Chapter 487
In addition, one of the lights in their corridor was broken, which made the whole corridor look darker.

The dormitory building was built more than ten years ago, and there are many rumors about various dormitory buildings, so every time the two of them go to the toilet together at night, especially after the lights are turned off.

"Okay, I drank too much Coke today, and I wanted to go to the bathroom just now, but I wanted to wait until the variety show was over."

Xu Ting's voice came.

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of Xu Ting walking down the stairs, "dongdongdong" was quite loud.

Xu Ting got out of bed and saw that Ren Fei was still sitting on the seat. She felt a little strange and reached out to pat her on the shoulder, "Xiao Fei, what's wrong with you? Aren't you going to the bathroom?"

Ren Fei turned her head slowly, her face was extremely ugly: "Tingting, have you been watching dramas in bed?"

Xu Ting nodded without hesitation, "That's right, let me tell you, my Jingting is really pretty, but it's just a silly one, so silly, but what should I do, I seem to love him more and more..."

Xu Ting talked about her idol with an idiot face, not paying attention to Ren Fei's pale face and the panic that was about to become substantive.

If Tingting came down just now, then who made the voice she heard just now?
"Okay, let's go, I'll come back soon to see my idol." Xu Ting took Ren Fei's hand and carefully opened the door of the dormitory, watched the wind in the corridor for a while, and then went out.

The toilet was very quiet. The dormitory where the two of them lived was on the fourth floor. The window of the bathroom was open at this time, and the wind was a bit cool. Ren Fei was inexplicably nervous.

"Xiaofei, are you all right?"

Xu Ting only wore a thin pajamas, standing in front of the partition door, trembling.

Ren Fei was already nervous, but now that she was urged, she couldn't get anything out.

"Tingting, otherwise, you should go to the dormitory first, just leave the door for me later."

Ren Fei handed Xu Ting the key to the dormitory through the crack in the door under the cubicle.

Xu Ting took it: "Okay, then be careful, don't be discovered by the dormitory auntie."

"Okay." Ren Fei responded.

Ren Fei squatted in the bathroom, listening to Xu Ting's footsteps gradually going away, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Take your phone out of your pocket.

After thinking about it, Ren Fei decided to call her sister to inquire about the situation.

She knew that Tingting was also doing it for her own good. If Tingting found out that she had called her sister on her own initiative, she would definitely blame her again.

The call will be connected soon. Ren Fei was very happy when she saw the call was connected: "Sister, did you just get off work?"

There was no answer on the other side.

Ren Fei was a little surprised, "Sister? Why don't you talk anymore?"

There was still no sound from the other side.

At this time, Ren Fei heard the sound of walking outside the cubicle, and she was not in a hurry.

Ren Fei hurriedly covered her phone, her heart rose instantly.

If the dormitory manager finds out that she is still awake at this time, and even on the phone in the bathroom, she will definitely be criticized.

But, fortunately, the footsteps stopped at the toilet door.

Then, the footsteps gradually moved away.

Ren Fei breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the phone, and found that the phone had been hung up at some point.

After thinking about it, Ren Fei decided to go back to the dormitory first. Since the phone can be connected, it means that her sister should be safe, but she may be angry with her.

Ren Fei lifted her trousers, pushed open the compartment and walked out. The corridor was very quiet, and the stairwell was next to the toilet.

Ren Fei had just walked a few steps when she heard the footsteps of the housekeeper's aunt from the stairwell.

"Did you check upstairs?"

"No, I just came back from the west side, let's go, it just so happens that we go up together."

The ward rounds in the dormitory building are conducted by the two dormitory aunts together.

But to Ren Fei's horror, the two voices came from downstairs.

Then who was the footsteps she heard in the cubicle just now?

Ren Fei didn't dare to think too much, and hurried back to the dormitory.

Xu Ting was lying on the bed again long ago, and when she heard Ren Fei's movement, she was almost frightened to death, "Auntie the housekeeper is here?"

Ren Fei was out of breath, put the latch on the door, nodded, "Yes."

Xu Ting quickly hid her mobile phone and urged, "Xiao Fei, what are you still doing? Hurry up and go to bed!"

Ren Fei responded, took off her coat, climbed onto the bed with hands and feet, lay down under the quilt, and stared at the ceiling above her head, Ren Fei was a little dazed.

"Tingting, I just hit a ghost."

Xu Ting was still listening to the movement outside the door in fear, when she heard Ren Fei say such a sentence suddenly, she didn't realize it all at once, and it took a long time before she said slowly: "Breaking ghosts? Xiao Fei, don't scare me. "

"Really, I didn't lie to you..."

Ren Fei was a little excited, and told Xu Ting everything about the dormitory and bathroom just now.

"Xiaofei, could it be that you are under too much pressure, so you have hallucinations?" Xu Ting tried to ask.

"Illusion?" Ren Fei was puzzled.

Xu Ting nodded: "Well, you just had a monthly exam recently, and you quarreled with your sister again. You put too much pressure on yourself, so you have some hallucinations."

Ren Fei was convinced, "Maybe, then I'll go to bed first, Tingting, don't watch variety shows too late."

Xu Ting answered absently, and continued to watch variety shows with headphones on.

The next day.

Xia Qing stood on the podium and began to summarize the monthly exams. The college entrance examination was one month away, and the atmosphere in class one became more tense.

Even Gu Huo stopped chasing his pancakes and began to scribble between classes.

Therefore, the extremely leisurely Cen Shu seemed very out of place.

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Xia Qing just finished summarizing and announced the end of get out of class.

Gu Huo yawned several times, and was about to lay down and sleep for a while, but from the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of Cen Shu looking down at the phone, and Gu Huo glanced curiously.

It was an article published by a WeChat official account, which seemed to be about a case of being trafficked.

Gu Huo just glanced roughly, not that interested.

It can be seen that Cen Shu was fascinated by watching, a little strange: "Child, is this case so interesting?"

Gu Huo remembered this official account. The fake news that the serial murderer had been caught last time was written by a reporter from this official account.

It's a pity that the rumor was later refuted by the police, but there is no news about the murderer.

Gu Huo did not expect that children would pay attention to this official account for writing fake news.

"Well, this author... is quite interesting."

Cen Shu had seen the end at this time.

Gu Huo took a look, and sure enough, this kind of case didn't get many views: "Zhao Yi? It's quite a common name. I remember that he also wrote the news last time."

"Hmm..." Cen Shu responded softly.

Coincidentally, that fake news seems to be Zhao Yi's first article since joining the company.

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, I love you guys!
  good night!
(End of this chapter)

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