Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 511 The Fox Tail Finally Revealed

Chapter 511 The Fox Tail Finally Revealed

A strange but bewitching voice suddenly appeared.

Rong Meng was taken aback for a moment, subconsciously raised her head and looked around.

There are no people and no ghosts.

From beginning to end, she was alone.

She has always been alone...

Rong Meng lowered her head, her clean and white school uniform faintly exuded a faint black air.

"Why is this world so unfair? Why is it you who got in the car? Why did God make such a big joke on you?"

That voice appeared again, full of anger and deep resentment.

Rong Meng's clear eyes seemed to be stained with a thin layer of mist, and something seemed to smudge in the pitch-black eyes, and the large area of ​​black was like ink accidentally dripping into the clear water.

Soon, Rong Meng's eyes became pitch black.

Yeah, why her?
She obviously tried so hard to escape from that family and such a father, why did she play such a joke on her when she was most hopeful?

So many years of studying hard, swallowing and trembling now seems like a joke.

Why? !

In the quiet campus, an unknown black air suddenly burst out from the classroom of class one, making quite a noise, but no one who slept in the campus dormitory could hear it.

The bird perched on the branch was startled, flapping its wings and flying away.

And the last row of seats in a classroom is covered with dust, as if no one has ever used it.

A corner of Xuancheng.

It had just rained lightly in the evening, and the ground was still a little wet at this time.

Summer is coming soon, and there are many barbecue stalls set up on the whole street. At night, the charcoal fire fragrance fills the whole street, which is very attractive.

On the farthest corner of the street is a mahjong parlor, with the words 'chess and cards room' written on the rain-soaked billboard.

After two o'clock in the morning, almost the whole city fell into sleep, but this place was still extremely lively.

A group of people, reeking of alcohol, came out of the chess and card room with their faces flushed and their shoulders clasped together.

With a cigarette in the corner of his mouth, he was talking vaguely.

"I said, Lao Rong! It's not a loss for you to raise a daughter!"

"Yeah! My daughter kept clamoring to go to school, and she didn't know what she learned in school. When she came home, she said that I was patriarchal, which made the family restless. She really read to her ass. !"

"Hey, old Liu, what you said is wrong. Now there is a good saying. The daughter is from China Merchants Bank, and the son is from China Construction Bank. They should read more books. When the time comes, you are afraid that you will not get married. money?"

"Yes, look at the daughter of Lao Rong's family. She is good at studying. If there is no accident, she must be a promising future. Even if there is an accident, the compensation is enough for Lao Rong to take care of herself. What a deal. !"

The four walked out of the chess and card room shoulder to shoulder and found a barbecue stall to sit down.

One, a man of about 50, wearing a black leather jacket and a large gold chain around his neck, remained silent.

The person next to him pushed him with his elbow: "Old Rong, what's the matter? Are you not happy after winning the money?"

Ronghua took a puff of cigarette and exhaled a puff of white smoke: "The right eyelid is always twitching."

They are the most superstitious people.

Jump right eye jump Choi disaster.

"Come on, you can still win so much money by right-eyed jumping? The three of us are bleeding profusely today, and my mother-in-law must be nagging again!"

The other two followed suit, clamoring for Ronghua's treat.

Ronghua was drunk, and when he heard those flattering words, he suddenly became exhilarated, and waved his hand: "If you treat me, treat me."

After the three of them listened, they added some more wine.

After a round of drinking, the four of them were almost delirious.

Start saying something with color.

The table was also eaten into a mess, and several people were about to leave.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew over from the entrance of the street. Coincidentally, the rest of the tables next to it were not affected, only Ronghua's table was blown over by the wind, and the empty beer bottle fell to the ground.

Makes a crackling sound.

"Fuck! Why is this wind so strange, it blows towards us?"

"I haven't finished eating this dish yet. It's all wasted. I want to take some back to feed my youngest son."

"Brother Rong, what's wrong with you?"

The three subconsciously stretched out their hands to block, but Ronghua didn't move at all, his eyes widened suddenly, and he looked straight ahead, full of horror.

Ronghua looks pretty handsome, even now that he is older, he looks much younger than his peers.

At the beginning, he married his wife by virtue of this skin.

"Dream, dream dream..."

Ronghua's face was pale, looking at the figure in front of him, he murmured.

"Brother Rong, what are you talking about? Didn't Rong Meng die early?"

"Yeah, didn't something happen to Rong Meng a few years ago? Rong, Brother Rong, don't scare us!"

"That's right, Brother Rong, are you afraid you're drunk?"

Rong Meng's body was filled with thick black air, her eyes were red, she was wearing an old school uniform, her whole body was swollen, and her exposed skin was extremely pale.

Seeing Ronghua's frightened and frightened expression, his pale lips slowly parted.

"You... damn it."

Rong Hua's pupils shrank suddenly, and he watched Rong Meng approaching him at an extremely fast speed, and his pale hands tightly strangled his neck.

The surprised voices of the other three rang in their ears.

"Brother Rong! Brother Rong, what's wrong with you?"

"Yes, Brother Rong, why are you pinching your own neck?"

"Ho ho ho!"

Ronghua looked at the few people who came up, his eyes were full of pleading for help, "Help, save me..."

Just three words, almost squeezed out from between the teeth.

Rong Meng looked into Rong Hua's despairing eyes with an expression of enjoyment.

There was a voice in my ear all the time.

"This is the man! Kill him!"

"Why can he live freely with your compensation money? Why? Kill him and you will be free."

Rong Meng tilted her head, watching Rong Hua's appearance before death, the blood in her eyes deepened a little.


A small voice sounded.

The three of them gave a helping hand, and watched Ronghua strangle his neck tightly. Several bloodstains were scratched on his neck, then his head tilted, and his body fell limply.


Ronghua fell to the ground, breathless.


Screams rang through the sky.

at the same time.

Cen's villa.

Cen Shu suddenly opened her eyes.

On the desk, the talisman seal placed on the far left suddenly ignited without fire.

It emits a faint blue light.

"Woman, what happened?" Yazi jumped onto the bed with a little worry in her purple pupils.

Cen Shu's fingertips moved slightly, her lips curled up slightly, and her voice was a little playful, "The fox's tail is finally exposed."

Yazi was taken aback.

"Someone is provoking me."

Cen Shu got up and got out of bed, looked at the talisman that had turned into ashes, narrowed her almond eyes, "I'm really looking forward to it."

 (Little cuties, Chapter [-] has been blocked, woo woo woo, it may feel a bit abrupt when you read it, but Beef is already trying its best to apply for lifting the ban! Let me tell you here, lest the cuties will find it strange.)
  Thank you for your votes, cute~
  good night!
(End of this chapter)

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