Chapter 509 What a pity
Zhao Yi's expression froze.

At this time, he was the only one in the detention room, so this hand...

Zhao Yi lowered his head slowly, and met a pair of hollow skull eyes, and the hand holding his foot was extremely pale, exuding a strong stench.


Goosebumps all over Zhao Yi's body, he quickly kicked the hand away and jumped up from the chair. He swore that he had never passed so fast in his life.

The woman's hair was disheveled, she looked like she had been dead for a long time, maggots were crawling all over her body, her hair was on top, etc.

"Ho ho ho!" The woman grinned, and countless maggots fell down.

The maggots seemed to be conscious, crawling towards Zhao Yi at an extremely fast speed.

Zhao Yi was so disgusted that he almost vomited out the next day's meal.

This woman, he knew.

Because it was so stupid, Zhao Yi just used some tricks, and this stupid woman was easily fooled, and even regarded him as Xuancheng's only friend.

Zhao Yi used some means to hide the woman on the beam of the public toilet.

In order to wait for the next target.

Looking at Liang Yue's graceful back, Zhao Yi grinned slightly, showing a sinister smile.

Just when Zhao Yi fell into memory, the woman had crawled to his side unknowingly.

Pale hands grabbed Zhao Yi's neck tightly, just like he did to her back then.

A strong sense of suffocation came, Zhao Yi's eyes bulged, and red bloodshot eyes instantly covered the entire white of his eyes.

He was clearly on the verge of death, but Zhao Yi felt an indescribable excitement and grinned.

"Come on, you ghosts only have these abilities?"

Madness flashed across Zhao Yi's eyes.

The woman was taken aback.

"is it?"

Another cold voice sounded.

This time it was Zhao Yi who froze in place.

As soon as the voice fell, the scene in front of Zhao Yi suddenly changed. This place was no longer the detention room of the detachment, but a certain corner of the village.

Vicious words kept ringing in my ears.

It stimulated Zhao Yi's eardrums.

It's obviously an illusion, but these pain sensations are all real.

Zhao Yi was protecting important parts, and suddenly felt that there was something in his pocket that threatened him.

Zhao Yi subconsciously reached out and touched a sharp fruit knife. He took it out from his pocket, and shouted at several people, "Get out! Get out!"

The sharp knife pointed at several people, and the fists and feet stopped for a moment.

Just when Zhao Yi breathed a sigh of relief, he was suddenly kicked in the buttocks.

"Just you? Come on, poke it in if you have the ability! Coward! Poor guy!"

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, I love you guys~
  good night!
(End of this chapter)

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