and they earn a little money to supplement their families every day in the wind and sun. Even if they sympathize with Fangfang, they really can't think of any other way except to call the police.

"You are all kind people, if possible, I can trouble you to help Fangfang." The old man begged, they didn't read much, and they didn't know what to do.

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, cute!

  good night~
(End of this chapter)

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