Lord Lu's little ancestor is a master of metaphysics

Chapter 515 This woman... seems to be a bit capable

Chapter 515 This woman... seems to be a bit capable

The woman tried her best to think that she had found her lover, but her life was still messed up.

The black cat's dark green vertical pupils looked at Cen Shu: "Woman, are you here to save me?"

Xiaohua stood on Cen Shu's shoulder, listening to the black cat's domineering tone, she mourned for the little black cat for a few seconds in her heart.

The person who dared to talk to his host like this last time became a man who became his host, and the other became a cat who became his host.

Cen Shu glanced at the black cat lightly, and her eyes fell on the black mist.

"It's time to go back to homework."

The voice was understated, as if it was just telling a naughty and homeless child to go back to eat.

Hei Wu was taken aback.

"Rong Hua is dead." Cen Shu squatted down, raised her hand and gently stroked Rong Meng's head, "Why don't you want to go back?"

The moment Cen Shu's hand touched Rong Meng, the black mist surrounding Rong Meng disappeared.

At this time, Rong Meng was squatting in front of the window in her school uniform, with her head down, like a child who had done something wrong and was waiting for her parents to teach her a lesson.

And Cen Shu is that parent.

"Shushu... don't you blame me?"

Rong Meng's voice was very small, a little choked up, mixed with a little cautiousness and disbelief.

She killed.

Can she go back to the beginning?

"But, that's not what you thought, right?" A cold light flashed in Cen Shu's eyes, and she took off a black and slender thing from Rong Meng's head, which looked like strands of hair.

The thing wanted to play dead at first, but after Cen Shu used some magic tricks, the thing struggled and wanted to escape.

"This is?"

Rong Meng was a little strange.

"Didn't you hear that sound all the time?" Cen Shu put the black thread into her cuff, and the purple bracelet gave off a faint light, followed by a slight chewing sound, "It's what's causing the trouble."

Rong Meng was taken aback: "Shushu...you know everything?"

Cen Shu chuckled, and patted her on the head reassuringly: "Well, so don't blame yourself."

Even though Rong Meng was bewitched by this thing, he still didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately. When killing Rong Hua, even the other tables and chairs beside the barbecue stall were not overturned.

What a... hard-spoken and soft-hearted little girl.

Afterwards, I was so guilty that a ghost sneaked by the window and saved an innocent person.

Cen Shu sighed softly in her heart, her voice softened a little: "Rong Meng, go back, or that kid Gu Huo will miss you."

Gu Huo, who was staying up all night struggling at home, suddenly yawned.


The next day, early in the morning.

Gu Huo, who hadn't stayed up late for a long time and suddenly stayed up all night, stepped on the bell of the morning reading class, yawned and walked into the classroom.

Subconsciously glanced at the corner of the classroom, and subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the blurred white shadow on the corner seat.

Gu Huo, who originally wanted to lie down for a while to catch up on sleep, was full of energy in an instant.

Rong Meng looked at Cen Shu and Gu Huo with tears in her eyes.

It turned out that after meeting Cen Shu, she was no longer alone.

"Hey, hey! Do you think that the overlord cat is transparent?"

Because the black cat wanted to go back to that street before dying, it was trapped there and became a ground-bound spirit.

After Cen Shu appeared, she untied its connection with that street, but now something happened that made it even more difficult for the black cat to accept.

It is inseparable! ! !
After untiing the bondage of the earth-bound spirit, it can only stay by Cen Shu's side now. This is really an extremely sad thing!
"Woman, when will you save me?" The black cat doesn't want to live this kind of restrained life anymore. It is the wind, and the wind has no center! ! !

Although this sentence was learned from a certain TV series, it is not important, what is important is that it has lost the most precious freedom.

Cen Shu glanced at the frantic black cat standing on the desk, her red lips slightly curled up: "Want to go out?"

The black cat nodded.

"beg me."

Black cat:  …

Cen Shu glanced at Xia Qing who was walking back and forth outside the classroom, took out her textbook and put it on the desk, and was about to lie down.

A sudden gust of wind blew through the open back door of the classroom, carrying a slight chill.

The hair on the black cat's whole body exploded together, staring at the door with round pupils.

I saw, at an unknown time, the female corpse lady appeared at the door.

However, this time, Miss Corpse finally had her head.

Zhao Yi's matter has also been resolved.

With Zhao Yi's self-explosion, Gu Hui quickly found a clue, and found out the connection between Zhao Yi and Li Wang.

The acquaintance between Li En and Zhao Yi was also carefully designed by Zhao Yi. If it is said that Li En just had a tendency to commit murder, then the appearance of Zhao Yi is to reveal the secret hidden in Li En's heart and make his inner desire unlimited. enlarge.

Zhao Yi even provided Li En with mental medicine, and took the opportunity to add some other things to it.

And Zhao Yi didn't seem to have any good resume. The only thing that made Gu Hui more concerned was that after Zhao Yi graduated from undergraduate, he stayed in the capital for two years, but in these two years, Zhao Yi seemed to have disappeared from the world.

Couldn't find any information at all.

Gu Hui is not stupid, there must be someone behind Zhao Yi.

After investigating Zhao Yi's cell phone, Gu Hui discovered that Zhao Yi had been in contact with Ren Fei's roommate, and his next partner seemed to be Ren Fei.

Fortunately, Zhao Yi was caught in time, otherwise Ren Fei and her roommate would be in real danger.

Miss Female Corpse came this time to thank Cen Shu.

Ren Ying looks sweet, and when she smiles, there is a slight dimple at the corner of her mouth.

"Tianshi, thank you."

Ren Ying floated in front of Cen Shu and bowed deeply.

Cen Shu responded, accepting the thank you, and asked softly, "Do you still want to meet your sister?"

Ren Ying was taken aback, then shook her head and smiled, "No need, thank you Heavenly Master, my wish has been fulfilled."

As a sister, Ren Ying has already done everything that a sister can do, and the rest is up to Ren Fei herself.

Thinking, Ren Ying's figure gradually faded and disappeared into the air.

The black cat looked at the place where Ren Ying disappeared, and then glanced at the very calm Cen Shu. This woman... seems to have some skills.


Gu Huo, who had been concentrating on reading, made a sound.

Cen Shu turned her head and met Gu Huo's face that suddenly turned pale.

"what happened?"

"Just now... did something strange appear?"

Just now, Cen Shu's conversation with Ren Ying and the black cat was covered by Cen Shu's spells, and the others could not hear them.

After all, Gu Huo was also a man who had a gift from a snowman.

"Well, it's gone now."

Because the black cat used to be the ground-bound spirit, the soul body was too weak for Gu Huo to perceive it.

Hearing this, Gu Huo patted his chest and heaved a sigh of relief: "It's okay, kid, remind me next time this thing appears, my little heart can't stand this kind of scare."

As soon as the words were finished, before Cen Shu could answer, another gust of wind suddenly blew into the classroom, and the textbooks on the table were blown up, making Gu Huo's face blurred.

Guho: ...

 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, cute!
  good night~
(End of this chapter)

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