Chapter 493 Xiao Fei Run!

Immediately afterwards, a headless female corpse crawled out slowly.

The pace is slow.

The female corpse jumped out of the freezer, glanced at the office where Wang Yongqing was, and then slowly disappeared into the room.

The camera facing the freezer in the upper left corner of the room was flashing a red light. The moment the female corpse disappeared, the red light flickered a few times, and then there was a slight 'crack' sound, and the red light gradually disappeared.

Wang Yongqing on the recliner seemed to be dreaming, muttered something, turned around, and didn't notice any abnormalities in this room at all.

at the same time.

Ren Fei had a nightmare.

Ren Fei heard from an old man when she was very young that when she realized that she was dreaming but couldn’t wake up anyway, it meant that it was a nightmare. According to the local prescription, drinking a little brown rice barley soup can solve the nightmare.

But the old man didn't tell her how to wake up from the nightmare.

Ren Fei didn't know where she was, it was pitch black all around, and there was a damp smell in the air, as if something was moldy, making people want to vomit.

Ren Fei is very scared now, but because she clearly knows that she is in a dream, she is not so scared.

This is a very strange feeling. The fear is due to the dark environment around her, which is given to her by the unknown.

Not so scared, because she knows that no matter what, she will not be hurt in real life.

At this time, a flame flashed not far away, crackling, like the sound of something rubbing against the ground.

It was empty all around, with no walls to lean on at all.

Ren Fei could only curl up, hugged her knees tightly, and stared at the only direction in the darkness where the fire had flashed.

Gradually, Ren Fei finally heard the voice clearly.

It was a sound made by a sharp object dragging on the ground and rubbing against the ground.

Ren Fei was staring at that direction in a daze, and suddenly felt that her hair seemed to be grabbed by a big hand, causing her scalp to hurt.

Ren Fei couldn't help screaming, and raised her head subconsciously, but met a pair of cold and dark eyes.

And beside her, an ax was extremely sharp.

Ren Fei's heart trembled suddenly, and her eyes widened suddenly.

The man didn't even give her time to react, only to see a flash of silver light.

Ren Fei closed her eyes subconsciously, but the expected pain did not come.

Ren Fei slowly opened her eyes, and the man next to her disappeared. Beside her, the sharp ax was lying quietly beside her.

"Little Fei! Run!"

Suddenly, a sharp voice came.

"Sister!" Ren Fei called out subconsciously.

"elder sister!"

Ren Fei cried out and opened her eyes suddenly. When she saw the familiar ceiling of the dormitory, she was still a little dazed.

"Xiaofei, are you having nightmares again?"

Xu Ting was also woken up, looked outside at the still dark sky, rubbed her eyes and murmured.

For the past two days, Ren Fei would have nightmares whenever she slept.

"I'm sorry, Tingting, I woke you up." Ren Fei said apologetically.

Xu Ting got out of bed and took a sip of water, "It's okay, I understand, if there is no news from your sister today, let's go to the police station again."

"Yeah, okay." Ren Fei wiped the sweat from her forehead and nodded dully.

"The results of this monthly exam have come out, and the students have made great progress, especially Gu Huo!"

Xia Qing stood on the podium and used the last 5 minutes of class to hold a small meeting.

It was the first time that Gu Huo, who was named, felt the praise from his studies, and he was a little inexplicably shy.

After less than half a year of training, Gu Huo has been able to pass the single-digit exam. This is a casual thing for anyone in the first class, but it is a huge improvement for Gu Huo.

"My child, I have passed!"

Gu Huo pushed the test paper of comprehensive science to Cen Shu like offering a treasure. This time, Gu Huo performed supernormally in comprehensive science and achieved a good score of two hundred and two.

This is no longer a passing mark, but a chance to hit a book.

Cen Shu glanced lightly, then pulled Shi Fei's test paper.

Seeing the bright total score of 256 on Shi Fei's answer sheet, Gu Huo silently pulled back the test paper.

Shi Fei glanced at the answer sheet that was put into the drawer by Cen Shu. If she read it correctly just now, Shu Shu's total score of reasoning was 289?

Shi Fei looked at Gu Huo who was still asking Shushu for a reward with pity, and turned her head silently.

"By the way, kid, haven't you followed that author? Have you read his latest report?"

Gu Huo took out his mobile phone from the drawer, and the article posted just 10 minutes ago was still fresh and hot.

The page views are high.

When Gu Huo watched it just now, there were not many comments, but now there are dozens of comments.

This reporter is also awesome, since what the police discovered yesterday, he can write about it today.

And it's quite true.

Of course, there must be exaggeration in it.

Cen Shu looked at the article and responded softly.

The article was not long, Cen Shu glanced briefly, frowning slightly.

This Zhao Yi...

"Zhao Yi! Do you want coffee? My treat."

Li Wang walked to the work station in the corner, raised his hand and patted the man in a suit on the work station.

Zhao Yi was thinking about something when he was suddenly photographed. A stern look subconsciously flashed in his eyes, then disappeared, showing a harmless expression, and gently refused: "Thank you, Brother Li, I appreciate it."

"Hey! It's okay, you know, it just happens to be paid today."

Li Wang looked at Zhao Yi with a smile, and glanced at the document he had just closed from the corner of the eye, "Zhao Yi, you are really good, you only came to the company in such a short time, and you only wrote three articles in total, and it exploded all at once. Two articles, how do you let us old people live!"

"Brother Li, you also know that I don't like to drink those things." Zhao Yi shook his thermos, indicating that there is still water in it, "Today's article was actually lucky. When I was researching the last article, I just checked When we arrived, that sister seemed to be living in Guilong Community too..."

Then why didn't he have such good luck?

Could this Zhao Yi be possessed by Conan? ?

Wherever you go, there are murders.

"Then don't drink anything, just eat something. Let's go, I'll take you to eat delicious food. Isn't there a Japanese food restaurant nearby recently? I heard it's delicious, let's go and try it with my brother."

Li Wang and his brother pawed Zhao Yi's shoulder well, and said with a smile.

The smile on Zhao Yi's face remained unchanged, but he slowly brushed away Li Wang's hand, raised his head to look at Li Wang, and said word by word:

"Thank you Brother Li, I really don't want to eat."

Li Wang's smile froze on his face.

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, cute!
  good night~
(End of this chapter)

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