Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 484 His daughter turned out to be Immortal Ling!

Chapter 484 His daughter turned out to be Immortal Ling!

The school bell rang.

"Xiaofei, let's not go to evening self-study tonight, let's go to the movies secretly."

In the front seat, the girl was wearing the school uniform of No. [-] Middle School and was packing her things, looking a little absent-minded.

"Little Fei?!"

The girl in the back row yelled again.

The girl came back to her senses and paused her hand to clean the drawer, "I'm not feeling well today, I don't really want to go."

"Uncomfortable?" The girl in the back row put her hand on the girl's forehead to test the temperature: "It's not very hot, is it a cold?"

The girl looked a little frustrated, "Tingting, my sister hasn't called me for two days."

Xu Ting glanced at Ren Fei strangely: "Don't you dislike your sister taking care of you? It's just right that she doesn't call you, and you don't want to answer her calls anyway. It's really annoying that Rory is talking too much."

Ren Fei sighed, a little entangled, but it wasn't actually like this. She knew that her sister called her for her own good, but high school was really different from junior high school, especially since she was still studying science.

No. [-] Middle School was originally one of the key high schools in Xuancheng, and it was full of talented people. Although she was admitted to No. [-] Middle School with relatively good grades, it didn't mean she was always excellent. Especially after the arts and sciences division, Ren Fei always felt powerless.

Not only did Ren Ying not understand, but she kept questioning whether she was not serious about her study or was distracted by other things, which made Ren Fei feel Alexander, and even thought to herself, or she would just pull it off like this.

In the past few days, Ren Fei and her sister had a quarrel. This was the first time that Ren Fei got so angry with her sister. She even said angrily that she never wanted to see her sister again.

However, when Ren Ying really didn't call again, Ren Fei always felt that something was wrong.

Seeing Ren Fei's distraught appearance, Xu Ting said in disbelief, "No way, do you have Stockholm syndrome?"

"Oh, no, I'm just a little worried about what will happen to my sister. After all, don't I have to pay my tuition?" Ren Fei stuffed her phone into her schoolbag and glanced at the one who was still waiting for her parents to deliver meals in the classroom. Students, lower your voice.

"Come on, let's go to the movies."

There is a movie theater near No. [-] Middle School, and there are not many guards. Sometimes, if you are lucky, there are almost no guards, and they can sneak in to watch movies without spending a penny.

Xu Ting didn't even have a backpack, only a mobile phone, and the two sneaked out through the back door.

The two trotted all the way to the bottom of the fence, and just rolled up their sleeves and were about to climb the wall, when they saw a tall and tall figure casually walking towards this side, when Xu Ting saw the figure clearly, she was a little excited: "Xiao Fei! It's Chen Qiang!"

The third lieutenant colonel, Chen Qiang, tore one of Mannan.

In the entire No. [-] Middle School, almost no one knew Chen Qiang's name. There was even a Chen Qiang Fan Association in No. [-] No. [-] Middle School.

Xu Ting is also a member of the association.

Ren Fei looked over subconsciously, and met a pair of cold peach blossom eyes.

Chen Qiang was in a bad mood today, and it was all because of that girl Huang Yin. She had been warned many times to stay away from Zhao Yi, but she just didn't listen. She even took the initiative to say hello to Zhao Yi when she went out this morning. I've been angry all day.

After finally waiting for get out of class to end, Chen Qiang became more and more angry, thinking about going to the opposite Internet cafe to play games, and came to the place where the wall was climbed, Chen Qiang glanced at the two girls standing at the bottom of the wall, ignored it, and went straight to the With his hands on the top of the wall, he climbed up the wall with a bounce.

"Aww! Chen Qiang is so handsome!"

Xu Ting shook Ren Fei's arm excitedly: "Xiao Fei, do you think so?"

Ren Fei just recovered from the cold eyes just now, nodded subconsciously, but quickly changed the subject: "Let's go, isn't it the movie that you want to watch the most, we won't be able to see it if we don't go out .”

"Ang, yes, yes, let's go quickly."

Xu Ting is very excited now, even if she can't watch a movie today, she thinks it's worth it.

Lin Lan was called by her little sister to have a beauty treatment, and there were only Cen Shu and Cen Yiqing at the dinner table.

Yesterday, Cen Yiqing went to the police station to take notes, and was also ideologically educated by the way.

After leaving the police station, Cen Yiqing felt ashamed, so he took the initiative to work overtime for himself, and only got home in the middle of the night yesterday, so there was almost no new work today, and he could leave work early.

At this time, the living room was very quiet, so quiet that only the sound of the collision of dishes and chopsticks could be heard.

Cen Yiqing glanced at Cen Shu who was eating quietly while holding a bowl, feeling a little embarrassed for no reason.

Cen Shu finished her meal slowly, put down the bowl and chopsticks, and wiped her mouth: "Dad."

This light word made Cen Yiqing's hands tremble subconsciously.

"What, what's the matter Shushu?"

"Dad, I know you care about me..." Cen Shu looked up at Cen Yiqing, "but don't worry, in that respect, no one can hurt me except myself."

In fact, Cen Shu could guess the reason why Cen Yiqing went to great lengths to find Immortal Ling without thinking carefully. The matter of metaphysics is too unreal for ordinary people.

Especially when it comes to life and death, no matter how rich a person is, they will be more in awe.

Cen Yiqing was cheated this time, the most important thing is to care about it, otherwise, it is impossible for Cen Yiqing to see through Shi Fangbin and Li Cheng's tricks.

When Cen Shu said this, it sounded arrogant, but Cen Shu knew that what she said was true.

She has enough cards, if she doesn't want to get hurt, she will definitely not get hurt, it's just that the price she pays is relatively high.

Cen Yiqing was still worried: "But Shushu, I have also inquired about things like metaphysics, generally the longer you have been in contact with them, the stronger your ability is, and you are no more than..."

The subtext is, no matter how great it is, it can be so great.

Cen Shu tilted her head and thought for a while, glanced at Aunt Wang who was eating in the kitchen, moved her fingertips slightly, and a purple talisman was suspended in the air as if it had suddenly appeared.

There are golden streamers floating on the talisman, which looks very gorgeous.

"Shu Shu, this is..." Cen Yiqing looked at the talisman floating in front of him, and always felt that he had heard of this talisman before, but he couldn't remember where he had heard of it.

Cen Shu didn't speak, and raised her hand to lightly tap on the talisman seal. The golden streamer seemed to be alive, gathered together, and condensed into three small golden characters.

When those three words appeared in front of his eyes, Cen Yiqing's eyes widened suddenly, and his eyes changed from curiosity to shock, and he stammered and asked:
"Shu Shu! You are actually Ling Xianren?!"

Is this world magical, or is he in a dream?

His daughter turned out to be Immortal Ling!

(End of this chapter)

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