Chapter 479 Mom?

As he said that, Xue Chao raised the knife in his hand high and swung it heavily towards Lin Fangfang.

With a slight 'snap', the lights in the living room suddenly went out.

The knife that Xue Chao swung down did not hit Lin Fangfang, but missed.

Xue Chao's body subconsciously staggered forward and fell to the ground, and the knife in his hand fell to the ground.

The tentacles are sticky.

With a strong smell of blood in his nostrils, Xue Chao's eyes widened suddenly.

'tick, tick'

The cold liquid dripped on the top of his head. Xue Chao lay on the ground and raised his hand to touch it, only to feel wet.

Xue Chao put it under his nose and smelled it, and the pungent smell of blood burst into his nostrils.

'call! '

The cold breath came from the back of the neck, which stimulated goosebumps. Xue Chao slowly raised his head, looked at the ceiling, and met a pair of bloodshot eyes.


Lin Li's swollen face appeared right above his head, her mouth opened and closed, and countless blood gushed out from her mouth.

And at the wound on her forehead, countless maggots were wriggling non-stop. With her movements, they fell on Xue Chao's body. Countless maggots seemed to come alive. Ears crawled into his body.

Xue Chao was so sick, he jumped up and stood up, slapping his body and the maggots on his face non-stop.

At this moment, he was no longer in the living room, but in the dim bathroom.

Lin Li climbed down from the wall on both hands and feet, shouting Xue Chao's name incessantly.

Xue Chao was horrified to find that the maggots on his body not only did not decrease but increased, and even nearly drowned him.

Suddenly, the bone-cold hand grabbed his neck violently, Lin Li's face magnified in front of his eyes, Xue Chao's eyes widened suddenly, the smell of blood and rotting meat made Xue Chao subconsciously think threw up.

But with the feeling of suffocation, Xue Chao blushed, his hands and feet seemed to lose strength at this moment, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.


Lin Li grinned with a cold smile, "Come and stay with me, I'm really cold."

Xue Chao's pupils dilated suddenly, and then slowly froze in an instant.

The lights in the living room finally returned to normal. Lin Fangfang lay on the ground and closed her eyes in despair, but the imaginable pain did not subside for a long time. Lin Fangfang opened her eyes strangely, and saw Xue Chao shaking his hands like crazy. He strangled his neck tightly, and the knife in his hand fell to nowhere.

Just when Lin Fangfang was a little at a loss, she saw Xue Chao uttered a few "ho ho" with difficulty, and then fell to the ground, his body twitched on the ground for a while, and then remained motionless.

Lin Fangfang was very scared, and struggled to get up from the ground, trying to bypass Xue Chao and escape, but she hadn't eaten for a long time, Lin Fangfang hadn't walked a few steps, her feet were weak, and she was about to fall to the ground, but she didn't wait for her. When he fell to the ground, he was supported by an unknown force.

This force dragged her out of the door and stumbled downstairs.

At this time, many elderly people in the community took their grandchildren for a walk. Lin Fangfang stumbled out of the building and walked to the entertainment place in the community before stopping.

Everyone saw Lin Fangfang.

The unknown force suddenly disappeared. Lin Fangfang's body went limp, her eyes darkened, and she lost consciousness instantly.

"Fang girl!"

Lin Fangfang heard a very gentle and familiar voice.

Once upon a time, when my mother was not separated from my father, my mother called her name so tenderly.


Lin Fangfang murmured.

The old ladies in the community swarmed up, some called the police, and some called an ambulance.

Not far away, Cen Shu and Liang Yue stood by the seesaw, watching the scene.

Liang Yue's face was worried, "Shushu, Fangfang will be okay?"

Cen Shu didn't answer, but looked to the direction outside the crowd, where Lin Li looked through the crowd, looking at Lin Fangfang who was hugged by an old grandmother, with a little guilt in her dark and dull pupils.

Immediately, Lin Li seemed to have noticed Cen Shu's gaze, turned her head to look at Cen Shu, moved the corners of her lips, and then slowly disappeared into the air.

Not long after, an ambulance roared by.

The siren of the police car continued.

The police carried out two dead bodies from the rented house of Lin Fangfang.

"Oh my god! Is someone dead?"

"This is Fangfang's mother, it's really a crime."

"I saw it just now. When the man died, his eyes were wide open. He looked like he was frightened to death. Could it be that he was hit by a ghost?"

There was a lot of discussion.

Most of the people living in the old community were old people, and two people died at once, which caused quite a panic.

Gu Hui frowned. He happened to be on duty nearby. He thought it was just an ordinary domestic violence case, but he didn't expect it to be fatal. After hearing the description on the walkie-talkie, he immediately turned the car around and was about to drive into the community. Two very familiar figures arrived.

Is it them?
How did they appear here?

Gu Hui was a little dazed.

"Officer? You can go in." The security guard glanced at the car blocked behind the police car and reminded him tactfully.

Gu Hui came back to his senses, said sorry, stepped on the accelerator, and drove into the community.

"Shushu, did you see Fangfang's mother just now?"

After walking a few hundred meters from the community, Liang Yue saw that there was no one on both sides of the road, so she asked.

Cen Shu responded softly.

"It was Lin Li who protected Lin Fangfang."

People are always complicated creatures. Lin Li is a poor person, but she didn't treat Lin Fangfang well, but in the end, she exhausted her soul and body to help her only daughter escape from the devil's lair.

Liang Yue sighed softly when she heard the words, "I watch horror movies in other countries, and the ghosts in them kill people indiscriminately. Why do the ghosts here make people love and hate so much?"

If Lin Li's story is made into a movie, it should be quite tear-jerking, the kind that makes people hate but can't hate.

They were watching Lin Fangfang's matter from the beginning to the end, but at least the result was good.

After this incident ferments, it can attract widespread attention from the society. In the end, whether Fangfang goes to the orphanage or finds a new guardian, it should be pretty good.

The big stone in her heart was finally put down, Liang Yue stretched her waist, she had nothing to do, this kind of feeling of hanging on to others is not very good, but it is not bad.

The two walked to the subway entrance.

"Shushu, are you going home now?"

One of the two lives is in the east and the other is in the west, and the subway line is not the same.

Cen Shu took a deep look at Liang Yue, and the corners of her lips curled slightly, "No, we'll go back to your house."

Liang Yue:? !

Come back!
But don't look at her with such eyes, she's so sweet!
 The replacement is complete, when the cuties watch it, refresh it, or clear the cache, sorry, sorry, sorry~
(End of this chapter)

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