Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 494 Confirmation of the deceased

Chapter 494 Confirmation of the deceased

Inexplicably, Li Wang felt a chill from Zhao Yi's smiling face.

Immediately, a wave of nameless anger rushed into his brain. Zhao Yi was just a small newcomer. He invited him to show him face. What made Li Wang even more angry was that he was overwhelmed by such a small newcomer. up? !
He felt the indistinct gaze projected from around him, and the anger in his heart grew even worse.

"Zhao Yi, what do you mean?"

Li Wang's voice rose sharply, startling the other colleagues who were working around him.

Zhao Yi raised his hand and pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose, and said in a light voice, "Brother Li, I just don't feel well and don't want to go out for dinner. Why are you so angry?"


Li Wang felt those gazes as if they were on his back.

"Brother Li, I know you are worried that I will take away your position as the first editor. Don't worry, I won't do that. I will resign voluntarily when June is over this year."

Zhao Yi still had a harmless smile on his face, and spoke softly. In contrast, Li Wang looked more like he had been poked at a pain point and was out of breath.

Discussions began to sound around, and Li Wang vaguely heard his name. As for what was being discussed, he couldn't hear it very clearly.

"You! You wait for me!"

Li Wang gritted his teeth and said viciously.

It's all because Zhao Yiping pretended to be too honest. Li Wang knew that if he continued to develop like this, he would be the only one who would be damaged in his reputation.

Putting down the harsh words, Li Wang left the office angrily.

Zhao Yi glanced at the back of Li Wang leaving, and there was a slight chill in his eyes behind the lens, idiot!
'ding dong'

At this time, Zhao Yi's mobile phone rang at his work station, and it was a WeChat message.

"The document has been reviewed, and it has been sent to the mailbox. Please check it carefully. If you have any questions, I hope Teacher Zhao can point out at any time~"

The text is quite long, and there is a cute emoticon package at the back.

The WeChat profile picture of the other party is a cat smelling flowers, a British shorthair cat with three flowers, and the cat is very cute.

Zhao Yi pushed the mirror frame, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, with a slight smile.

His fingertips touched the screen unhurriedly, like an experienced hunter.

"What?! The body is gone?"

Qiu Hui sent his daughter to school today, and it was rare that he was more than ten minutes late. He had just entered the detachment, and before he had time to enter the forensic room, he saw his apprentice hurried out of the office.

Wang Yongqing's complexion was very ugly. Because he didn't sleep well, he had a big pimple on the corner of his mouth, and now he felt anxious that he was about to get pimple again.

After he lay back on the chair yesterday, he quickly fell asleep. When he woke up, he could only vaguely remember what happened last night. Thinking about it, he was not at ease, so he went to check the room where the corpse was placed, but the corpse was gone. up!
Could it be that the female corpse that he saw last night that could stand up was real and not his hallucination?

"Has the surveillance checked?" Qiu Hui quickly calmed down and asked.

Wang Yongqing shook his head, he just found out that he was going out, and he hadn't had time yet.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look together." Qiu Hui quickened his pace.

The two soon came to the monitoring room.

Just after explaining the purpose of coming, the police officers in the monitoring room retrieved the surveillance during that period, but when the timeline was drawn to the place where Wang Yongqing was the devil, a large snowflake suddenly appeared on the video.

The subsequent monitoring is also snowflakes, and nothing can be seen.

"In the meantime, did any strangers enter the forensic room?" Qiu Hui just asked, thinking it shouldn't be, because it was already past midnight when he returned home last night. Not to mention that there should be no thieves who can't think about it, come to the criminal police detachment to steal the body, right?
Sure enough, after some inspection, the two found nothing.

Coming out of the monitoring room, Wang Yongqing was dejected, "Master, what I saw last night may not be a hallucination."

The loss of a dead body is not a small matter. A place with such strong security as the criminal police detachment can still lose a dead body. If it spreads, it is a shame for the trust of the citizens in them.

Qiu Hui lit a cigarette and frowned. Even if he believed Wang Yongqing's words, what about the others?

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, no one is allowed to become a spirit. Who can believe this set of rhetoric that the corpse ran out by itself?
But if you don't believe it, the detachment is so big. The surveillance at the entrance of the forensic room shows that Wang Yongqing has not been out of the house all night. The forensic room is so big. Apart from the corpse flying away by itself, Qiu Hui can't think of any other possibility.

"Come on, let's go back and have a look."

Qiu Hui opened the door of the freezer room, and opened the freezer where the headless female corpse was stored, only to find that the female corpse was lying quietly in the freezer, motionless.

Seemingly aware of his master's strange expression, Wang Yongqing walked in from the door, and when he saw the female corpse, he froze in place.

This is impossible. He was obviously not there when he checked it just now. Could it be that the corpse ran back by itself?

What about playing here? !
Qiu Hui breathed a sigh of relief, no matter what, the body was still there.

If the body is lost, it’s okay for the relatives who haven’t found the body yet. Once the relatives come to ask someone, they can’t give it away.

Qiu Hui is very satisfied with his apprentice, and has no plans to replace him before retiring.

"But..." Wang Yongqing still couldn't believe it, he was sure and sure, when he just checked, the body was not here.

Qiu waved his hand, "Yongqing, you may have just woke up and misread it in a daze, you should go to the cafeteria to have a meal first, isn't there a beef noodle shop outside, you can try it .”

Qiu Hui didn't want his apprentice to be serious, so he sent Wang Yongqing out for a walk.

How could Wang Yongqing not understand what his master meant, sighed softly in his heart, answered, and walked out of the forensic room.

He might really be hallucinating, and he needs to blow some air to calm down.

Not long after he walked out of the forensic room, he turned the corner and bumped into a girl who was hurriedly walking towards this side.

The girl looked a little dazed, her face was slightly pale, and there were still tears on her face, as if she had just cried, her eyes were still red.

With such a collision, the girl staggered back a few steps, but fortunately she was supported by another girl beside her, so she didn't fall down.

"Xiao Fei, are you okay?"

Xu Ting was a little worried.

Ren Fei stood up slowly while leaning on the wall, without looking at Wang Yongqing, and ran forward staggeringly.

In the forensic room, not long after Wang Yongqing left, Qiu Hui's cell phone rang.

As soon as the connection was made, Captain Gu's deep voice was heard.

"The identity of the deceased has been confirmed. His name is Ren Ying."

(End of this chapter)

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