Chapter 486 I will always be there
"Tingting, don't say that about my sister, my sister is just..." Ren Fei paused, but couldn't find a suitable adjective for a long time.

Xu Ting snorted softly: "Look, you can't even tell yourself."

Ren Fei sighed lightly. She actually doesn't dislike her elder sister. Since her parents passed away, she and her elder sister have lived together. Her elder sister has been very kind to her in every way, but she only asks for one thing, that is, to improve her academic performance. .

Ren Ying's obsession with her study has almost reached a perverted point.

"Let's go, let's go to the movies first." Ren Fei didn't know how to refute, so she dragged Xu Ting out of the bathroom.

Because it was a 2D movie, there was no staff waiting at the entrance of the theater, so the two walked into the movie hall easily.

I found a seat in the back row and sat down. It was the first time for both of them to do this kind of thing, and they were still quite nervous. They purposely found a seat in the back row so that they could see the front row clearly at a glance. When someone comes, it can be said that they found the wrong seat, and then sat on the empty seat in front.

"It's not a bad feeling." Xu Ting took out bags of popcorn and Coke from her bag.

Ren Fei was a little apprehensive. After half an hour after the movie started, Ren Fei felt relieved.

Watching a movie, eating popcorn with relish.

This is a funny movie, and the people in the theater laughed from time to time.

Another stalk, laughter erupted again in the movie hall, Xu Ting laughed out of control, and people like Ren Fei who had a relatively high level of laughter couldn't help but laugh out loud.

at this time.

'Hee hee hee……'

A distinctive laugh caught Ren Fei's attention.

This laughter sounded a little childish, but also a little familiar, and I heard it not long ago.

Ren Fei looked over subconsciously, and saw a small head with a high ponytail.

The woman next to the small head has loose hair, but only the back of her head, and Ren Fei can't see anything.

Ren Fei only glanced at it and then took it back. She must have thought too much, maybe it's just that the voice is more similar, but why does this little girl's voice sound so eerie.

The movie came to an end unknowingly, and the laughter in the movie theater never stopped.

After the movie ended, the lights in the theater came on, and Ren Fei subconsciously looked at the little girl's seat, but the people there had long since disappeared.

"Xiao Fei, what are you looking at?" Xu Ting followed her gaze and looked over. There were only empty seats and nothing.

Ren Fei came back to her senses and shook her head: "It's nothing."

"Then let's go, I have a little diarrhea." Xu Ting clutched her stomach, her face turned slightly pale.

Ren Fei responded and quickly put on her bag.

As soon as she walked out of the theater, Xu Ting trotted into the bathroom. Ren Fei took out her mobile phone from her bag, looked at the dialog with her sister, and leaned against the wall in a daze.

Ren Ying has never contacted her since the last time she quarreled and hung up the phone.

This month's living expenses...

Ren Fei clicked on Alipay, and saw that the amount in it had increased by some time.

Ren Fei counted the time, and it seemed that her sister forwarded it to her on the day the two had a quarrel. Thinking of this, Ren Fei could no longer control herself and dialed that familiar phone number.

However, the phone was never connected, and a mechanical female voice came from the opposite side. After Ren Fei hung up, she continued to call, but no one answered.

At this point in time, my sister usually has a part-time job at night, maybe she is busy now, and my sister didn't hear it.

Ren Fei comforted herself in her heart.

"Xiao Fei, what's wrong with you? You look so ugly."

Xu Ting came out of the bathroom, dried the water stains on her hands, and asked worriedly.

"It's okay." Ren Fei put away her phone and shook her head: "Let's go back quickly, Auntie Guan will definitely talk again when I go down."

Both of them are staying in the same dormitory.

Xu Ting nodded, took Ren Fei's arm and walked out of the cinema.

In the long corridor, the walls on both sides of the corridor are covered with posters of various movies, and the lighting is slightly dim.

In the bathroom, a girl wearing a dark green woolen coat came out, holding a girl who looked no more than seven or eight years old. The girl had a high ponytail, and a pair of black pupils were extremely dark, with a bit of aura.

"See, she is not worth so much from you."

The girl's voice was immature, but the words she spoke were cold and piercing.

The girl looked at the back of Xu Ting and Ren Fei holding hands and leaving while talking and laughing, and pursed her lips.

"Sister, it is enough for you to have me, I will always be by your side, always..."

The girl seemed to be aware of the girl's entanglement, she held the girl's hand tightly with her little hand, raised her head, and said word by word.

The girl's pupils began to slack, and her gaze was drawn back. Ren Fei, who stopped looking at her, slowly fell on the girl.

"Yes, you are enough for me, my little Fei."

"Well, sister, I've been here all the time."

The girl replied softly.

"Finally back to the dormitory, I'm exhausted."

The two hurried and hurried, and finally walked into the school before the school gate closed.

The dormitory is a two-person room. The bed and table are quite spacious. Xu Ting lays down on the bed after a simple wash. Tomorrow is the weekend.

Xu Ting decided to study hard tomorrow.

But just when he was about to pick up his mobile phone and watch the drama for a while, he caught a glimpse of Ren Fei sitting at the desk with the lamp on, as if doing homework.

"No way, Xiaofei, the lights are going to be turned off soon, and you still have to do the quizzes?!"

Ren Fei gave a soft 'hmm', glanced at the phone that hadn't moved for a long time, and took a deep breath, "I'm not too tired now, Tingting, you can watch the drama with earphones on, I want to do some more questions .”

Xu Ting didn't speak anymore, and put on the earphones very consciously.

The dormitory became quiet in an instant, and the auntie in the dormitory would come to check the dormitory every time, because the school stipulated that one must go to bed at 11:30 in the evening.

Ren Fei held the pen and looked at the test questions, but her mind was not on the test questions at all.

She just sent a message to her sister. At this time, her sister should be off work, but she still didn't reply to the message. Ren Fei began to think wildly.

Did something happen to my sister?
Or, is my sister in love?Ren Fei heard from others that when it comes to dating, many people don't have much time to look at their phones.

With a bang, the lights in the dormitory went out and it became pitch black. Ren Fei groped to turn off the desk lamp, and lay on the table looking at her phone.

Just when I was thinking about whether to make a phone call to ask, I suddenly felt a slight tremor on the ground.

There was the sound of something moving behind him.

"Tingting, do you want to go to the bathroom before going to bed?" The bathroom is public, and it's quite far from their room.

(End of this chapter)

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