Chapter 514 The Girl's Ending
The man put his arms around the shit-shoveling officer's waist and told Yunyun, expressing his distress for the shit-shoveling officer in his words.

Only then did the black cat know that on the day the shit-shoveling officer brought it home, the man was coming out of the store where the shit-shoveling officer worked.

Shit Shovel Officer finally found a rich second generation who loves her very much.

The black cat thought, it should be happy, but it couldn't be happy no matter what.

Because, it discovered one thing, that is, its excrement shovel officer doesn't seem to like eating ham sausage.

The black cat is not a simple cat, it is a cat that has wandered on the streets since childhood, and has been invincible all over the street!
It seems that the shit shovel officer's love for it is not pure.

Since that man came, the shit-shoveling officer became more and more impatient with him, and even didn't come back at all.

It was locked in a small, windowless room and starved for three days before the shit-shoveling officer came back.

When the shit shoveler came back, he no longer had crumpled clothes on his body, but was wearing a famous brand like that man, which the black cat had seen outside the window.

Seeing himself so hungry, the excrement shoveler didn't come forward to comfort him, but looked down at it with a contemptuous smile.

"Let you bastard stay in the same room with me for so long, you should be grateful to Dade."

As he said that, the shit shovel officer, who usually looks very gentle, raised his feet in pointed high-heeled shoes, and kicked it hard on its soft belly.

The black cat screamed in pain. As the street fighter of the whole street, it has never shown its belly to anyone or cats, except for the shit shoveler.

The black cat couldn't remember what happened after that. When it became conscious, it returned to this street again. This was the place it most wanted to return to before it died.

It never saw the woman again.

And that Ruan Li and that woman were colleagues just now.

"But she is innocent." Soi Ying still said the same thing, stubborn like a little old man.

The black cat rolled its eyes very ungraciously, "Meow meow!" It doesn't care, it just doesn't like these people, who look gentle on the surface, but are actually scheming.

Heiying also seemed a little angry: "I don't care, if I see you hurt other people again, I will stop you once."

Black Cat: "..." This woman is really talkative, meddling in her own business.

The black cat glanced at the black mist, and could vaguely see the outline of a girl in the black mist. The girl was looking straight at the brown bear in the window, with a little yearning in her eyes.

The black cat is a little strange, obviously this girl seems to be capable, and entering the window is just a small case for her, why should she stand outside the window and look at it, if you like it, just go in and get it.

Seemingly aware of the black cat's thoughts, the girl hooked her lips and smiled softly: "When I was very young, my father never gambled, and my mother was still by my side..."

As soon as she spoke, the girl's voice choked up.

"My mother said that when I celebrate my birthday, she will buy me a brown bear, but when my next birthday comes, my mother will not be there."

The black cat was silent for a while, "Meow meow..." This is really a sad story.

"So, even if you can get it now, the meaning is different."

Just like the candy that I missed for a long time when I was a child, when I couldn’t eat it, I imagined the taste all day long, but when I grow up, I can easily buy all the candies I wanted to eat at the beginning, and I will find that the taste seems to be that's it.

The girl didn't want the brown bear she was thinking of to become like that.

"Meow..." You humans are so strange.

The black cat pawed in front of the window in bewilderment, and couldn't help muttering.

"You have to believe that the reincarnation of heaven and the cycle of karma, the woman who hurt you must have no good results."

The black cat snorted softly, "Meow!" If you believed in reincarnation, would you still be haunted by ghosts?

The girl was silent.

Seeing the sad look of the girl, the black cat knew that he had said something wrong, and looked at the girl with a pair of vertical green pupils, "Meow..." Don't be angry, it really didn't mean it.

"Thank you, but what qualifications do I have to persuade you?" The girl smiled bitterly.

The black cat is not a cat that can comfort people, it just quietly stays by the girl's side.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps behind him.

The black cat looked behind vigilantly, and was stunned when it saw the person coming.

The girl seemed to know who it was, she didn't even turn her head, "You're here."

The tone is familiar.

"En." The visitor responded casually, and set his sights on the black cat.

The black cat met the man's clear almond eyes, and subconsciously shuddered, shivering.

"Meow!" What are you looking at? !
"Want to see the current situation of that person?"

The voice of the visitor was cold.

The black cat was stunned again, and immediately realized what the man was talking about.

Although I don't know what the origin of this person is, but this person seems to be very familiar with the black mist girl, and a friend who is awesome should also be a friend.

Without hesitation, the black cat meowed at the visitor.

Cen Shu pursed her lips, raised her slender hand lightly, a purple light flew out from her thin white wrist, and landed between the black cat's eyebrows.

The black cat slowly closed its eyes.

"What does your mother mean by that? Do you think my family is poor? You obviously didn't say that when you married me."

In a luxury villa.

A fat woman was wearing pajamas, and the flesh on her body almost filled the clothes.

His face was full of flesh, and because of anger, his expression was a little ferocious.

The man was wearing a suit and smelled of alcohol, apparently he had just come back from a social event.

Hearing the fat woman's sharp cry, with a look of impatience, he pulled his tie, sat down on the sofa casually, and listened silently to the woman's complaints.

"Are you listening? Can't you take care of the housekeeper's affairs?"

The fat woman stretched out her hand and pushed the man.

"Care? How? That's my mother. Although my mother is usually a bit strong, she is not an unreasonable person. Why don't you review it yourself?"

The man looked impatient, and even hated the fat woman's hands and feet, "Besides, you've been married to me for more than a year, right? Your stomach hasn't moved yet, oh no, there's been movement, and you've had a belly full before you gave birth to a child." Are you so big, are you a pig? No wonder my mother can't stand it..."

As soon as the man said the words, the woman exploded in an instant, and started to quarrel with the man.

In fact, the rich second generation is nothing more than a little money.

At the beginning, the woman had exhausted her tricks, and in the end she married someone who was not a good man.

When the black cat saw this, it didn't want to look any longer, and turned its head sideways, a hint of sarcasm flashed in its dark green vertical pupils.

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, cute!
  good night!
(End of this chapter)

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