Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 510 There Is Something Dirty

Chapter 510 There Is Something Dirty

Everyone else stopped when they heard that.

It was the end of autumn, and these people were wearing a lot of clothes. The leader pulled down the zipper, opened the leather jacket, and exposed his belly to Zhao Yi.

With a disdainful smile on his face.

"Come on, Zhao Yi! Stab it in!"

When the man spoke, he laughed wildly, his voice was full of disdain, and his fat belly trembled with his movements.

Zhao Yi tightly held the knife in his hand, and there were bursts of ridicule in his ears, which were sharp and piercing.


You are a piece of trash!

Zhao Yi bit his lips tightly, the sweet and fishy smell filled his mouth, the sharp edge of the knife cut his finger, stinging his nerves.

Obviously, the knife was in his hand, but he didn't dare to move it.

The body seemed to be sealed in place by something.

Seeing this, the others laughed more and more.

"Coward! Even if I lend you a hundred guts, you won't be able to hold back!"

"Hurry up and hide in your old mother's arms and cry for milk, coward!"


Zhao Yi's eyes were bloodshot, and he stared fixedly at the sharp knife in his hand, allowing another wave of punches and kicks to fall on him.

Just when Zhao Yi was still hesitating whether to extend the sharp knife, a penetrating voice suddenly appeared in his ears.


It seemed to be mocking Zhao Yi's cowardice.

Immediately afterwards, the people around him and the surrounding scenes disappeared.

Zhao Yi sat down on the ground, panting heavily, as if everything just now was his fantasy.

But that extremely sarcastic voice has been lingering in his ears, and it can't dissipate for a long time.

Always remind him.

He, Zhao Yi, is just a coward who bullies the weak and fears the hard.


When Gu Hui came to the detention room, what he saw was Zhao Yi sitting on the ground with a pale face and lost his soul.

Zhao Yi's mouth moved and he muttered something.

Gu Hui was a little surprised. The guards looked fierce, so they wouldn't be able to scare ordinary people into such a state.

And looking at Zhao Yi's appearance, it was more like a nightmare.

Curious, Gu Hui leaned forward and heard Zhao Yi muttering to himself.

"I'm not a coward, I'm not a coward, Lin Ling deserves to die, it's her indiscretion, she deserves to die!"

And Lin Ling was the name of the female corpse found in the public toilet.

Gu Hui was taken aback for a moment, but immediately reacted, his expression froze.

"It's recovering pretty well."

Villa backyard.

Lu Miao lay obediently and dully on the recliner, with a cashmere blanket over her body.

Dao Feng lay obediently at Cen Shu's feet, yawned lazily, and stared at Lu Miao's flushed face with a pair of round eyes, with a little sympathy in his eyes.

"Shu Shu, Miao, Lu Miao, is he really alright?" Shi Fei sat on another chair, holding a small sun umbrella in her hand, with obvious worry on her slightly rosy face.

As she said that, Shi Fei raised her hand and covered Lu Miao's body with the blanket that Lu Miao quietly removed.

There is a kind of coldness that makes your girlfriend think you are cold.

Since Lu Miao was accidentally recruited last time, Shi Fei suddenly became domineering, and became Lu Miao's girlfriend with an extremely strong personality, the kind that others are not allowed to reject.

Lu Miao's face was flushed, and his forehead was covered with sweat. He looked at Cen Shu in despair, his dark eyes filled with pleas for help.

Cen Shu glanced at the two of them, her lips curled up slightly, "Well, it would be nice to have more exposure to the sun."

Without any doubt, Shi Fei silently moved the parasol over Lu Miao's head a little further.

Lu Miao, who was almost to death from the sun:?
The sound of steady footsteps came from behind, Cen Shu turned her head and met a pair of deep eyes.

"The hot pot is ready."

Lu Si took off his suit and wore a cute apron. Xiao Xiaolian showed a small head from the pocket of the apron, and looked at Cen Shu with mung bean-sized eyes.

Cen Shu responded, and very naturally took Lu Si and stretched out her hand, "Let's go."

Dao Feng got up immediately, glanced at Lu Miao who was still basking in the sun, and followed leisurely.

Under Cen Shu's strong suggestion, Lu Si finally turned the red oil pot into a mandarin duck pot.

"I remember that time at the resort, someone came suddenly, looking full of secrets..."

Cen Shu ate a piece of fat beef, glanced at the man carrying the plate into the pot, and said pointedly.

Lu Si's hands paused slightly, and a smile flashed in his eyes: "Is Shanshan angry?"

When it was over, before Cen Shu could speak, she said in a nostalgic tone: "I haven't seen Shanshan get angry for a long time."

Cen Shu: ...

Cen Shu: "Oh."

Dao Feng squatted by the table and wagged his tail, with a little curiosity in his ignorant eyes, he always felt that the atmosphere was a bit subtle.

"Shanshan, I want to eat fat beef." Lu Si looked at the bowl of fat beef that Cen Shu had picked up, with a rather coquettish tone.

Cen Shu glared at someone fiercely, and knew that Lu Si didn't want to talk about this matter.

[Host, you can't spoil him like this! 】Xiaohua can't stand it anymore. She is obviously her little partner who has lived with her host for more than ten years. Why is this difference in treatment so serious?

Lu Si glanced at the small circle of light on Cen Shu's shoulder, a faint green light flashed in the bottom of his eyes, and the outline of the small circle of light seemed to be clearer, and he could even faintly hear the sound of chirping.

[Host, I want to protest! 】

【Host, why are you being so nice to this little black lotus? He won't tell you any secrets! 】


Lu Si took the meatballs out of the pot and put them in Cen Shu's bowl, a faint light flashed in his ink eyes, he raised his hand, and bounced the little flowers away very naturally and calmly.

The little flower that became a parabola in the air and then fell freely:?

Cen Shu glanced at Lu Si with a questioning look.

"There's something dirty." The corners of Lu Si's lips curled slightly, and his tone was casual.

After rolling several times on the ground, Xiaohua just got up from the ground:? ? ?


"Finally, it's the weekend again. This night's self-study is not for people. Every evening self-study has a weekly test, and I'm about to throw up."

"Yeah, I really envy Cen Shu, Jujue doesn't care about her, she seems to ask for leave again."

"Others are academic masters, but we are scumbags when we compare each other. Let's go quickly, I'm starving to death, and go out to have a late-night supper later."

The lights in the classroom were quickly turned off, and the corridor was quiet again from the noise.

The cold moonlight spilled into the room through the glass windows of the classroom.

The singing after school gradually came to an end, and the noisy campus finally returned to calm.

Rong Meng looked at Wu San who had written countless times on the desk, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

An indescribable sense of loneliness spread in my heart.

She should be satisfied to be able to take the college entrance examination again, but why is she not as excited and excited as before?

She... shouldn't think so?

Is she... is she too greedy?


"No, you are not wrong."

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, cute!
  good night!
(End of this chapter)

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