Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 478 Let's leave this world together

Chapter 478 Let's leave this world together

"It's gone! It's gone again!"

Xue Chao's eyes were bloodshot, and the bottom of his eyes was full of madness.

There was still Xue Chao's leftover noodles on the table, and the soup on it had solidified and looked a little disgusting.

The sun is setting and night is falling.

The living room was pitch black, only the computer screen exuded a faint light, which was reflected on Xue Chao's side face, making it look particularly horrifying.

Lin Fangfang curled up in a corner of the living room, her body trembling, her whole body was almost hidden in the piles of rubbish.

a week ago.

Lin Li dragged her tired body back home, and saw Xue Chao who was sitting at the table staring at the computer screen, thinking about the anger she had received outside, anger welled up in her heart, and with a 'snap', she stretched out her hand to Xue Chao's computer screen was pressed down.

Xue Chao was already in a bad mood because of the loss, but when he was about to make a comeback in the last hand, he was interrupted!

He could have made a comeback because of this stinky woman!

Xue Chao's eyes turned red, he grabbed Lin Li's hair, and slammed it hard against the wall one by one.

Lin Li waved her hands wildly in the air, trying to break free from Xue Chao's restraint, but she never expected that Xue Chao would treat her like this!

Lin Li herself was pregnant by accident, and she got together with the boy at that time under the general environment of public opinion and society.

However, the love of youth is like a fragile bubble, but it will disappear if there is a slight dust or vibration.

After the child was born, it was a girl, and the man's family was not very satisfied. They picked all kinds of faults, and even blamed Lin Li for all the faults at the beginning.

Under the torment of life, the originally weak relationship quickly disappeared, and the rest was a mess.

Lin Li couldn't take it anymore, but before she filed for divorce, the man fell in love with others, abandoned their mother and daughter first, and even didn't even take the house in the countryside, and left with the whole family overnight. up.

At that time, mobile phones were not a common communication tool, and Lin Li was married far away, with no one to rely on, and the people she came into contact with were also people from the society, so gradually her mentality changed, and even her only biological daughter was also worried. All alienated.

Later, by chance, Lin Li met Xue Chao.

At that time, Xue Chao hadn't touched gambling yet. Although he was just a gangster, he was still a loyal gangster.

It's okay for Lin Li, and she can be regarded as a good-looking talent, with a little scorn.

At that time, Lin Li thought that this was the only person.

Not long after the two were together, Xue Chao was brought into contact with gambling by his brother. It was originally just a small fight in reality, but he didn't expect it to be so out of control.

The two have been bickering non-stop since then.

Lin Li was tired of running around, and wanted to settle down with Xue Chao, but Xue Chao had already fallen into gambling and couldn't extricate himself, especially after the Internet developed.

Xue Chao's temper became worse and worse, and he vented his anger on Lin Fangfang every now and then. At the beginning, Lin Li would scold her lightly, but after a long time, Lin Li didn't take it seriously anymore. She knew that , she is not a competent mother.

Sometimes, if Xue Chao loses money, he will be in a bad mood, and even shoot her, but it is not so serious.

This time, Lin Li got angry in the supermarket where she worked part-time, and she was already in a bad mood. When she got home, she saw that Xue Chao seemed to be sitting at the computer desk since she got up, and she couldn't get angry.

But I didn't expect that such a simple action would lead to a fatal disaster.

Xue Chao's eyes turned red from the bloody smell, and he increased the strength in his hands. When he came back to his senses, Lin Li's forehead had been smashed, exposing the severe bones.

Lin Li is dead.

When he died, his eyes were still wide open, and blood flowed from his forehead, down his eyebrows, past his eyes, and out of the corners of his eyes.

Do not look down.

Only then did Xue Chao react, and let go of Lin Li's hair.

The walls of the living room were also covered with blood, and there was a sweet fishy smell in the air.

The panic only happened for a moment, and Xue Chao quickly calmed down. He carried Lin Li's body to the bathroom, and found a knife from the room.

Start disposing of the corpse.

Xue Chao stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes, why did he suddenly think of what happened that day again?
Anyway, his life is already like this, every day he can live is a day.

In fact, he himself clearly realized what he had done.

He has also warned himself many times that as long as he wins back the principal at one time, he will stop, but he can't control it at all, as if he is addicted.

Right now, after so many days of going around winning and losing, he finally has nothing left in his account.

Xue Chao looked at the 0 in the account balance with red eyes, but his heart strangely calmed down.

Getting up, Xue Chao poured himself a glass of water for the first time.

The kitchen was already a mess, and there was almost no place to stay in the whole house. Xue Chao took a glass that didn't look too dirty, took a glass of water from the tap, and drank it all in one gulp.

The cold liquid entered the stomach through the throat. Xue Chao's eyes were red and calm. From this angle, he could see Lin Fangfang curled up in the garbage dump in the living room at a glance. She was still so small and looked easy to bully.

Xue Chao is a junior high school graduate, and he hangs out with a group of brothers in the society. At some point, he has thought about living the ordinary life of ordinary people.

Having children, maybe the daughters born can be as well-behaved as Lin Fangfang.

Is Lin Fangfang pitiful?

Xue Chao thought, it should be pitiful, so if he is also in jail, Lin Fangfang should be even more pitiful, how can she live in this complicated society at such a young age by herself?
So, it's better for him to take her and leave together.

Xue Chao turned on all the lights in the room, picked up the musty kitchen knife in the kitchen, and walked towards the sleeping Lin Fangfang step by step.

Lin Fangfang hadn't eaten for two days. She was dizzy and curled up with hunger, but she still felt cold.

Feeling someone approaching in a daze, startled in her heart, forced to open her eyes, and saw Xue Chao standing in front of her, this terrible uncle.

Lin Fangfang's body was limp at this time, and she didn't even have the strength to stand up, let alone run away. She could only watch Xue Chao mention it with a cold and cruel expression.

Lin Fangfang closed her eyes resignedly.

Suddenly, the lights in the living room flickered, and snowflakes began to appear on the computer on the desktop.

Xue Chao frowned, looked up at the flickering lights, and looked down at Lin Fangfang, "Lin Fangfang, let me take you out of this complicated world together."

(End of this chapter)

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