Chapter 495 Leaving Her
nine days ago.

Ren Ying hung up the phone, feeling vaguely regretful, she shouldn't have complained so much to a child, maybe that child just accidentally made a wrong call, but she passed so many negative emotions to a child.

Thinking about it, he accidentally slipped his foot, knocked over the powder for the guests, and accidentally splashed the soup on the man.

This is a man in a black windbreaker and a mask, covering his whole body tightly, only revealing a pair of dark eyes.

Ren Ying hurriedly said sorry, took out a few paper towels to wipe the man's clothes, it was obvious that the down jacket on her body was almost wet.

The man sideways dodged Ren Ying's outstretched hand, his dark pupils couldn't tell if he was angry or something, and he took out a few pieces of paper to wipe it clean.

At this time, there was only one chef in the back kitchen, and there were not many orders. Seeing the situation in the lobby, the back chef also ran out, reprimanded Ren Ying, and then nodded and bowed to the man to apologize.

The man waved his hand.

After the chef went back to the back kitchen, he made another serving for the man, and added an egg and some beef, and the matter was over.

Ren Ying went to the bathroom to change clothes, but at this moment her mood was extremely low.

In an instant, I felt that my eyes were completely dark, and I didn't even know who I was working so hard for.

In an instant, the resentment towards her sister and the longing for her dead parents reached the extreme in her heart. Ren Ying called the owner of the fried chicken shop and expressed her willingness not to work part-time.

The boss was surprisingly easy-going, agreed to Ren Ying's resignation, and said that the money from the part-time job in the past half month would be settled to her.

After hanging up the phone, Ren Ying felt unprecedented relief.

After changing her clothes, Ren Ying called the owner of the store and the factory. While doing these things, Ren Ying was very calm.

I glanced at the only 1000 yuan left in the phone, thought about it, and transferred it to my sister.

In fact, what my sister said is quite right. She herself has never been to high school, so she can't empathize with the pressure of those studies.

She is too tired today, she wants to live for herself, even if it is only for one day.

Thinking, Ren Ying walked out of the bathroom.

She used the remaining money in WeChat to buy nearly a hundred barbecues, both meat and vegetarian, moved a bench and sat at the folding table waiting for the boss to bake.

In the past, she passed by the barbecue stand countless times, but she was always discouraged.

Since the death of her parents, she has never had snacks or entertainment anymore. She is either at work or on the way to work every day. She is like a tireless spinning top. Her only wish is to hope that her younger sister can study hard and stand out. .

However, she seemed to be putting too much pressure on her sister, so that her sister became stiff with her, and said angry words that she never wanted to see her again.

In fact, Ren Ying knew clearly in her heart, and also knew that what her sister said was all angry words.

It still hurts to hear it.

"Girl? Girl?" The proprietress came to the seat with a plate of roasted vegetables, and yelled when she saw that Ren Ying was in a daze.

Ren Ying came back to her senses, "What's the matter, lady boss?" The barbecue seller was a couple who looked about 50 years old.

"Girl, did something happen to you? Why did you cry so well?"

the proprietress asked with concern.

Now is not the peak season for eating barbecue, and there are not many people eating barbecue at the stalls.

Ren Ying touched her cheek subconsciously, but found that she had already burst into tears at some point.

"No, I just thought of some unhappy things." Ren Ying shook her head and wiped away her tears with a piece of paper.

The proprietress had met many people, and knew that Ren Ying didn't want to say anything, so she sighed softly, "Young people nowadays, don't put too much pressure on yourself, you should eat and drink, don't take anything to heart .”

Ren Ying nodded, and mechanically picked up the barbecue and ate it.

Seeing this, the proprietress didn't say anything. Many things cannot be solved with just a few words. In this society, it is not easy for anyone to survive.

Ren Ying sat on the bench eating barbecue by herself, not eating at all, more like stuffing. For so many years, she has never eaten three meals regularly, and she has a small stomach problem. At this time, she can clearly feel that her stomach has It was so bloated that she couldn't eat anymore, but she kept stuffing it into her mouth.

Until the end, the proprietress couldn't stand it any longer, and gave her a refund for what she didn't eat, and gave her a cup of soy milk.

Holding the warm soy milk, Ren Ying stood in the busy street, feeling a little sour inexplicably.

Many times, when a person is frustrated, some warmth from strangers is touching.

Ren Ying thought for a while, and walked towards the subway with the soy milk.

The subway here is nearly an hour away from Guilong Community, which can be said to be a ride from beginning to end. The only advantage is that there is no need to transfer.

Coming out of the subway exit, the sky was completely dark.

The security of Guilong Community is not good, especially the road from the subway to the entrance of the community is very dark. The street lights have been broken for a long time, and no one has come to fix them.

Every time she walks this distance, Ren Ying is very scared.

At this point in time, standing at the exit of the subway, few lights are on.

Thinking about it, Ren Ying walked towards the community quickly.

But before he took a few steps, he felt that there seemed to be someone behind him.

At the beginning, Ren Ying didn't think too much, but the footsteps were neither far nor near, as if deliberately keeping a distance from her.

Ren Ying's heart was raised in an instant, and there was a darker journey ahead.

Just when Ren Ying was debating whether to run over.

Suddenly, a big hand suddenly covered her mouth and nose from behind.

There is no surveillance around here at all, it is pitch black, and few people will come over. Ren Ying struggled violently, but her strength was no match for that person.

In the process of struggling, she vaguely smelled a smell of beef powder, which was somewhat familiar.

But before she could remember, her eyes went dark and her body went limp.

A few minutes later, only the overturned soy milk remained on the ground, flowing all over the floor.

"Sister, sister!"

Ren Fei stumbled to the door of the forensic room, and just about to knock on the door, the door was opened from the inside.

Qiu Hui looked at the teary-eyed little girl in front of him, and sighed, "Hello, Ren Fei, I'm Qiu Hui, the forensic doctor. I heard from Captain Gu that you insisted on seeing your sister's body, but according to the team's regulations, in the future Before the case is solved, relatives are not allowed to watch it.”

In fact, Gu Hui said hello, and if relatives insisted on seeing it, it was not impossible, but Qiu Hui was afraid that the little girl would not accept it.

After all, she was Ren Fei's own sister!
Ren Fei tightly grasped Qiu Hui's cuff, her voice choked up, "Qiu Forensic Doctor, I beg you, I want to see my sister, just take a look."

The most feared thing finally became a reality. Ren Fei couldn't believe that her sister would really leave her.

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, cute!
  good night!
(End of this chapter)

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