Chapter 482 Another Price

In the end, Liang Yue had no choice but to ask Cen Shu for help under Chen Qi'ang's soft and hard thinking, so she finally agreed to have a little tail behind her in desperation.

Sitting in the taxi, Chen Qi'ang was sitting in the co-pilot, and he resumed his arrogant stinking appearance, as if the rogue appearance just now was just an illusion.

The taxi passed through the lively urban area and gradually entered a slightly desolate place.

But it would not be accurate to say desolate, Chen Qiang looked at the carefully pruned vegetation around him, glanced at the rearview mirror, and saw Cen Shu leaning against the car window closing her eyes, thinking about it, how did Liang Yue introduce it just now?

Cen Shu... surnamed Cen?
Could it be the Cen he thought of? !
Chen Qi'ang glanced at the villa area that was slowly driving in, and it seemed that it should be the Cen he imagined.

It's really rich!

Chen Qi'ang glanced at Liang Yue, who was leaning on Cen Shu's shoulder drowsy, and always felt that this girl looked like a fool.

The car stopped slowly in front of a villa, and Chen Qiang followed behind them very consciously without saying a word.

Cen Shu pushed open the door of the living room, and a willow leaf swung towards her.

Cen Shu's eyes were quick and her hands were quick, even before her consciousness could react, her body avoided the wicker that was thrown over her.

The unknown liquid on the wicker flung Liang Yue's face like this.

"Don't enter the evil, let the evil retreat!"

Liang Yue: ...

"Dad, what are you doing?" Cen Shu couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth as she looked at the living room that had changed drastically.

I saw that the sofa and dining table in the living room were all removed, and there was a huge table with two handles on the table, and a seven-star bronze sword on it, with a few pieces of paper attached to the sword. Yellow talisman.

In front of the three of them, there stood a middle-aged man in a yellow Taoist robe, holding a porcelain jade bottle with a few willow branches stuck in it, just like the Jingbao bottle held by Guanyin in the Guanyin statue. But in the hands of a man, it looks nondescript.

The man muttered in his mouth, while holding a wicker in his other hand, he sprinkled water on several people.

Cen Yiqing was standing in the corner with a man in a suit. Seeing a few people coming in, he seemed afraid of something and dared not speak.

Cen Yiqing breathed a sigh of relief when the man in the Taoist robe stopped what he was doing. Before he could speak, he saw the man in the Taoist robe frowning and came to Liang Yue, "The Yintang is black, within this year There must be a catastrophe!"

"Master..." Cen Yiqing was about to speak, but was interrupted by a gesture from the Taoist robed man.

"I know, I'm here today to help your daughter solve this matter."

Liang Yue looked dazedly at the man standing in front of her, who looked so plausible, glanced at Cen Shu who was leaning against the door, looking like she was watching a show, rolled her eyes, and suddenly collapsed With a frown, panic: "Master, what should I do?"

The man seemed to be elated by the master's call, and was very satisfied with the panic and panic shown by Liang Yue at this time.

"Don't worry, your father invited me here to help you get rid of bad luck and get through this disaster."

Liang Yue nodded obediently.

Li Cheng, who had seen the photo of Cen Yiqing's daughter, looked at the performance of the man in Taoist robe, opened his mouth, but didn't know how to remind him, brother, you got the wrong partner!

Cen Yiqing's expression was also somewhat astonished, after all before that, he felt that the master was a thief and a thief, but how could he even admit his mistake?
But at this time, the man who was obsessed with eliminating bad luck didn't notice the reactions of the few people and started to do it.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Chen Qi'ang just wanted to say that the richer people are, the more they believe in the fact that Feng Shui is true!

Standing in the middle of the living room, Liang Yue watched the man waving the sword beside her for a long time, like a dancer, the talismans on the sword ignited without fire, Liang Yue couldn't hold back, and twitched the corners of her mouth.

She has already seen a lot of practice collections from this man, such as Maoshan, Putuoshan, and even the sorcerer's dancing master.

If it is said that at the beginning, Liang Yue wanted to see how much better this so-called Immortal Ling could be than Shu Shu, but now she was completely sure that this man was a liar, and he was the kind who hadn't even learned how to deceive.

After the practice was over, the man exhaled lightly and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Okay, Mr. Cen, after what I've done, your daughter should be fine, just pay attention to getting more sun exposure, drinking more milk, and supplementing calcium... Ah no, it will be of great help to eliminate bad luck. "

The man talked for a long time by himself, but seeing that no one else in the villa responded at all, it was a bit strange, and even the girl in front of him looked at him with a very strange look.

"Master, the one in front of you is actually not my daughter..." Cen Yiqing pointed to the very calm Cen Shu who was leaning against the door and said, "That one is my daughter."

There was a strange embarrassment in the living room.

Li Cheng seemed to be unable to sit still, but he scolded an idiot in his heart.

"Mr. Cen, it may be that Immortal Ling has been living in the north and suddenly came to the south. He was a little uncomfortable with the environment, so he recognized the wrong person..."

Immortal Ling, oh no, Shi Fangbin covered his lips and coughed softly, "Mr. Cen, why didn't you tell me earlier? It's a different price to help a thousand gold friends exorcise evil spirits."

The rest: ...

Li Cheng felt that in terms of brazenness, he really couldn't compare to Shi Fangbin.

【Host!Hurry up and expose this brazen fellow! 】After receiving the call, Xiaohua jumped out of the space angrily, because it was daytime, so the light spot of Xiaohua didn't look so obvious.

In addition, at this time, everyone's attention was focused on Shi Fangbin, so Xiao Hua dared to stand on Cen Shu's shoulders so openly.

Cen Shu responded softly, without speaking, but went straight to the desk.

There is still a little bit of black powder left after the talismans have been burned.

Cen Shu dipped a little bit with her fingertips and put it under her nose to smell it, "The smell of phosphorous powder."

Cen Shu looked at Shi Fangbin with a smile that was not a smile: "Immortal Ling, how do you explain?"

In fact, Shi Fangbin noticed this girl when he first entered the door, and always felt that the girl's eyes were very strange, and Shi Fangbin subconsciously felt that he didn't like it very much.

In addition, as far as he knew, Liang Yue looked more like the young daughter of the Cen family, so he subconsciously thought that Liang Yue was the target of the exorcism.

At this time, Cen Shu found out that it was tricky, and Shi Fangbin was inexplicably panicked when he met Cen Shu's eyes that seemed to see through everything:

"This, this is not phosphorus powder, it's just the powder after burning the talisman."

Shi Fangbin stiffened his neck, with an expression of 'you have wronged me'.

(End of this chapter)

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