Chapter 516 Aren't you a fool?
Cen Shu couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud: "Is this a preview?"

Gu Huo silently took the textbook off his face, turned his head and looked at Cen Shu expressionlessly: "What do you think?"

"Well, it should be."

Cen Shu stopped looking at Gu Huo, but turned her eyes to the desk.

I saw a transparent Thousand Paper Crane lying weakly on the desk. Seeing Cen Shu looking over, he carefully pecked Cen Shu's palm with his beak.

Cen Shu tapped Qian Zhihe's head with her fingertips, and said in a gentle voice, "Understood, thank you, you have worked hard."

The Thousand Paper Crane pressed its small head against Cen Shu's palm, slowly closed its eyes, and dissipated into the air as a puff of green smoke.

"Child, what is this little thing?"

Gu Huo asked curiously.

"you guess?"

Guho: ...

"Don't guess, I'm going to do the quizzes, hum!" Every time there is something interesting, I don't take him to play, which makes him mad.

Cen Shu curled her lips, turned her head and looked out the window, slightly lost in thought.

The thousand paper cranes were contaminated with Yin Yin's soul energy, this time she released twenty thousand paper cranes, only one came back.

According to the direction given by Qianzhihe, it is in the west area of ​​Xuancheng.

"Gu Huo." Cen Shu seemed to think of something, and looked at Gu Huo.


Holding the pen, Gu Huo replied firmly, even if the child apologized to him now, he would not forgive her right away, for sure!
"Do you have a map of XC City?"

Gu Huo: "...?"

Seeing that Gu Huo didn't speak, Cen Shu thought he didn't, so she took out her phone and opened WeChat.

"What are you doing?" Gu Huo said, he definitely didn't forgive her for talking to the child, he was just a little curious.

"Jiang Zhi should have it, preferably in hard copy."

Guho:? ? ?
"Why are you looking for Wanwan? You wait, I will get it for you right away." As he spoke, Gu Huo thought he was very handsome and took the mobile phone from Cen Shu's hand and put it on the table, stood up, straightened his waist, He strode out of the classroom.

The black cat licked its hair gracefully, glanced at Gu Huo who was stopped by Xia Qing just after he walked out of the classroom, a trace of disdain flashed in his emerald green eyes: "I'm afraid this kid is not a fool, right?"

In short, after a lot of effort, Gu Huo took a printed map of XC City and photographed it on Cen Shu's desk, with an expression of 'Is the young master very awesome?'.

Cen Shu suppressed a smile: "Thank you."

Gu Huo raised his chin: "You're welcome."

After thanking her, Cen Shu unfolded the map.

To the west of Xuancheng.

Psychiatric hospitals, nursing homes, the villa area of ​​the Si family, and the Chen family village where Jia Ren stole the hair from the corpse.

Seeing Cen Shu staring at the map in a daze, Gu Huo also nodded.

"What do you want this map for, kid?"

Gu Huo lived in Xuancheng since he was a child, and no one refuted the living map of Xuancheng.

"Hey, isn't this the place where the child went missing?" Obviously, under the influence of Cen Shu, when Gu Huo saw some breaking news, he would subconsciously pay attention to it.

After the announcement of Chen Jia's disappearance was issued, Gu Huo saw it immediately.

Thinking of the child hidden in the snowman, Gu Huo subconsciously pays more attention every time he sees something happen to the child.

"You mean Chen Jia?" Cen Shu narrowed her almond eyes slightly and asked.

Gu Huo nodded without hesitation: "Yes, you saw it too, kid?"

I don't know what happened to Xuancheng recently, all kinds of homicide and disappearance cases made him a little nervous.

Cen responded softly, and his eyes fell on Chenjia Village, the westernmost part of Xuancheng.

"Any news?"

As soon as Cen Yiqing returned to the office from a meeting, Shen Yue called.

"Well, according to the news, Chen Jia doesn't seem to have left the village at all." Shen Yue's tired voice came from the opposite side.

Cen Yiqing frowned: "Have you ever left the village?"

How can this be?

Obviously the police said that Chen Jia came to XC City with her parents to play, and then got lost in the playground, and the pictures released in the announcement were all taken by Chen Jia standing at the gate of the playground.

"You also find it incredible, don't you?"

Shen Yue pinched his brows. When he got the news, he couldn't believe it.

After Cen Yiqing was surprised for a moment, he immediately calmed down.


If it is incredible, he is afraid that he has encountered even more incredible things.

"Old Chen, thank you, I still have something to do..." Cen Yiqing was about to hang up the phone, but Shen Yue stopped him.

"Wait, there's another message."

Shen Yue took out a document from the desk drawer, "Do you still remember that you asked me to investigate Zhao Lijuan's affairs?"

Cen Yiqing was taken aback: "Could it be that you have news?"

"Well, using other means, I finally found some clues."

Shen Yue paused, and continued: "Zhao Lijuan looked pretty good when she was young..."

Cen Yiqing: ...

"I'm not too interested in that."

"Old Cen, don't worry, let me tell you slowly."

Zhao Lijuan was a pretty girl since she was a child, she didn't like reading, and she dropped out of school before even finishing elementary school.

Later, she went out to work and hang out with people in the society, which was one of the reasons why she was so close to Zhu Rui.

Zhao Lijuan went home suddenly, brought a lot of things, and dressed much better than before.

I heard that Zhao Lijuan found a man outside, but no one in Zhaojia Village has ever seen Zhao Lijuan's boyfriend.

After that, Zhao Lijuan disappeared for a long time, and it will be several years before she returns to the village again.

At that time, Zhao Lijuan was already the nanny of the Cen family.

"According to reliable sources, Zhao Lijuan's boyfriend seems to be named Yin and lives in Yin's Village."

Cen Yiqing frowned.

Yin Family Village?
"There is no such village in Xuancheng, right?"

"It is gone now. More than ten years ago, Yinjia Village encountered a mudslide and many people died. The village fell into decline. After the land reform and the like, Yinjia Village became the current Chenjia Village."

"Chen Family Village?" Cen Yiqing couldn't help raising his voice a little bit, "Is it Chen Jia Village where Chen Jia lives now?" Could this be too coincidental?

"Well, it's not a secret. You can find it on the Internet. There were countless deaths and injuries in mudslides back then. It was big news in Xuancheng."

Shen Yue looked through the information in his hand again.

"You think it's a coincidence too, don't you?"

Cen Yiqing responded, seeming to be in deep thought.

"You have investigated the matter to this point, and I don't know if Shushu can be satisfied."

Shen Yue suddenly said this.


Hearing Shushu's name, Cen Yiqing instantly came to his senses.

"With your IQ, you shouldn't be able to think of such a deep level?"

Shen Yue mercilessly denounced the short story.

Cen Yiqing:? ? ?
 The update is complete~
  Thank you for your votes, cute!
  good night!
(End of this chapter)

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