Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 485 Zhao Lijuan's Husband

Chapter 485 Zhao Lijuan's Husband
There was some movement in the kitchen, Cen Shu raised his hand and pinched the talisman in his palm.

"Dad, you can rest assured now."

rest assured!

That's a hundred rest assured!

Shushu is already the most powerful mysterious master, and he is still worried about it.

Cen Yiqing's heart immediately went back, and he even wanted to have another bowl of rice excitedly.

"this matter……"

"Don't worry! Your dad will definitely not tell anyone else!" Cen Yiqing felt inexplicably happy when he thought that only he knew about it. It was a little secret between him and Shushu.

Cen Yiqing patted his chest and assured.

Cen Shu chuckled and thought for a while, "Dad, I want to ask you one more thing. Can you help me investigate Zhao Lijuan?"

Because of investigating the cause of Hang Zhou's death, Zhaohua seems to be targeted by someone. Lu Si's side doesn't know much about Xuancheng. In Xuancheng, Cen Yiqing has a lot of contacts, so maybe he can find some thing.

Cen Yiqing was taken aback: "Why do you suddenly want to investigate her?"

It is an indisputable fact that Zhao Lijuan kidnapped and trafficked children, and Cen Yiqing handed over all other matters to Shen Yue, so when he heard this name, Cen Yiqing was a little dazed.

Cen Yiqing is not a person who will always talk about regret and early knowledge, he is glad that Shushu survived in the dark, and thank God for his kindness, which gave him a chance to make amends.

But he didn't expect that Shu Shu didn't seem to have much resentment towards Zhao Lijuan.

"Won't Dad find it strange?" Cen Shu didn't hide anything from Cen Yiqing, "Zhao Lijuan never seemed to say who Cen Xue's father is."

It seemed that everyone had subconsciously ignored this issue, weakening the role of Cen Xue's father.

Or, everyone seemed to give Zhao Lijuan the image of a poor woman who was abandoned by a scumbag.

For example, Cen Yiqing: "Hasn't Zhao Lijuan been abandoned?"

Cen Yiqing subconsciously opened his mouth and said such a sentence, and immediately realized that something was wrong, because in fact, at home, Cen Yiqing was the person who had the least contact with Zhao Lijuan, and it was impossible for him to have the opportunity to hear Zhao Lijuan tell her own story.

During the prosecution process against Zhao Lijuan, Shen Yue was almost in charge of handling it, so it was impossible for him to know so clearly.

Cen Shu's apricot eyes narrowed slightly, "Look, this is the problem, you have never heard of it, but why can you say with certainty that she is an abandoned person?"

Cen Yiqing was not stupid, after Cen Shu's reminder, he also realized the problem.

"You mean, we're all bewitched?"

If this is the case, this Zhao Lijuan is too powerful, she can confuse so many people at the same time without being noticed.

Cen Shu shook her head: "It's neither Zhao Lijuan nor bewitched."

If Zhao Lijuan had this kind of ability, after staying in the Cen family for so many years, she must have emptied the Cen family long ago, and even quietly turned the Cen family into the Zhao family.

As for bewitching, that's even more impossible.

Cen Shu is more inclined to say that it is dark under the lights. Because what Zhao Lijuan has done is so incomprehensible and disgusting, few people care about Zhao Lijuan's husband.

In this way, Zhao Lijuan's husband can disappear in the crowd like a ghost, and as for his role in this matter, Cen Shu narrowed her almond eyes slightly...

"Okay, then I'll ask someone to check it carefully."

"Hungry...so hungry!"

Xu Ting and the two broke through layers of checkpoints, and finally sneaked into the cinema.

It's just that the time they chose was not right. The movie Xu Ting wanted to watch would start half an hour later. During this period, in order not to let the staff find out, the two could only hide secretly in the bathroom.

But even in the bathroom, the smell of popcorn at the door still floated into Xu Ting's nose.

The two squatted in adjacent cubicles respectively, Xu Ting sat on the toilet and rubbed her somewhat shriveled belly, and exchanged words.

The taste of the food is so unique, the two of them sneaked in and didn't dare to bring food with a strong taste, and now this is the bathroom, eating in the bathroom...

Xu Ting thought about it and decided to forget it.

Ren Fei also touched her hungry stomach, and replied absent-mindedly: "I'm very hungry too."

Every time around this time, Ren Ying would call and ask her boring questions such as whether she had eaten and whether the food was good.

Ren Fei would answer a few words at the beginning, but didn't read the rest.

Thinking about it, Ren Fei looked at the mobile phone that still had no news, feeling a little anxious for no reason.

"Sister, I want to go to the toilet, but I'm afraid, can you stand at the door and wait for me?"

Just as the two were chatting one after another, a childish voice sounded at the door of the bathroom.

Ren Fei didn't know if it was cold or what, she shivered subconsciously.

Always feel chilly.

The compartment on the left of Ren Fei is Xu Ting.

Two footsteps sounded, one light and one heavy, and a shadow passed by the lower compartment. Ren Fei heard the door of the right compartment rang, and then the door was closed with a slight sound.

"Sister, are you at the door?"

The immature voice seemed a little scared, and asked a question with concern.

"Yes, Xiaofei, be good, don't be afraid."

The gentle voice sounded, but Ren Fei froze in place for an instant.

This voice was too familiar, but then Ren Fei vetoed the idea in her heart. At this point in time, she should be working in a certain restaurant.

After using the toilet, the door of the cubicle was opened, "Sister, I'm fine, the movie is about to start, let's go quickly."

"Okay, Xiao Fei can do whatever she wants."

The gentle voice is very doting, like Ren Ying.

The sound of footsteps sounded again, and Ren Fei couldn't sit still for some reason.

Ren Fei opened the door abruptly and walked out, but she could only see a slender figure from the back.

Just as Ren Fei wanted to chase her out, she was stopped by Xu Ting: "Grandma, what are you doing now?"

In fact, it was the first time for the two of them to try prostitution for free. They had studied the strategy for a long time. If they were found out when they went out now, if they really pursued it, they might go to school. Xu Ting seemed very courageous, but she was still cowardly. very.

Being so delayed, she must not be able to catch up. Ren Fei was inexplicably disappointed, "Tingting, don't you think that voice just now is very familiar?"

"Familiar? No, you think that's a classmate in our class?"

Ren Fei sighed lightly: "No, it's my sister. I think the voice just now sounds like my sister's."

"If you are really worried about her, then give her a call back after we finish watching the movie. After all, she paid for your tuition, but remember whether you should resist or resist. Your sister's desire to control is too much." Stronger."

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, I love you guys!
  good night~
(End of this chapter)

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