Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 492 The Corpse Moved By Itself? !

Chapter 492 The Corpse Moved By Itself? !
"Master? Master?"

Wang Yongqing went to the switch at the door, turned off the light, and then turned it on again. The light stopped flickering instantly.

It can be seen that my master is still standing there, holding the test report in his hand, seeming to be watching, but also not looking, his pupils constricted, Wang Yongqing yelled several times, and then he came back to his senses.

"What's the matter?" Qiu Hui's face looked a little pale under the incandescent lamp, and if he listened carefully, he could hear a slight trembling.

Wang Yongqing did not expose his master, and looked away: "I will report to the detachment later, there should be something wrong with the light tube, and it has been in poor contact."

Qiu Hui was taken aback: "Poor contact?"

"Well, Master, this test report..." Wang Yongqing found it inconceivable. The reason why the corpse is called a corpse is because it is dead, but now the test results show that the corpse is still alive?This is simply a fantasy!

"Master, is it possible that there is something wrong with the samples sent over?" Wang Yongqing thought for a long time and could only think of this possibility, otherwise, it really must be hell.

Qiu Hui thought for a while, "It's also possible."

They are understaffed, and it is not impossible that something goes wrong in the midst of their busy schedule.

Thinking about it, Qiu Hui couldn't help but yawned.

"Master, you haven't had a good rest for three days and two nights. Now that the test results are coming out, you should take a good rest. Xinxin hasn't seen you for a long time."

Wang Yongqing looked at Wu Qing in Qiu Hui's eyes and said.

Qiu Hui squeezed the center of his brows, his eyes were bloodshot, he hesitated for a moment when he heard this suggestion, "That's fine, I'll go back now, I'll come over early tomorrow to replace you."

"Master, I'm a young man now, so I'll just make do with staying here for one night." Wang Yongqing went to the hanger and handed the coat to Qiu Hui.

Qiu Hui put on his coat, squinted at Wang Yongqing and scolded with a smile: "Are you calling me old in another way?"

Wang Yongqing smiled and said, "Master, Xinxin is already this old, aren't you old?"

"Hey! You kid!" Qiu waved his hand and was about to hit someone, but Wang Yongqing was standing there with a silly smile and didn't hide. He sneered and tapped Wang Yongqing's forehead lightly. .

"Okay, remember to call me if you have anything to do, and I'll go back first."

"Okay, master, be careful on the road."

Wang Yongqing sent Qiu wave out the door.

It was half past midnight when Wang Yongqing returned to the forensic room.

There was also a faint smell of blood in the air.

Wang Yongqing simply cleaned up the equipment, pushed the body into the freezer, returned to the office and was about to turn off the lights and go to bed, but the lights started to flicker.

"It's really troublesome. I'll find someone to fix it early this morning!" Wang Yongqing said, turned off the light, and slowly climbed back to the reclining chair.

For a job like theirs, once there are too many accidents, you have to work overtime. These days, forensic work is not easy. When Wang Yongqing was a rookie, he vomited for the first time when he smelled the stench of corpses.

Wang Yongqing is almost thirty, and he doesn't have a girlfriend yet. During this period, he also had a few kisses, but when others heard about his occupation, they became timid.

Matters of life and death are still relatively taboo in the eyes of the older generation of Chinese people.

Wang Yongqing was lying on a chair, tossing and turning, thinking about his life's major events, and couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

Suddenly, there was a sound like a plastic bag rubbing against the freezer where the corpse was stored.

Wang Yongqing didn't take it seriously at first, but as the sound of friction became louder, Wang Yongqing was startled and sat up from the chair all at once.

He turned on the lamp on the desk nearby, and the sound of rubbing disappeared as soon as the lamp was turned on, as if it was just his illusion.

Wang Yongqing was still not at ease, and got up to check near the freezer.

The sound of rubbing plastic bags...

He remembered one thing, and that was the body bag.

Could it be that the corpse can move by itself?
What the heck.

But thinking of the test report just now, Wang Yongqing was inexplicably apprehensive.

After listening carefully for a while, there was no sound in the freezer, maybe he heard it wrong.

Wang Yongqing was just about to walk out of the room where the freezer was kept.


'Squeak' sounded.

A door of the freezer swung open.

Immediately, the sound of the body bag rubbing against each other came, which was a bit harsh.

Wang Yongqing's relaxed expression froze on his face.

As if petrified, Wang Yongqing slowly turned his head to look at the freezer, and suddenly felt a biting chill hit his face.

He saw a headless body standing upright in front of him, exuding an unpleasant smell of corpse.

Wang Yongqing immediately remembered the first time he smelled the stench of corpses when he was a rookie.

One couldn't hold back and vomited it out.

The headless female corpse seemed to be very disgusted, and stepped back a few steps.

Wang Yongqing only felt an unpleasant sour taste in his mouth, but compared to the smell of the corpse, the smell of the vomit seemed to have become more fragrant. He subconsciously picked up a guy from the side and pointed at the female corpse: "I, I I warn you! Don't give me all these things, just lie down and lie back in the freezer obediently for me!"

The voice was so loud that it even echoed in the small room.

Female Corpse: ...

When Wang Yongqing saw the female corpse motionless, he burst into tears in fright: "Even if I beg you, I still have to work tomorrow!"

"I think I go to work in 007 every day, and earn a salary of less than [-] every day. It's easy for me. Now you still deal with these unnatural incidents for me. If you continue to do this, I will really die with you!"

Perhaps a certain sentence hit the spot of the female corpse. The female corpse really took a few steps back, and then crawled back into the freezer very obediently, and closed the door of the freezer by the way.

Wang Yongqing: ...

Are unnatural events so easy to talk about now?
Even so, Wang Yongqing still didn't dare to slack off. He stared at the freezer for a long time, and seeing that there was really no response, he carefully exited the room where the freezer was placed.

Wang Yongqing returned to the reclining chair, always felt that what happened just now was too bizarre, he couldn't be dreaming, right?

After all, there are all kinds of weird things in dreams.

Thinking about it, Wang Yongqing raised his hand and squeezed his thigh fiercely.

'hiss! '

What a fucking pain!

It's not a dream!
Forget it, whether it's a dream or not, let's go to sleep first, even if it's not a dream, if that supernatural event wants to harm him, he can do it just now.

Thinking of this, Wang Yongqing didn't care about anything else, and fell into a deep sleep.

Moonlight shines through the glass windows into the room where the freezer is kept.

There are three floors in the freezer. The cabinet on the right side of the top floor suddenly moved, and then it was slowly opened from the inside.

A pale hand was exposed, and the fingertips were abnormally white.

(End of this chapter)

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