Chapter 488 Saw a ghost? !
"It looks like a newcomer, otherwise I wouldn't be writing such an old case."

Gu Huo opened his mobile phone and looked at the content, and he wrote something wicked. He even wrote about the handkerchief left at the scene, saying that it belonged to each of his sisters, and her sister seemed to have died.

Later in the digression, it is said that the author guessed whether the handkerchief was cursed.

Perhaps it is the blessing of this horrible element, the playback volume seems to be not bad.

"Child, do you know this person?" After these months of getting along, Gu Huo discovered a pattern, that is, there must be tricks in the things that children care about.

This time the child is so interested in this person named Zhao Yi, which shows that there must be something wrong with this person.

"Don't you think his writing is very good?" Cen Shu glanced at the comments below, the corners of her lips curled up slightly.

Gu Huo instantly understood, hey!Another unspoken secret.

However, it can't be said that it doesn't mean that he can't investigate by himself. Isn't it a matter of minutes for Gu Huo to investigate a person in Xuancheng?
After thinking about it, Gu Huo opened WeChat and clicked on someone's image.

"However, does this person know the case too clearly?" Since he was interested, Gu Huo looked at the article seriously again, the order was clear, and he even noticed some small details. It was as if I had experienced it myself.

Cen Shu responded softly, "So, this is interesting."

His voice was cold, but mixed with a hint of a smile.

Shi Fangbin and Li Cheng were detained, one for [-] days and the other for seven days.

After knowing that her family Shushu is the Immortal Ling, Cen Yiqing seems to be more energetic and radiant every day at work.

But when Zhu Li put Zhao Lijuan's information on his desk, Cen Yiqing only glanced roughly, and couldn't laugh for a moment.

Sure enough, what Shu Shu said was right, there was something wrong with this Zhao Lijuan.

With Zhu Li's ability, it is impossible to investigate everything, but now, there is nothing about Zhao Lijuan's husband, or Cen Xue's biological father.

Even the most basic information display is unknown.

Zhu Li was a little ashamed. Since Mr. Cen had an accident last time, every time Mr. Cen explained to him, he didn't seem to do well.

"Boss Cen, I'm sorry..."

Cen Yiqing raised his hand: "This is not your problem, there must be something wrong with Zhao Lijuan's husband."

"I will contact Shen Yue. Also, doesn't Zhao Lijuan have a cousin? Maybe he will be a breakthrough."

"Yes! I'll investigate right away."

Zhu Li's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly.

"Xiaofei! Shall we go to the snack street to eat tonight?"

Xu Ting asked excitedly with dark circles under her eyes.

Last night, she watched idol's variety show, and one of the game sessions was to eat. In the middle of the night, Xu Ting suddenly became hungry after watching it.

After staying up all night, Xu Ting's mental state was not very good all day. She almost slept all day. Not just after class, Xu Ting felt her stomach was flat, and she could even eat a sheep when she was so hungry.

Ren Fei was tidying up the drawers absently, she was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Xu Ting: "I'm not going, I don't have much appetite today."

Xu Ting was frightened by Ren Fei's face, "Didn't you go to bed early yesterday? Why is your face so ugly?"

Xu Ting often makes calls for her idols in order to watch her idols, which leads to going to bed very late. Usually, the dark circles are relatively heavy, but today Ren Fei's dark circles are even worse, almost reaching the bottom of the bridge of the nose.

"I had a nightmare yesterday, and I want to visit my sister's place today." Ren Fei pinched her eyebrows, her voice full of indescribable fatigue.

After going to bed last night, although Ren Fei fell asleep quickly, she kept having nightmares. It was weird. First, she was pushed downstairs by unknown things, and then she dreamed that her sister was hacked to death. The scene was so bloody that Ren Fei woke up in shock in the morning.

After waking up from the dream, Ren Fei immediately called her sister, but it was still the same as last night, no one answered her call.

Ren Fei has been wandering all day, but finally she is still worried and plans to go and have a look.

Xu Ting looked at Ren Fei's firm expression and didn't say anything. After all, her original intention was just to let Ren Fei have her own private space. of.

"Then I'll go with you."

"Thank you, Tingting."

Ren Fei was a little moved.

"Oh, thank you for telling me, let's go, let's go see your sister."

Xu Ting dragged Ren Fei out of the classroom and trotted out of the school gate.

It was the rush hour after school and get off work, and the bus was quite crowded. The two squeezed onto the bus with great difficulty, and managed to find a place to help them near the back door of the bus.

The smell on the bus was not pleasant, and the two supported each other.

Xu Ting was a little motion sick, she leaned on Ren Fei's shoulder and closed her eyes, her face turned slightly pale.

Ren Fei also felt a little uncomfortable smelling the mixed smell. The bus wobbled and turned around from time to time. Ren Fei tried her best to maintain her balance.

Thinking of her sister usually taking the bus to her next part-time job after get off work, Ren Fei felt slightly sour.

Just when Ren Fei was in a daze, she suddenly felt something lightly hit her calf.

Ren Fei didn't care at first, thinking it should be the passenger next to her, but not long after, her calf was hit again.

Ren Fei frowned, turned her head, and looked at her feet, but there was nothing.

There were two people standing next to her, a third middle school student carrying a schoolbag, and a woman who seemed to have just got off work, carrying a satchel.

It's impossible for these two people to get her calf!

Did she have hallucinations again?
Ren Fei raised her head, but she kept her eyes open, keeping her eyes on her feet from the corner of her eye.

After staring at it for a long time, Ren Fei's eyes were almost sore, and there was no movement in his calf, so Ren Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as she was about to look away, she caught a glimpse of a half-human tall figure jumping over from one side, and then slammed into her leg hard.

Ren Fei only felt a sharp pain in her calf, and her body couldn't help trembling slightly.

Xu Ting sensed Ren Fei's abnormality, raised her head in a daze, and saw Ren Fei's pale face.

"Xiao Fei, what's wrong with you? You look so ugly?"

Ren Fei bit her lip, her voice was crying, "Tingting, I'm in so much pain."

"It hurts? Where does it hurt?"

Xu Ting was taken aback by Ren Fei's situation and was at a loss.

Ren Fei waved her hand, panting heavily, and it took several minutes to slow down, then she grabbed Xu Ting's shoulder tightly with her hand, and said with a bit of panic in her voice: "Tingting, I saw a ghost ,real!"

(End of this chapter)

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