Chapter 483 Inexplicable Call
"Isn't it? Just send it to the testing agency. I happen to have a friend who is an expert in this field. Just ask him to come over for a little identification."

Cen Shu said unhurriedly.

Seeing that Li Cheng's gaffe was revealed, Shi Fangbin couldn't pretend anymore, his face changed, and he pointed at Shi Fangbin angrily: "Well, you liar! I have always doubted whether you are real, today you finally revealed your truth!"

As he said that, Li Cheng looked at Cen Yiqing with a grateful expression, and reached out to hold Cen Yiqing's hand: "Mr. Cen, I want to thank you, you made me sure, this person is a liar!"

Fortunately, Li Cheng was born as a gangster, and he can bend and stretch.

He immediately threw all the blame on Shi Fangbin.

When Cen Yiqing saw this situation, he still didn't understand that the so-called Immortal Ling he had invited back from the capital was a big liar!
"Mr. Li, what you said is wrong. How am I a liar?" Shi Fangbin usually does deceitful things, and barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes. Since Li Cheng doesn't want to cooperate, it's better to shoot two San, he's having a hard time, and Li Cheng shouldn't even try to feel comfortable!

"It's obvious that you came to me personally and asked me to cooperate with you in acting. Why don't you admit it now?"

"Hey! Mr. Cen, listen to this." Li Cheng quickly looked at Cen Yiqing, with an expression of 'I have been wronged', and said very excitedly: "Why did I find you, I don't know you at all ?"

The two kept arguing with each other, Cen Yiqing frowned, watching the farce in front of him.

He finally understands, the two of them are acting apart from each other!
Cen Yiqing glanced at Shushu, always felt a little ashamed, and called the police. It's better to leave this kind of matter to the police.

The police car roared up and quickly took the two away.

Cen Yiqing glanced at Liang Yue and Chen Qiang, how could he be so ashamed in front of Shu Shu's friends? !
Seeing Cen Yiqing's cold face, Cen Shu probably guessed what Cen Yiqing was thinking, pursed her lips, and held back her smile, "Dad, I know you're worried about me, don't worry, I'll be fine."

Cen Yiqing's face was livid, "I'll make a record first."

After all, without giving Cen Shu time to talk, she left the villa quickly.

Xiao Hua lay on Cen Shu's shoulder, and couldn't help laughing anymore.

"Shu Shu, why is your father so cute?" Liang Yue couldn't hold back, and also burst out laughing.

The corners of Cen Shu's lips curled up slightly, and there was a little smile in his apricot eyes.

"You have a new takeaway order, please take it in time."

Ren Ying clicked to confirm, typed out the order skillfully, and shouted to the back kitchen: "One serving of snail noodles, plus soaked chicken feet and pig's knuckles."

The back kitchen responded, followed by the sound of fire in the kitchen.

Now is the meal time and the peak time for takeout, and they are relentless when it comes to taking orders.

Ren Ying breathed out lightly, thinking about the part-time salary that she was about to get, and felt that it was worth the hard work now.

Now, more and more young people prefer to order takeaway instead of eating in the store, so although it is noon now, there are not so many people in the store.

Thinking about the living expenses that will be sent to her sister next month, Ren Ying suddenly felt full of energy.


Ren Ying glanced at her phone, she has been calling her sister for the past few days, her phone has been turned off, and she doesn't know what she is doing?
She dropped out of school after graduating from high school, and her sister is three years younger than her and is in the first year of high school.

Due to her low education, Ren Ying couldn't find any better jobs. She works in the factory during weekdays and works part-time in this store on weekends.

In fact, she was lucky. It stands to reason that finding a part-time job would not only be on weekends, but it was just right. The son of the proprietress of this store is about to take the college entrance examination, and the proprietress has to go to school to see her son every weekend.

Just short of staff during the weekend.

My younger sister used to have good grades, but recently I don't know who I have met, or she has entered a rebellious period, and her personality has begun to change. She can't say a few words to her before hanging up the phone.

This time it was even worse, her academic performance had declined seriously, she just spoke in a harsh tone, and Ren Jia didn't answer her calls for several days.

Thinking of her younger sister, Ren Ying sighed softly. Her education is not high, and she has encountered obstacles everywhere in society. In addition, her academic performance is not good, and she is not smart, so she can only do physical work.

I have suffered a lot from being uneducated in the society, so I hope my sister's academic performance will be better. Ren Ying doesn't understand, is it for the sake of her sister, is she wrong?

While Ren Ying was in a daze, the landline phone in the store rang.

Ren Ying came back to her senses in an instant, and answered the phone: "Hello, hello."

The phone was very quiet, Ren Ying felt a little strange, and asked several times, but no one answered, it must have been a wrong number, or she accidentally pressed it.

Ren Ying wanted to hang up the phone as she thought about it, when a strange 'sizzling' electrical sound suddenly came from the phone.

Somewhat harsh.

Ren Ying picked out her ears, this is not a prank by some boring person, right?

"elder sister……"

A deep and cold voice sounded.

It was a very strange voice, but this title.

For some reason, Ren Ying didn't hang up the phone.

"Sister, I miss you so much. Sister..."

The voice is a little immature. It sounds like the person opposite should be quite young. It may be that the child is locked up at home and cannot remember the phone number, or someone at home often orders their takeaway, so a call record was pressed by the child. , and then the call came.

"Little friend, are you at home alone now? Are mom and dad at home?"

Ren Ying softened her voice and asked softly.

But the person on the other side didn't seem to understand Ren Ying's words at all, and kept repeating the few words just now.

Fortunately, the store was not busy at this time, and Ren Ying didn't hang up the phone for some reason.

Although the other side was just repeating the same sentence, which sounded scary, Ren Ying thought it was extremely cute, probably a child who was just learning to speak, so after talking for a long time, he only repeated this sentence.

Instead, Ren Ying began to confide her thoughts. She was really lonely. She was relatively introverted and didn't talk much. The people in the factory were all very different in age, and there was no common topic.

Ren Ying also didn't want to tell them about her own affairs. As time passed, Ren Ying lost her friends, and she held many things in her heart, and she didn't know who to talk to.

When she received this call this time, Ren Ying knew why, as if she had opened up a chatterbox, and she kept telling her dissatisfaction with life, her worry and concern for her sister Ren Fei, and of course, Ren Fei talked the most.

It wasn't until the boss came to inspect the store that Ren Ying hung up the phone.

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, cute!
  good night~
(End of this chapter)

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